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pineapples for jaguar



So I have this rabbit here. I got extremely bored, so I thought to myself I WILL NOT YELL AND SCREAM. I worked on Pineapple for the Jaguar some more. The most animated I got was asking "why?" a few times. I am so proud of myself. I didn't scare the rabbit. I'm at a good stopping point so I won't do this any more as long as I have the rabbit.


Day two of rabbit owning has begun. He's been a good rabbit except for when he wants to eat his blanket. He likes hay and he really likes the dried apples and bananas I give him. He will eat those instead of his food. I have four more days to go. It was real hot this morning so I opened the window. And then I heard the a/c come on so I closed it. I went to sleep at about 4p.m. and woke up at 4 a.m.


What do I want to do with Pineapple? I don't know if I should have 8 bananas bouncing around or less. I've never gotten to 8 in all my times playing it when there could be 8. Well, anyway, I had a lot of trouble putting in a second level, which is really just a bar in the middle. It doesn't look like it's supposed to. It should have a brick pattern. Right now it's just solid orange and I don't know why.


Now I'm very bored.

  • Haha 1


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