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Yesterday I had about 250 views to my blog entry. I don't know why.


Today's is about volume. Which isn't of use to deaf people. but if you aren't deaf, here we go. I was fiddling around with my Game Boy tracker and discovered how to porperly change the volume of the music. I thought "instrument 1" meant the first instrument. No, "instrument 1" means the first instrument you can pick from. So then I tried to put all my songs I've been using in Frank the Fruit Fly 2 to change the songs to fit my new revelation. And it worked! They're quieter now. I can change the default volume. Makes me wonder if I can change the volume on the lfy in case I ever want to. But I don't want to now, so I'll cross that road if I come to it.


I think level 2 will be a computer world. With chips and circuitry and, of course, BUGS. But I'll do that tomorrow. I just woke up at about 7 a.m. which means I've only been awake for a couple of hours. I kept waking up beginning at like 5 or so, with my hands all numb and arms hurting and stuff. Last night I had this stabbing pain in a certian part of my head but it went away after a few minutes. It was after that that I fell asleep.


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