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sweetsstuff4u ships boxed game in bubble envelope


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The winning bidder promptly pays for the item(s), hence they have done their part of the bargain. The seller then leaves positive feedback because of the aforementioned reason in the previous sentence.


Perhaps, since eBay now owns PayPal, they could make it so that any buyer who pays promptly via PayPal is guaranteed a positive which will remain unless or until the payment is reversed? That would seem to improve the quality of feedback for both buyers and sellers.

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Hey it your board Al. That's all I can say.


That kind of response doesn't even sound like you 'computed' the words he wrote out.


You're taking sweetstuff6pence's words over Albert's despite the fact that Albert has written evidence saying otherwise.

takin the kind of out you did with a "whatever" type reply sounds more like you simply don't believe him.


I don't think I'm misunderstanding you either because you're either showing apathy or disbelief.

There is really only two ways about it.


Yes, sweetstuff8pies seems to be nice to you but as Albert said this was in effect to butter you up so to speak.

I don't understand why you're shrugging everything that has evidence behind it simply because sweetstuff5cakes

said otherwise. Who would you believe, the accused or the bodies on the floor?


I dare not try to explain myself. :D


You pretty much got the idea.


BTW who are you to go snooping around peoples accounts. What is it that you are trying to prove?

It's public information. I'm actually on the phone with him right now and I just bought 2 more CIB Jaguar games from him. I'll let you know what I get.

How special, I'm sure he's getting nice updates about how people are "slandering" him on AtariAge.




Well I will explain this in the open: I commented that I was talking to sweetsstuff on the phone and was ordering some games from him to see what I will get and what I got would be reported back here. I feel that this comment from Albert was sarcastic and hurtful. I read it, and immediately thought how insensitive it appeared to me. Albert I didn't appreciate that.


I'm trying to see the whole picture. I'm angry because I feel that everyone on here thinks it's necessary to bash someone that thinks otherwise about giving this guy a chance that has never dealt with him before.



Gotta tell you something.

You've been here a few years as have I. Whatever negative things might be said about Albert (which that I know of are zero), one thing you definetly notice is he rarely if ever has anything bad to say about anybody. Hell even people he's banned get very little public comment from Albert.

Point being...it's obvious this guy is a piece of work to piss a person like Albert off. Why you can't see through this guy is beyond me at least.

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Hell even people he's banned get very little public comment from Albert.

Point being...it's obvious this guy is a piece of work to piss a person like Albert off. Why you can't see through this guy is beyond me at least.



Well I believe in my opinion, it was because Albert was threatened. Also there was a "reasonable" basis for the threat and that basis is personal information being posted without permission. With Albert being the "owner" of the board, it directly concerned him in a serious legal way.


Ok here it is, flat out.....I'm not for sweetsstuff right now, I had just better get my stuff that I ordered in the condition it was ordered or you guys will see beyond pissed, ok? You'll have to block minors off this site to keep from reading the hate that I will post. I won't stop there, oh no, you'll see...


but in the mean time, he has stated that he will ship the items in the condition they were described and I hold him to his word.

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Hell even people he's banned get very little public comment from Albert.

Point being...it's obvious this guy is a piece of work to piss a person like Albert off. Why you can't see through this guy is beyond me at least.

Well I believe in my opinion, it was because Albert was threatened. Also there was a "reasonable" basis for the threat and that basis is personal information being posted without permission. With Albert being the "owner" of the board, it directly concerned him in a serious legal way.

Bullocks, there's nothing he could have done about that, his name and address are already public information. That same information has been posted elsewhere, on other forums. I removed it as a matter of courtesy, that's all. Anyone could hunt down that information if they wanted. That he threatened me with legal action just goes to show what kind of person he is. Here's one of the messages he sent me:


I want my personal information removed from your website IMMEDIATELY! I never authorized anyone to publish that information. Adol listed games, and yes, i won them, but they never arrived. Anyone in my position would do the same. After all, I paid $400 for "nothing"... I have spoken with an attorney, and if my personal data is not removed, I will take the necessary steps to have your website shut down, and sue you for slander. I am sure Adol is entitled to his opinion, but my personal information is not his to publish.

Spoke to an attorney my ass. Had he, then he would have known that he'd be suing me for "libel" and not "slander".



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Hell even people he's banned get very little public comment from Albert.

Point being...it's obvious this guy is a piece of work to piss a person like Albert off. Why you can't see through this guy is beyond me at least.

Well I believe in my opinion, it was because Albert was threatened. Also there was a "reasonable" basis for the threat and that basis is personal information being posted without permission. With Albert being the "owner" of the board, it directly concerned him in a serious legal way.

Bullocks, there's nothing he could have done about that, his name and address are already public information. That same information has been posted elsewhere, on other forums. I removed it as a matter of courtesy, that's all. Anyone could hunt down that information if they wanted. That he threatened me with legal action just goes to show what kind of person he is. Here's one of the messages he sent me:


I want my personal information removed from your website IMMEDIATELY! I never authorized anyone to publish that information. Adol listed games, and yes, i won them, but they never arrived. Anyone in my position would do the same. After all, I paid $400 for "nothing"... I have spoken with an attorney, and if my personal data is not removed, I will take the necessary steps to have your website shut down, and sue you for slander. I am sure Adol is entitled to his opinion, but my personal information is not his to publish.

Spoke to an attorney my ass. Had he, then he would have known that he'd be suing me for "libel" and not "slander".




Ok ok ok.


::turns on the A/C::

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Oh please. :roll: That's just a veiled excuse to hold the buyers feedback hostage.

Hostage? That seems extreme. I also buy on eBay and have no problem if sellers do the same. As a buyer, I don't really care if I get feedback either since it has no bearing on my ability to purchase anything on eBay. If I get a good product that's shipped well, what difference does feedback make unless you're a seller? I couldn't care less.


It could just be that some people have a difference of opinion on the matter.


As sellers, wouldn't you want to see a pattern of feedback if someone was verbally abusive, or pulled a chargeback scam? Leaving negative followup notes to positive feedback seems insincere. I've seen it before and my first instinct was that the seller had some kind of bipolar disorder. All a buyer would have do to is post their own follow up saying "I think you left this for the wrong person!"


Along those lines, what is the point of feedback on BIN auctions w/ instant payment required?

Edited by FABombjoy
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Ok here it is, flat out.....I'm not for sweetsstuff right now, I had just better get my stuff that I ordered in the condition it was ordered or you guys will see beyond pissed, ok? You'll have to block minors off this site to keep from reading the hate that I will post. I won't stop there, oh no, you'll see...



If that happens the BIGGEST I TOLD YOU SO is in order.

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Ok here it is, flat out.....I'm not for sweetsstuff right now, I had just better get my stuff that I ordered in the condition it was ordered or you guys will see beyond pissed, ok? You'll have to block minors off this site to keep from reading the hate that I will post. I won't stop there, oh no, you'll see...



If that happens the BIGGEST I TOLD YOU SO is in order.

It won't happen, Sweetsstuff will make sure this transaction goes smoothly since he's being scrutinized and knows Guitarmas is posting here. Which is good for Guitarmas in this case, obviously.



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I agree Al. And I believe that is how ebay says it should be done.


But pretty much every seller I deal with anymore won't leave feedback until I leave them feedback.



That's BS, as soon as the buyer pays for the transaction the seller should leave feedback. The above just sounds like an excuse to leave retaliatory feedback if the buyer leaves negative feedback. As a seller I always leave positive feedback once the buyer has paid. I don't understand how sellers try to justify doing anything else.



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Fantasy land: all buyers are sweethearts, they deserve immediate positive feedback for paying, and never cause trouble after that happens.


Reality: buyers deserve positive feedback once they have indicated in some way that they are satisfied with the deal. Buyers don't "need" feedback at all. Sellers who leave premature feedback open themselves up to all kinds of abuse.


"Hostage" is an unfortunate, loaded term. There is no kidnapping taking place, just a prudent withholding of a very minor reward.


eBay is apparently gearing up to have different aspects of a deal rated separately. It will be interesting to see how that all works out.

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Problem is, there's little if any protection for buyers, so the feedback system is THE only way to at least warn other buyers. And speaking of fantasyland versus reality, the reality is that it's a true rarity that a seller will get gipped. It's the buyer going out on a huge limb, sending money to a total stranger, and theyre the ones getting scammed, overcharged on shipping, getting sent busted items, etc WAY more often. Sure they can pull a chargeback, but again that's uber rare compared to all the scam sellers out there. And in most cases, if the seller got delivery confirmation they're covered, and also get the negative feedback removed. I've seen ebay sellers here on AA bitch that they had a buyer scam them, but 5 posts later they got thier money back, and not soon afterwards the feedback is removed.

It's like they say it only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the bunch, and the feedback system is just one more reason why Ebay is losing members and revenue (hence all the rate increases)

I only bought something from ebay this week, which was the first time in a LOOOOOOONG time. There's just too many "businesses" on ebay anymore that forget that buyers are thier customers, and want to make profit but don't want to play fair and think ripping people of and using deception are thier Ebay-given rights. I mostly stick with online stores, and msg boards for buying/trading anymore. I don't give business to people who think *they* are doing *me* a favor. :roll:


Nonethelss, as always is the case with this topic, sellers defend thier practices, and buyers complain about it. I think we all know what happens to "businesses" when, over time enough customers are dissatisfied and go elsewhere.

Edited by jetset
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jetset wrote:

Problem is, there's little if any protection for buyers, so the feedback system is THE only way to at least warn other buyers. And speaking of fantasyland versus reality, the reality is that it's a true rarity that a seller will get gipped. It's the buyer going out on a huge limb, sending money to a total stranger, and theyre the ones getting scammed, overcharged on shipping, getting sent busted items, etc WAY more often. Sure they can pull a chargeback, but again that's uber rare compared to all the scam sellers out there. And in most cases, if the seller got delivery confirmation they're covered, and also get the negative feedback removed.



Jetset, do you sell on eBay often? Not really; you even said you rarely purchase anything. You've bitched and complained on this forum so many times that I've lost count. Sellers get gipped more often then you think. If you had experience selling in volume, you might realize this. YOu take the bad with the good with PayPal, but more often then not, PayPal can't recover "funds" from people that do chargebacks, or those that file claims. Sure, confirmed addresses are fine, but most INternational bidders do not have confirmed addresses anyway. BUyer goes out on a limb? There's an eBay AND PayPal buyer protection involved now.


Jetset also wrote:

It's like they say it only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the bunch, and the feedback system is just one more reason why Ebay is losing members and revenue (hence all the rate increases)


What, do you work for eBay or something? You really think they are LOSING revenue? You think they aren't raking it in with PayPal fees, increased store fees, and higher final value and insertion fees with still yet RECORD NUMBERS of items for sale again? You've complained about this point as well, and it's moot. eBay is NOT hurting, I'm sorry. Your idea of "fair" shipping is the exact cost of shipping, plus FREE packaging and FREE material. DO you think the iSoldit stores are ripping people off because they have to charge a handling fee for employees? I told you on more than one occasion I had to have someone pack my stuff, and drive to the post office, and my $5 charge for shipping which included delivery confirmation was just to cover THEIR pay and gas to the post office, and you still think that's outrageous, when I am LOSING money doing so. We all know your philosophy on here, and yes, we all know "buyers" are our customers, but to be honest, a customer such as yourself who does not think fluidly about the whole situation is not the customer we want. It's like the guy who lived down the street all these years from the brick and mortar game store and refuses to ship there and complains about it each day, same thing, day in and day out, then gets upset the one time he goes in the store because they charged him $2 more than the GameStop.


Jetset also wrote:

Nonethelss, as always is the case with this topic, sellers defend thier practices, and buyers complain about it. I think we all know what happens to "businesses" when, over time enough customers are dissatisfied and go elsewhere.


Sometimes sellers won't sell to annoying customers either. My prices have always been fair, and for someone like you to complain that I should be paying an employee out of my own pocket on TOP of the packaging materials does not have a right to say anything, and I am sure a lot of people would defend my position in that. I'm just sick of seeing the same tired eBay losing money, fleecing seller rant from someone who never buys much or sells anything anyway, but seems to think he knows everything about the system.

Edited by DreamTR
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Well, here's my unwanted .001. :)


In all the years we have dealt with Albert both person to person from conventions etc as well as the store he's been one o fthe best and most respectful buisness people we know. If he has a problem with someone I would take his opinion seriously, based on his openess and honesty as a very reputable individual who has as far as we know always tried to make right when there was a problem - but that's just us.


There have been times when we have had awful transactions on Ebay and not left feedback at all because of the sellers attitude knowing they would also leave us negative feedback in return. The one negative we have is from such an individual and occured early in our experiences. If we fulfill our bargain by paying promptly and being courteous I don't understand why the seller can't leave feedback to that point. What more do they want from us? It's not fair to us if they return that by not shipping promptly or sending defective merchandise and give us shit when we try to resolve it by either sending emails etc. We all know that we would get a negative and the seller would say that we are the ones in the wrong regardless. I would agree with Jetset's last post. We send money for something sight unseen in good faith and many times been burnt. That's also why we always get insurance bith through whatever shipping method is available as well as through Paypal//Ebay. I just don't trust people anymore especially with the feedback system on Ebay.

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chickybaby: And I don't trust buyers who file chargebacks. There is ALWAYS that possibility.


And as a Buyer, I would THINK you would realize that feedback is there for a reason. I have 2400+ feedback, and 99.8% is positive. You're not "blindly" taking a risk if you send me money. However, if you have 40 feedback, and you rarely buy anything, who is more likely to get burned? Credit Card Chargebacks or PayPal scams after feedback are not cool if you've been burned by them. This is why there is a "PayPal sucks" website.

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But why not just use shipping methods that only have delivery confirmation? It can't be that much more costly. You can clearly explain why you're doing this in your listing, and as long as you only charge actual shipping or minimal handling charges, you won't have a problem. That eliminates the need to withold feedback until you have received same, because chargebacks aren't going to succeed unless they're warranted. Then again, I rarely sell on e-bay, so I don't really know what I'm talking about from that perspective.

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But why not just use shipping methods that only have delivery confirmation? It can't be that much more costly. You can clearly explain why you're doing this in your listing, and as long as you only charge actual shipping or minimal handling charges, you won't have a problem. That eliminates the need to withold feedback until you have received same, because chargebacks aren't going to succeed unless they're warranted. Then again, I rarely sell on e-bay, so I don't really know what I'm talking about from that perspective.



Most INternational Buyers do not have confirmed addresses, and even if you do have a confirmed address, and something was sent, and you have a DC number, PayPal can still take the funds. Ask Adol among other people, and it has happened to me.


I have never had a problem with anyone complaining about my shipping rates on eBay except for INTL Buyers. You need tracing for that no matter what, and they expect you to send it surface mail or Air Mail only on larger stuff to save money, then try and file claims sometimes.


One guy realized I did not leave feedback yet, and as soon as I NEGED him, he admitted it was a scam. He did this after I emailed him and told him it was sent AIR MAIL. You can file claims with PayPal quick (at least moreso back then) but if you have not sold or bought much (I am a Power Seller and I SPEND $1000-2000 a month buying games on eBay) then you can not see it from both ends like I do.


Simple logic, if you don't like the shipping rates, don't bid on someone's stuff. If someone charges $5.00 with $5.00 shipping, or $7.00 with $3.00 shipping, it's the SAME THING. How hard is that for people to understand?

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Hey DreamTR I have no clue what you are talking about with the "chargebacks" comment since itr wasn't mine but at least if you quote me do so correctly, thanks.

Also a few of the people who stiffed us had supposed good feedback. That's one of the first things we even check before bidding on an auction. We aren't exactly stupid or noobs. :roll:

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CHickybaby: I did not "quote" you. You said you don't "trust" people on eBay, and I said "And I don't trust Buyers" (since they can always seem to file chargebacks), it was merely a conjoining statement.



I've been stiffed a buyer and a seller, and I just trying to state my point in here since I do quite a bit of both, that it happens MORESO as I am a seller, and not as a buyer. THis includes thousands of transactions since 1998.

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Hell even people he's banned get very little public comment from Albert.

Point being...it's obvious this guy is a piece of work to piss a person like Albert off. Why you can't see through this guy is beyond me at least.



Well I believe in my opinion, it was because Albert was threatened. Also there was a "reasonable" basis for the threat and that basis is personal information being posted without permission. With Albert being the "owner" of the board, it directly concerned him in a serious legal way.


Ok here it is, flat out.....I'm not for sweetsstuff right now, I had just better get my stuff that I ordered in the condition it was ordered or you guys will see beyond pissed, ok? You'll have to block minors off this site to keep from reading the hate that I will post. I won't stop there, oh no, you'll see...but in the mean time, he has stated that he will ship the items in the condition they were described and I hold him to his word.



How in the BLUE hell can you make a statement like that after all the stuff you just said in this thread to cause us to question you? You flat out had SS4U's back... when he SHOULD be left out to dry.


Then you make this statement? After being pissy with Albert, and practically pulling your infamous school yard girly gossip with the one guy Albert banned? Telling on your friends and laughing at us, then pretending to be our friend again when we question if you have balls under your skirt?


That's it.... Out of my damn sand box.


Sorry... but I'm not impressed and I question where your integrity lies.

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jetset wrote:

Problem is, there's little if any protection for buyers, so the feedback system is THE only way to at least warn other buyers. And speaking of fantasyland versus reality, the reality is that it's a true rarity that a seller will get gipped. It's the buyer going out on a huge limb, sending money to a total stranger, and theyre the ones getting scammed, overcharged on shipping, getting sent busted items, etc WAY more often. Sure they can pull a chargeback, but again that's uber rare compared to all the scam sellers out there. And in most cases, if the seller got delivery confirmation they're covered, and also get the negative feedback removed.



Jetset, do you sell on eBay often? Not really; you even said you rarely purchase anything. You've bitched and complained on this forum so many times that I've lost count. Sellers get gipped more often then you think. If you had experience selling in volume, you might realize this. YOu take the bad with the good with PayPal, but more often then not, PayPal can't recover "funds" from people that do chargebacks, or those that file claims. Sure, confirmed addresses are fine, but most INternational bidders do not have confirmed addresses anyway. BUyer goes out on a limb? There's an eBay AND PayPal buyer protection involved now.


I've sold enough to know how to treat a person buying from me. You apparently don't based on your response. and I've bought PLENTY in the past, but asshole sellers have driven me away and I rarely bother anymore, but do keep my eyes open for Atari stuff.

Oh, and just to be clear...

You've bitched and complained on this forum so many times that I've lost count.

Please. Don't confuse me with someone who gives a shit. Because I don't, though I'm flattered you so closely keep track of my posting habits.



Jetset also wrote:

It's like they say it only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the bunch, and the feedback system is just one more reason why Ebay is losing members and revenue (hence all the rate increases)


What, do you work for eBay or something? You really think they are LOSING revenue? You think they aren't raking it in with PayPal fees, increased store fees, and higher final value and insertion fees with still yet RECORD NUMBERS of items for sale again? You've complained about this point as well, and it's moot. eBay is NOT hurting, I'm sorry.


No I don't work for ebay. However take a look at thier stock price. Last year thier stock price plummeted. It was pushing $50, and got down into the teens. this during a market rally, and it was only the Xmas season where they recovered slightly.


I told you on more than one occasion I had to have someone pack my stuff, and drive to the post office, and my $5 charge for shipping which included delivery confirmation was just to cover THEIR pay and gas to the post office, and you still think that's outrageous, when I am LOSING money doing so. We all know your philosophy on here, and yes, we all know "buyers" are our customers, but to be honest, a customer such as yourself who does not think fluidly about the whole situation is not the customer we want. It's like the guy who lived down the street all these years from the brick and mortar game store and refuses to ship there and complains about it each day, same thing, day in and day out, then gets upset the one time he goes in the store because they charged him $2 more than the GameStop.

I'm sorry. Your idea of "fair" shipping is the exact cost of shipping, plus FREE packaging and FREE material. DO you think the iSoldit stores are ripping people off because they have to charge a handling fee for employees? Your idea of "fair" shipping is the exact cost of shipping, plus FREE packaging and FREE material. DO you think the iSoldit stores are ripping people off because they have to charge a handling fee for employees?


Ah, so you're one of those losers that charges BS fees like "time spent taping up a box", and to "cover ebay's otrageous fees". That explains pretty much everything about you. No, "fair" shiping is charging the actual cost, plus depending on the item a little extra to cover the expenses. What I've bitched about are scumbag jerkoffs who send something in a .33 cent bubble mailer with a $1.00 stamp, then charge $5 bucks shipping and "handling", or sends something priority when the get free shipping materials, stuffs it with newspaper, spends $5 bucks on the stamp and charges $10 and so on. Being you are so busy researching and reading my rants you know that though.



Jetset also wrote:

Nonethelss, as always is the case with this topic, sellers defend thier practices, and buyers complain about it. I think we all know what happens to "businesses" when, over time enough customers are dissatisfied and go elsewhere.



Sometimes sellers won't sell to annoying customers either. My prices have always been fair, and for someone like you to complain that I should be paying an employee out of my own pocket on TOP of the packaging materials does not have a right to say anything, and I am sure a lot of people would defend my position in that. I'm just sick of seeing the same tired eBay losing money, fleecing seller rant from someone who never buys much or sells anything anyway, but seems to think he knows everything about the system.


Of course many would defend your position. Bad ebay sellers. and I know plenty about the "system" on ebay, which is why I rant.


And I have a right to say whatever I wish. Don't like it? TOUGH. Use the ignore button, or deal.

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My opinion is to just ban this guy. Even if he's hoarding, he can't own it all. It's out there. Be patient. As for the guy who is supporting him with just a 4 feedback, he's probably sweetsstuff himself trying to make it look like he's a nice guy. I love newbies who out of the blue contradict what everyone in a thread is saying. I don't know sweets at all and have had no dealings with him, but I'm part of this community and if others of you have a problem with him, I think I shouldn't risk my money on him.



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