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AE-03 Up the Pineapples - on a table.



I had insomnia last night. I just couldn't get to sleep. So I got up and did some things and finally fell asleep exhausted at about 3 a.m. I woke up at 2:30p.m. So I guess I'm back to sleeping all day and awake at night again. Which I don't want to be doing. I always want to be awake in the day and sleep all night like a normal person, but the insomnia makes it hard to do.


Some of that insomnia time was spent on Up the Pineapples. I tried to make a smaller ant, but I couldn't get it to display correctly. It kept stretching rows of the sprites at seemingly random times, making it look stupid. So I had to revert to making it big again.


When I woke up, I worked again on it. I liked the idea of having the pineapple be on a table. A few tries later I did it. But I don't know if it will stay since things have to change all the time to make the scanline (and display) not jump around.


I'm also thinking I will add another aspect to the game so it's not just an ant climbing up a pineapple all the time. I don't know what that aspect will be, but I think I will have enough room to add one. I have about 2k left of my 4k. I could add another screen to the game, so it doesn't display a pineapple all the time.


So right now it's a little after 4 p.m. and I am so sleepy even though I just woke up a few hours ago. I tried to go back to sleep since I had to get up to the bathroom, but I just couldn't. I said something to my doctor, but he just said it's the pills. I hate those stupid pills.


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