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AE-03 Up the Pineapples - on a table.

I had insomnia last night. I just couldn't get to sleep. So I got up and did some things and finally fell asleep exhausted at about 3 a.m. I woke up at 2:30p.m. So I guess I'm back to sleeping all day and awake at night again. Which I don't want to be doing. I always want to be awake in the day and sleep all night like a normal person, but the insomnia makes it hard to do.   Some of that insomnia time was spent on Up the Pineapples. I tried to make a smaller ant, but I couldn't get it


atari2600land in Atari 2600

AE-03 Up the Pineapples - random solved.

So now I have a random water drop going down the pineapple. I know why I was having a problem. I hadn't preset Rand and Rand16, which apparently I needed to do because I didn't and that would make them set to 0 and apparently the code doesn't work if they're set to 0.   I woke up early due to me having acid reflux. It was 5 a.m. so I decided to work on this. A few hours later I couldn't take it any more so I quit and went on to other things. I came back to this about 45 minu

AE-03 Up the Pineapples

Yesterday I wanted to make a game for the Atari 2600. Make a new game. But I didn't have an idea. But then I thought of one. So I've begun work on a new game called "Up the Pineapples." The goal is to climb up pineapples while not getting hit by falling stuff. I hate my ant sprite, but since nobody seems to care about these games, I'll have to live with it. And it's OK if you don't care. I'm just doing this because I have nothing else better to do in life. The ant can be moved around

AE-02 Fruit Fly Fun

Work resumes on Fruit Fly Fun for the Atari 2600.   Today's "lovely" tasks were trying to keep a stable 262 scanlines between the switch from the intro to the title screen (that doesn't have the title on it. I could call it "The Mashed Potatoes Uprising" and I wouldn't have to change anything.)   I also made it so the swatter can go down a bit further so it's easier to swat the flies at the bottom of the screen. That created a problem with the swatter handle so I fixed that t

Aegis Games returns

But just for the 2600 games I make. I've decided on a new way to make the games: Put a brand new intro in the second 2k and the game in the first 2k. I spent all day on this, but I now have a working (at least on an emulator) version of the Aegis Games logo (an æ) with scrolling colors. What I got is a 4k game. Let's go through the troubles I had here. The title screen music began during the intro screen. I have no idea why this happened. I also had trouble with the scr

I can't do driving controllers

I give up on coding for driving controllers. It's too hard. So does anyone have any ideas for a game involving a joystick?   I didn't want to get out of bed today. I finally got up at about 2p.m. Although my conscience seems to be getting the better of me. I have these dreams where mom tells me to go to school. "But Mom," I say, "I'm 40 years old!" But she insists. My dreams suck. I guess that's part of why I hate going to sleep so much.   I'm not having a very good day today

Texas Instruments is stupid (and driving controllers)

So I found my TI84+ graphing calculator. What I didn't find was its SPECIAL cord it needs to communicate with my computer. I hate that. Why can't electronic companies just agree on ONE STANDARD FOR EVERYTHING? I guess in my case that wouldn't work since it was made 20+ years ago. Am still looking for a version of Tetris I saw a kid play in middle school. It used [] for blocks. He was a programming genius. A whiz kid with computers. He could do anything. I envied him. I went to his house a few ti

Celery work

For some reason I tried to attempt to fix my 50 foot tall stalk of celery game for the Atari 2600. I worked and worked, and found after working that the game was quite buggy. I got it down to 262 scanlines, something I didn't think I'd need to worry about since I was doing this in batari Basic. For the first time in a while, I decided to reopen batari Basic and fix stuff. So anyway, I think I have fixed all the bugs, but if you run into one, please tell me about it. I think this is the first pla

7800 fixing

I just had a huge ado. So I wanted to untangle the 7800's power wire from my chair and the rest of the wires. When that was done, I plugged in my 7800 and turned it on. I couldn't. So then I remembered I had a second 7800 with some sort of problem. There was some sticky, round thing in the cartridge slot. So I thought since I had nothing else better to do, then to try to get it out. Armed with a pair of tweezers, I couldn't get a grip on it. So I used a scissor from a pair of scissors. And lo an

Release the flies!

So I think I have everything done on my part. I have 1 byte left, so anything else would have to be bug fixes or changes to what I have already. My game is going to get a release, so stay tuned for that. Just not from AtariAge. It's been 9 months since I ordered from the store and nothing ever came. It'd be nice to get a refund, but I guess I won't.   Yesterday I was sitting on my chair and I moved my leg wrong and it started to hurt really bad. I guess I pulled another muscle. I don't

flies (part 3)

I thought about what I can do next. I tried to make this an indoor scene, but with a white wall, the bw/color switch would be rendered practically useless. And the scanline wobbled if the colors are changed. So I'll keep it like this: an outdoor scene. Although I don't condone going outside to swat flies. That's their home. They're supposed to be outside. I mean, how would you like it if some giant came into your house and swatted you to death? Well, I guess you wouldn't care since you'd be dead

flies (part 2)

So I discovered a strangeness on a real 7800 with my flies game. The scanline jumped. So I went back to work and attempted to fix it. I think I finally did so. I was wondering though why Stella said the scanline jumped when I pressed reset but it really didn't. I don't know why it would do that. So I went back and tried to fix that and in doing so learned that the scanline was 260 when pressing reset. Which was why the >#262 thing wasn't going off when I reset. So I think now everything is ok


So spring has returned. The ants are back on the kitchen counter. The temperatures are warmer. Since I was done working on my Game Gear game, just for fun I went back to work seeing if I could fix the scanline issue I had in the assembly version of Fruit Fly Fun. You might say it's a beautiful spring day (well, night). I hate the sun. But I woke up at about 7 p.m. so I missed most of it. I think I fixed it. Perhaps tonight I'll try it on a real Atari 7800 to see if I made it work good on actual

Bert's Return

I began rework on Bert's Games again. The problem wasn't my code, it was how I was running it (if that makes any sense.) I fixed it, but then had to work a couple more hours to get the scanline steady at 262. I haven't tested this on my Atari 7800, which I have decided will replace my Atari 2600 as a means of playing Atari 2600 games yet though. But I have a game like the bonus game in Donkey Kong Country like I wanted. And I have over 600 bytes left, so if I think of something else fun I could

Bert has a new game

So I figured "What can I do with paperclips?" Then I thought of the 3 card monte game. Or where you put a ball under a cup and then shuffle other cups around and you have to keep track of which cup the ball is under. But I couldn't draw three cups shuffling independently on an Atari 2600. What to do? I then thought of the bonus game in Donkey Kong Country where a token keeps shuffling back and forth between some barrels while being visible and at the the very end it becomes invisible and you hav

Bert's Pigeons (part 2)

I found my Kid's Controller overlays for the Sesame Street games. I knew I had a Kid's Controller around here but it was hiding from me. I attempted to make an overlay for Bert's Pigeons. Does anyone have the correct dimensions for these so I can make them better? So I went to sleep at about noon and woke up at around 2 a.m. When I woke up, I saw something blue in a box. I went over to it and the Kid's Controller was in there. I tried to embed the picture but it told me that

Bert's Pigeons

I was perusing the Vault of Abandoned Projects (a.k.a. my hard drive). I came across this game I was working on which was a spiritual successor to the CCW 2600 games. I figured Bert needed his own game. (I had attempted a proper Count's Castle where the object was to count the number of bats on the screen and press the corresponding number on the Kid's Controller), but Bert. Everyone likes Bert. More than the Count. So I think I began this in place of it. Which it doesn't really matter since we'

The return of me.

I decided to start work again on my fly swatting game for the Atari 2600. I figured since I couldn't make the scanline stable, I could try making it in batari Basic so it would be. Unfortunately, this led to the deletion of the banana. I couldn't chip away at the banana with basic since I can't use no_blank_lines and pfheight together for some stupid reason. So I just got rid of it. In return, I made it so if you don't swat the fly in a little bit, the game ends.   Also unfortunately I


atari2600land in Atari 2600

I'm sick of making scanlines steady

I'm going to stop making games for the Atari 2600. Reason: Jitteriness. I try and try to make the scanline steady but eventually it drops to 261 or goes up to 263, I played the stupid Fly game for 15 minutes, thought it was going good, until the scanline went up to 263. Since I'm sick of trying various things to try to make the scanline steady, I've decided to stop programming in assembly Atari 2600 altogether. You'd think a game about fruit flies in 2k would be easy, but nooooo. God for


atari2600land in Atari 2600

Fruit Fly Fun Finished

After adding a few things to my 2600 game, I'm calling it finished. The only thing to do now is see if anyone runs into a bug and then try to fix it if one does. I took a few minutes to hook up the Atari 2600 and try it and it works just fine.   My poor Atari 2600. When I flip the black and white switch to color, the system restarts and I get back to the Harmony menu screen. I'm using a 4 switch model. I am so sick of Xfinity ads. All of them. They advertise waaaaay too much. So m


atari2600land in Atari 2600

I don't feel so good.

Last night, my eye hurt. I went to sleep at about midnight or so and woke up at around 10 a.m. So I've been awake all day. I plan to go to sleep at around mindight again (earlier if I can't stand it any more) My eye doesn't hurt any more, but I still feel kind of sick. What doesn't help is a giant rash on your butt that you can feel hurting whenever you sit. I made 11 out of the 12 pages of Stupidman issue 2. I just need to think of something to put on page 12. So I remembered the (really stupid


atari2600land in Atari 2600

Retro weather channel

It's 1 a.m. What are they showing on the Weather Channel at 1 a.m.? A show called "Retro 8's Live", which is a show that's like the old "Local on the 8's" show but it's the old '90s style and they input the actual weather in it and it lasts one hour. The ads are jarring when I come back from the '90s style stuff. So, what's on at 2 a.m.? Something called "The Weather Channel." I don't know what it is. I looked recently on 2 a.m. and it was a really cool looking weather report for one hour. Now i


atari2600land in Atari 2600

One bite.

So I kept having to give up on the fly eating just one bit of the banana and then flying away. I woke up after 12 hours of sleep and had an idea. What if I were to just make the flying away code run only after the fly had eaten a bite? Before, I was making it part of the main code, which I think was making the scanline uneven and running too much code. So I decided to attempt to make it so it only runs when the code is running the eating part. I think it works now. Sort of a "duh" moment now whe


atari2600land in Atari 2600

Productive (NON-lazy) Sunday.

So finally someone struck up a conversation with me about my 2600 game Fruit Fly Fun. @vitoco suggested I make the banana disappear like the fly was eating it. That didn't take very long, about half an hour or so. But it screwed up the scanline count. I worked and worked, and went to sleep unsuccessful.   Six hours later (I only got six hours of sleep last night!) I woke up and it was very hot. So hot that I couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided to get up at about 6 or so. I then pro


atari2600land in Atari 2600

Head in the clouds (part 2)

I was experimenting with clouds some more. I got this: The only downside is the insects got bigger. I sort of like the clouds. They're much better than the rectangle ones I made yesterday. So I modified some more stuff, mainly sprite borders, to make sure the game works like it did before. But with bigger insects. While bigger flies means better chance of swatting them, the flip side is you also need to avoid the bigger stinging bugs.   I'm at the point where I think I can mo


atari2600land in Atari 2600

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