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All work and no play



I've been working on the railroad Minigame Mayhem for the Virtual Boy. I went back and fixed some previous games and stuff.

On the left is what "Cartful Dodger" looked like and on the right is the newer version.

minigamemayhem-0074.png.0679b76bfeb18cfd745067cda250802d.png minigamemayhem-0077.png.34a88834339cb4898a59c555bc7a4eed.png

The black lines on the floor of the previous version looked like crap in motion, so I got rid of them. I also made the displays of food nicer with more detail. But the game just needs something else. I got 175 points on it, but I felt like I could play forever. The game is my attempt at a "Grand Prix" or "Street Racer" type game for the Virtual Boy. But I don't know what to add to make the game better.


I also got rid of a bug I found which made the menu disappear. I've worked so much. I don't really like playing the Virtual Boy all that much since the eye guard tickles my nose. I guess I could take it off and play it that way, but there really isn't a game I like enough to justify playing it. (So I started making my own!)


One thing I would like to do is figure out the scaling effect. I have some code which works, but I need to understand it in order to attempt anything. I have an idea in mind for an intro for all my future VB games that would use a scaling effect.


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