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the "joys" of rabbit ownership.



When you have a pet, it changes things. Sure, I have and love my cat. But everything was okay. This is because cats are independent creatures and all they need is occasional food, water, and petting. Not so with rabbits.


Or at least with the one I was presented with. It likes to terrorize me in ways I couldn't even imagine. If this was my pet, I would have thrown in the towel and said "THIS IS IT. I CAN'T DO THIS ANY MORE." But I can't do that since its owner is in Idaho for vacation. Oh sure, what's a little more terror? I thought it had eaten a cord. It sure looked like a cord. But I checked all my cords of that color and they're all fine. So it must have been really thick hay or something.


It likes to chew on its blanket. It has hay it won't eat. It has rabbit pellents it won't eat. It will only eat the occasional hay, but it loves the dried apples and bananas. And I don't have many left. I doubt it's drank much water if any since it came here. And the cat. It knows something is up. I don't the cat has seen the rabbit though, since I close the door to my room whenever I'm not in it. And when I am in it, I have the door closed.


Or perhaps it's been me working too much on my pineapple game. I think something is up there too but I don't know what. I've done good programming it and not yelling and screaming at it.

Or perhaps it's my blood test I have to get tomorrow. Whatever it is, it's safe to say I'm not feeling very good.

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