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Duplicate systems



So i go to the game store and sitting there was an Atari 2600 with about 12 common games for about $60. I thought "Hmm. Maybe i should get that just in case my other one breaks knock on wood." But then I thought the $60 price tag was due to it coming with those games that i already have. But what impressed me even more was the virtual boy with 4 games for $120. That got me thinking a great deal. I think i will buy it if it's still there next week (i didn't have enough money for it this week.) My plan is this: Buy the Virtual Boy, sell the loose duplicate games on AA and keep the system and the lone game (which is 3D Tetris!) So I really hope it's there next week so i can do that. That'd be cool, to get some Virtual Boy games in the ol' marketplace.


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