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Rumble me this, rumble me that.



Created some cheat codes and rumble settings for a few atari games in Atarixlbox.


Gyruss - Unlimited live for both players. Double shots for both players.

Donkey Kong - Unlimited live for both players. Controller rumbles when kong stomps on the ground.

Pacman - Unlimited lives for both players. Controller rumbles when pac dies or eats a ghost.


Ms. Pacman - Unlimited lives for both players. Ms Pac seems to have a couple "quirks". One it only seems to use one byte to store lives. It assumes that both players have the same number of lives. Hence if player one gets an extra player, two gets one as well. Odd. Plus the byte used to store the level does not correspond with the fruit value. So when the game hits the baby pack levels the fruit value never increasess. In fact the fruit is not random like in the arcade.


Wasted several hours farting around with the sound core from different versions of Atari800 and even Aplus but the same sound quirks seem to be there. Not really sure why. So I may have to re-enable the option to pick old pokey when playing games like Berzerk for the speech.


Still not quite sure if those NTSC colors are right. Guess I'll have to drag out my 130xe sometime.


Things I wanna do.. Enable configuration uploads. I want to add support for up to four drives, should be easy. Rotate disks option. I cannot seem to find the keyboard transparency option anywhere. Did I forget where it is, or is it disabled?


Rewind is temporarily disabled. I'll have to try it in the release version to see if it even worked.


Oh and seems my understanding of how some of the 5200 controller buttons are mapped was incorrect. It's only noticeable with Parker Brothers Games. "F" acts as START, not "4" and the right arrow key acts as "*". I guess I better double check the other keys like "#" etc. I'm thinking of mapping "Warm Reboot" to one of controller buttons.


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