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Liberals:The new bogeymen?



Have you ever noticed lately that it seems as if a certain category of people on the political spectrum, are being singled out for all of the nation's problems? While it is true that both the Liberal and Conservative ends blame each other constantly, doesn't it still irk you to see false accusations fly back and forth?I find it annoying when liberals are blamed for almost everything that conservatives do. I am annoyed when conservatives are blamed too, but not as much as I am now. It seems as if the Right has made it a point to constantly blame their own mistakes on liberals, to single out liberals for almost everything under the sun. I don't really understand what good it does to blame others. It's just another game that politicians play.It's similar to McCarthyism, which started as a one-man crusade against Communism and became big enough, that there is a word for it. In order to rally people together for a common cause, you've got to lie to them and exaggerate truths. During the McCarthy Red Scare, people who were on the fringes of American society, were singled out as communists and brought to trial on seemingly miniscule or non-existent charges. It's easier to scare people if you can convince them that there's a bogeyman out there to get them. In the 1950s, communists were the bogeymen. In the 1980s-present, terrorists were/are the bogeymen. This is not to say that there aren't actual communists or terrorists out there, but rather to say that it's possible that ordinary people could have been singled out as being part of either group, due to their race or political beliefs. In fact, stereotyping has gone on since the dawn of man. I have only stated a few examples of it throughout history. Anyway, to get back to my original point, I feel that Liberals are now the bogeymen. I'm not even sure that most people have an idea of what the word "liberal" means, except that they know how to use it often enough to rile up others and dish out blame. Liberal does not mean "leftist, tree-hugging, commie pinko". Liberal in my opinion (and probably not true to the actual definition) means to support social progress, work towards uniting mankind through common goals, preserving the rights and freedom guaranteed under the constitution, working towards better social and political policies and learning to accept and respect your fellow peers. That is what being a Liberal means to me. Some people also feel that Bush is a bogeyman and some folks also feel that Conservatives are bogeymen. This topic isn't one-sided because it would not be fair to other groups who are stereotyped as such. It just doesn't make sense to blame everything on one group of people. We all need to work together to share and accept the blame and work to bring about something better that will benefit all of us. Personally, I doubt this will ever happen but it's a worthwhile investment of time if you can say that you tried. There's a saying that I will repeat, much to the chagrin of some Conservative members of this forum:"The more often you repeat a lie, the more it becomes the truth."Think about it.

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