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BBB: Big Boss Banana



So I worked on my game. I was trying to get a banana in without it showing up as garbage like this:


I had no idea why it was showing up like that. Anyway, partly after trying I figured it would be better if I made it so the stem was one sprite and the base another so it had sort of a curving collision detection block. Hours later, I came up with this:


Next, I tried making the big boss banana face the correct way. I had it working but I realized the banana was too big and its stem swung around and hit the pineapple when it hit the border and turned around. So I decided to leave it like it is now, always facing the same way. Try to make it fair to the player because the whole object of the game is to avoid the banana.


Come to think of it, I don't even know why I put myself through all that because I had made a very similar game for the 7800, also called Pineapple. Anyway, so now that I have all that done, now I need to string the game together and put the pieces in the correct places. That's for the next time I want to work on it. And what's amazing is that even though I got angry, I didn't show it and the rabbit didn't seem to care much.


Here's what I have planned for the game: level 1 is shown. when you're done avoiding 8 bananas, the game switches to a boss fight. When the third boss banana fight is finished, the game will add a center bar to it (but not at the boss fights), thus (hopefully) making it harder to dodge the bananas.

Boss banana "fights"

  • one slow big boss banana
  • one medium speed big boss banana
  • one fast big boss banana
  • two slow big boss bananas
  • two medium speed big boss bananas
  • two fast big boss bananas.

I may do three big boss bananas. I don't know yet.


You can follow the game's progress here.


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