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Texas Instruments is stupid (and driving controllers)



So I found my TI84+ graphing calculator. What I didn't find was its SPECIAL cord it needs to communicate with my computer. I hate that. Why can't electronic companies just agree on ONE STANDARD FOR EVERYTHING? I guess in my case that wouldn't work since it was made 20+ years ago. Am still looking for a version of Tetris I saw a kid play in middle school. It used [] for blocks. He was a programming genius. A whiz kid with computers. He could do anything. I envied him. I went to his house a few times. He had a readerboard. I wanted a readerboard! He's the kid that introduced me to the Sega Genesis. But enough with my middle school memories. I found a TI84+ program I had made that was stored on my computer. So I know it's possible. I know I can connect to it. But not without that cable. So I bought a new one off eBay. It was only $8.


Now that I'm done with Uncle Hairy's Nosehair, I'm looking for a new 2600 project I can do. I found my driving controller. I think it's about time for a new Driving Controller game. IIRC the last one was Stella's Stocking in 2007. That was 17 years ago. But there's something stopping me: I have no ideas. I found this on minidig:

  	lda SWCHA
  	eor last	; 01 or 10 (else: abrupt twist)
  	sty last
  	dey		; -> y = -1..2
  	cpy  #2	
  	sbc  #1	; -> a = -1, 0, 1
  	beq .right

So I'm hoping that will work if/when I get an idea. So I gather from this code that "last" is the value gotten from SWCHA and it's either 01 or 10 (1 or 2?) I suppose last is then stored in y, massaged a bit so it's either -1, 0, or 1 and then I can go from there?


So...does anyone have any driving controller use ideas?


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So I found my TI84+ graphing calculator. What I didn't find was its SPECIAL cord it needs to communicate with my computer. I hate that. Why can't electronic companies just agree on ONE STANDARD FOR EVERYTHING?

They have switched all of their calculators to USB ports. As have most electronics manufacturers. 

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Yeah, even Apple (!!) eventually was forced to switch to USB-C, much to their dismay. But even in that case, USB-C is used and misused for a multitude of things, so only because the connector is the same doesn't mean the protocol, voltages or communication is guaranteed to be compatible. Actually that sort of misuse is even worse that when everyone dream up their own connectors and cables, as you easily can be fooled into using a cable the wrong way and destroy something if you don't know the difference.

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16 minutes ago, atari2600land said:

I'm using my TI84+ with a cable. My computer knows there's a TI84+ attached to it because it shows up under "devices". But I can't get TILP to run. I'm using Windows 10 and I keep getting an error about my cable not being correct.


My computer says the correct driver has been installed already.


This along with another stupid message about my cable not being open before are the errors I most commonly get.

What is going on here?! Any help appreciated


I don't help by PM. If I do then others cannot benefit.


If you're on Windows, why aren't you using the TI Graph Link software?


TILP needs some Linux stuff installed to run in Windows. It works, but it's a bit of a kludge. 

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