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banana change



I changed the way the banana in screen 5 looks. I wasn't happy with the black outline of the white part. So I thought perhaps I could put the white part on the light gray ground. This is what I came up with:


I finished up level 1. I figured out a way to store the boss song and the boss clear song in bank 7 and play when needed. I tried before, but the game crashed. So I tried again a few hours later, (I swear doing the exact same thing) and it worked.


Before I did that, I thought I had to put the boss song in every level bank, so I put it in bank 1. But I had no room for the boss clear song, so I just made it four notes that played. But then I figured out the solution to that problem. So now I can work on level 2 the next time.


Day 3 of my butt problem. It usually goes away the next day or two. I think the problem is there's this bump up my butt and it bleeds sometimes. I think I may have aggravated it a little too much a few days ago (but it wasn't my fault) with that big poop I did. So I decided to do something different today. I still had some preparation H in cream form, so I put that on it. This is getting really dumb. I went to sleep at about 5 p.m. and woke up. My clock said 6:01 a.m. 13 hours of sleep. I guess I'm back living like a normal person (except for going to sleep at 5p.m.)


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