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One more day



So I had to leave the bunny (and cat) alone for a couple of hours because I had a doctor's appointment. Turns out I'm fine. I needed some pills but the pharmacy wasn't open yet so I went to Wal-Mart to see if I could find some shirts I could fit into. Then I got some more food at the store and then I came home.


My sister is coming over tomorrow to pick up the rabbit. It would be a good change of pace for the rabbit, who has been stuck in my room for about a week now. I'd like to take it out of the cage, but he may do something stupid like hide real good or chew all my wires or something. I gave him a few treats which he devoured and then went into the corner and has gone back to sleep. Sleeping seems like a good idea when you're bored out of your mind. I was waiting for the doctor to come in and had absolutely nothing to do and I thought to myself "Now I know how the rabbit feels."


My internet connection seems to be fine now, so I don't know what had happened to it. *knocks on wooden desk*.


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Posted (edited)

Are those unapproved pills, so you're a human test rabbit to see if they work?


Edit: Oh, in English the term is lab rat or guinea pig, not test rabbit. I see that word (försökskanin) exists in German though, versuchskaninchen. Not sure who coined it first.

Edited by carlsson
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