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Mad-Assembler (MADS)


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if you want to build different targets, e.g. ROM + XEX, the easiest wat is to have two root source files, put the compile flags, opt + org there and then ICL "MAIN.ASM".

The create a batch script that runs mads for both variants at once.

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Yes, for something serious that makes sense, thanks.


It's more my poor workflow than anything to do with Mads. I only noticed its absence as I sometimes do a quick and dirty assemble of data to see what size it is when using atasm. I can subtract 6 or stick in an opt line temporarily etc. I figured there could be more useful cases other than that. Sounds like probably there is not then, which is good ?

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what is the cleanest / simplest way of interweaving code and reserved blocks of memory?

I'm thinking along the lines of reserving beginnings of subsequent pages, say 160 bytes per page, and using left overs for code. Is there a semi-automatic way of placing the code in the holes?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Is it possible to change the value of a global label (temporary or not) from inside a macro?

When I try to do things like:



	org $1000
	.macro M_test1

	.print :?GLOBAL_LABEL

//:GLOBAL_LABEL2 set 30

	.print :GLOBAL_LABEL2
	lda #0

The ?GLOBAL_LABEL and GLOBAL_LABEL2 inside the macro are just different labels.

And the commented lines both throw different errors..


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Another MADS 'bug' I hit while converting some old source code.

    ORG $600
    CMP #-16 ; ok
BWDSPD = -16
    CMP #BWDSPD ; ERROR: Value out of range

In general, MADS doesn't truncate expression to 8-bits automatically, which sometimes is nice and catches a bug, but in this case I'd argue it's not desirable. If it accepts signed 8-bit constants, it should accept signed 8-bit expressions.

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  • 2 weeks later...


As far as I can see

INS "filename"*

inverses the highest bit in bytes, like

dta c'invers'*

For inserting gfx it would be great to have a possibility to inverse all bits, e.g. this way:

INS 'filename'! 



.get 'gfx.dat'
.byte .get[#]^$FF
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As far as I can see

INS "filename"*

inverses the highest bit in bytes, like

dta c'invers'*

For inserting gfx it would be great to have a possibility to inverse all bits, e.g. this way:

INS 'filename'! 


only '+', '-'

 ins 'filename'+128
.get 'filename'
:.filesize('filename') dta .get[#]^$FF
Edited by tebe
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  • 2 months later...

Perfect! Works 100% under Linux and looking at the fix I'm sure it'll work under Mac OS X, too. Will try that once my Mac setup is up and running. Thanks, tebe!


Is this version (source code) already published? I could only find 2.07 on http://mads.atari8.info/ and want to compile the latest version for mac os x.

Edited by patjomki
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Hi tebe, a minor nit. I noticed that .BYTE doesn't implement additive modifiers like in MAC/65.

     1         ORG $600
     2 FFFF> 0600-0607> EA     NOP
     3 0601 C1 C2 C3      .BY +$80,'ABC'
     4 0604 80 41 42 43      .BYTE +$80,'ABC'

Fortunately .BY does, but perhaps .BYTE and .SBYTE should pick up this feature as well.



use .BY, .SB


.BYTE, .WORD, .LONG, .DWORD have a special meaning for other directives

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  • 1 month later...

Hi tebe,


I am frequently porting stuff from other assemblers and do binary comparision of the results to see if I made mistakes.

There I found that basically all other assemblers use $00 as fill byte for ".ds", but MADS uses $ff if OPT F+ is active.

Could you add an option to specify the fill byte somehow?


Best regards, Peter.

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  • 1 month later...

Minor error in documentation:



A ':' specifies the number of times to repeat the line (in the case of a macro, this specifies a macro parameter by number if it is in decimal). The repeat count should be in the range <0..2147483647>. When repeating a line with ':repeat', it is possible to use the loop counter in the repeated line using a hash sign ('#') or the parameter :1.


repeat count is only 16-bit using ":" <0..65535>

but it's true for .rept (thankfully!)


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Hi all,


thanks tebe for creating MADS, I really like this assembler.

Now I was doing a demo, I do not know if you can invert bytes easily. :?


.byte %00000001
.byte %00000011
.byte %00000111


.byte %10000000
.byte %11000000
.byte %11100000

Well the idea is to design a player and be able to invert it so that it looks left or right just using a sprite :D


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Hi all,


thanks tebe for creating MADS, I really like this assembler.

Now I was doing a demo, I do not know if you can invert bytes easily. :?


.byte %00000001
.byte %00000011
.byte %00000111


.byte %10000000
.byte %11000000
.byte %11100000

Well the idea is to design a player and be able to invert it so that it looks left or right just using a sprite :D



Unary operators:

+ Plus (does nothing)

- Minus (changes sign)

~ Bitwise not (complements all bits)

! Logical not (changes true to false and vice versa)

< Low (extracts low byte)

> High (extracts high byte)

^ High 24bit (extracts high byte)

= Extracts memory bank

: Extracts global variable value

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