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A burger drawing attempt.



I realized that even though I got rid of most of the "real-life" pictures that were in Flying Hamburgers for the Game Gear, the burger on the title screen was still an actual photo of a burger instead of a drawing.

I had a crazy background pattern but I had to redraw the burger and unfortunately Photoshop wouldn't let me move tiles around for some reason, so I gave up. In the end though, I think it turned out rather nice.


I got up and went to my bed and tweaked my leg somehow and really hurt it. It hurt really bad at the time, but it's better now. I got a taco pizza from a local pizza chain (well, two locations, so technically). They make a good taco pizza but I just don't like the crust because it's just dough and nothing else. You'd think maybe they could put some cheese in it or something. Oh well.


I think I'm done with the game unless someone comes up with some feedback on how to make it better. I don't have anyone to publish the game though, so if you want to, let me know.

I thought of a word that rhymes with Tony Danza that I didn't include in yesterday's poem: "extravaganza." And perhaps "garbanza." I know, it's an o at the end, but it comes so close to rhyming.



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