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rant time: Digital TV



I hate this stupid transition. I have cable, but it still affects me. I got this antenna which i use. I try to get Eugene stations which are 50 miles away. One day I got KVAL pretty clearly, but the rest of the time it's mainly static or a faint picture. But with digital TV, the days of messing with an antenna to see if I can get these Eugene stations will soon be gone, replaced with the fact that if I try to tune into a digital station from Eugene, I'll get the inevitable "no signal" message from my digital converter box. And why do people think it's a clearer picture when it isn't?! Most of the time, the signal is a bunch of squares that vaguely resemble a picture and will go black for a few seconds and the sound will disappear along with it. What's the point of having 5 subchannels to a channel if they're all like this? There goes the stupid government poking their nose into everything we do again. First they force people to know the number of calories in their fast food when they don't want to, and now this. I guess the good thing is that low-power stations aren't affected...yet.


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