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Post your UNIQUE ATari 2600 item!


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i didn't mean the games themself - i have them both but afaik the Berenstain Bears comes in the large box with all the tapes included and the Smurfs come within the Kidvid Bigbox only. I've never seen the games in these standars coleco style boxes - therefore my question was if the boxes where fanmade.




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Hi there,


interesting Thread.


Are they real or Fanmade ?






Hey Tom

I thought those boxes looked familiar, they are mine. They are both aftermarket (fan made) but still 100% awesome.

I think only a few of the Bears one was made and the smurfs had a larger run. Hope that helps :)

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Hey Tom

I thought those boxes looked familiar, they are mine. They are both aftermarket (fan made) but still 100% awesome.

I think only a few of the Bears one was made and the smurfs had a larger run. Hope that helps :)



Yep cool as hell. I have the Smurfs one sitting next to my retail bears box. And if I own a box for something that says alot for the box cause I only cherry pic the best. (2600 Smurfs:RIGC,Smurfs:Save, Bearenstien Bears,5200 Adventure 2 & 7800 High Score Cart.

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Hey Atari Pitbull... I had an Atari table very much like the ones you showed! It was destroyed in a flood a few years ago. Damn - and to think that it stayed intact all these years!


I've got a couple of Atari curiosities, but if we're talking one of a kind stuff, this is the closest that I've got... I should use this as my avatar at some point soon...



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Hey Atari Pitbull... I had an Atari table very much like the ones you showed! It was destroyed in a flood a few years ago. Damn - and to think that it stayed intact all these years!


I've got a couple of Atari curiosities, but if we're talking one of a kind stuff, this is the closest that I've got... I should use this as my avatar at some point soon...




If your looking for another one for your collection? you should check out the ones they have at www.atari2600.com


:?: :ponder: :cool:

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This one came from England (Thanks again Jon!):






Very nice!




Could you make an end label picture of the four V-Cases?


Are the ones with the four-picture labels 4-in-1 carts?



Edited by Rom Hunter
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They're all single games. One's pretty weird, it's a regular Sancho release!


I don't have the digital camera here at the moment (I borrow it from my family in law, and they needed it. I need to get myself a camera, I know).




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This isn't a truly unique item like some other people have been sharing, but it is unique to me and here is its story.


Back in 1997-98 I was finishing up my MA degree and renting a house with 2 other graduate students. Both guys knew I was collecting old video games. At that point I'd only really been into it for about 4 years or so, but it is still good to network and get the word out. One day, one of the roommates, a biologist named Bill, hands me this cartridge holder and some games that he had picked up on a recent trip home. He didn't have anything else, but I was really grateful for his gift. I asked him where he got the case, and it turned out that in the 1980s he was living in Saudi Arabia as his dad was working for the US gov't and had moved the family there. Of course, Atari was big over there, too, so he had a system and games, and he got this cartridge holder for his small collection. It was sold with other Atari corporate merchandise, so he believes it was an Atari product (but he only has a recollection of this, no other documentation or proof). When his family moved back to the US, he left his system but brought the holder and games back (interestingly, all the games were pretty common stuff, and all NTSC except for Ms. Pac-Man and Swordquest: Earthworld, which were PAL). So, he was kind enough to pass along his last remaining Atari goods to me.


The cartridge holder itself is quite a bit sturdier than other similarly styled cartridge holders. It holds 40 games in 4 rows of 10. The lid is hinged so that it likes to either stay completely closed, or, once you open past a certain point, remain completely open. The bottom is solid (albeit thin) wood, too, which is different from the thin cardboard bottoms on other holders. As for the Atari logo on the front (complete with ®), it is printed on a very thick piece of plastic and coated, and then bonded to the front of the box (I assume with a very strong epoxy).


So, my rare carts that are without a box to call home get to stay in this special cartridge holder as a place of honor.



Edited by Zwackery
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