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No mail



I'm angry. This is the second day in a row we didn't get any mail. Not one piece of junk mail. I would be happy to see junk mail, but it didn't come yesterday, and Tuesday is usually junk mail day. Then there was the time when the mail came at 8pm. So, with two days in a row with no mail whatsoever, I guess I'll have Mom call the post office and see what the deal is. Did the mailman get so tired of giving me packages that he just decided to quit delivering mail to us all together, or is there some other reason why the mailman is being stupid and hating me? I don't care if my package comes, I would just like some sort of sign that the mailman is still delivering the mail like he's supposed to. Which makes me think of an idea I had: The post office should deliver a slip of paper that says the date on it and says something to the effect of "You didn't get any mail today." That way, we would actually KNOW if the mailman was still delivering mail. I just wish our stupid mailman would die and rot in Hell so we can get a new one that actually delivers mail.


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The mailman actually fails to deliver mail? I can't think of a single day the postman hasn't delivered mail here. Are you in a rural area or something?

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No, I live in the city limits of a big city (Salem, OR). Barely, but it's in a neigborhood with a whole bunch of other condos and houses. There have been days where there has been no mail before, but two days in a row I don't understand.

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Oh. Huh, weird, especially since you don't live in nowhere. We used to miss mail deliveries all the time out at my parent's house when I lived there, but we were about 30 miles away from the nearest town, which had around 500 people, so it was understandable.

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