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TIP Animator

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my posting #285 from january 2010 did once contain a shortened 128k version of "moethrow", but after a while I removed the attachments here... for those that still want to see that 128k version, well, here it is (but as said before, shortened and with a smaller screen-picture).


-Andreas Koch.


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By the way,


does anybody know where to find the sources of the tip-animations "Zoom", "Transcendental" and "Buzzed" ?!?


Would be nice to have them in original format (animated GIF, FLI, FLC,... or as a movie), so I could give them another try (e.g. Zoom and Transcendental animated flicker-free with tip-animator 2xb) or make them work on real Ataris (Buzzed uses page 3 and therefore does not work on a real A8)...


-Andreas Koch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks TeBe !!


Downloaded the animation and found out, that most/all of my video-players could not playback (Amiga) IFF videos. So I googled a bit and this is what I found:


- Multishow: a Java tool that can playback IFF and various other formats on the PC; should work on any PC that has Java available...


- IFFanimPlay: a Win32 tool that can playback IFF animations on the PC and extract the frames into .BMP pictures; this program runs on the command-line (short manual included)...


So now I can extract Buzzed (the Amiga animation) into a usable PC format and maybe later into a tip-animation that works on a real A8 - but it will take a while, since the animation has more than 1000 frames...


Andreas Koch.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright then,


here is my try with creating a tip-animation of "Buzzed" that works on a real A8. Two versions:


a) a 320k version with 188 frames, created with tip animator 2xb (flicker-free!) and OlivierP (PAL) palette; works on a real A8;


b) a 576k version with 450 frames and tip animator v2.9 and also OlivierP palette; has some frame-drawing here and there (typical for version 2.9 which is without double-buffer), just like the already released tip-animation - I had to use version 2.9 because of the high number of frames (would not have worked with so many frames and version 2xB); and for those that do not believe my current frame record, I have also attached the 450 tip frames here... this one also works on a real A8... Anyone able to create a tip-animation with more than 450 fullscreen (160x100) frames ?!?



I also gave "Moethrow" another try:


a) a 128k version showing the complete animation (not shortened as my older one) but with a narrow screen... added a basic-off switch and a loader title - read below...


b) a 320k version, with complete animation and full-screen but still working on a 320k machine (unlike Miker`s fullscreen version which requires a 576k machine)... put the XEX onto an ATR image and added a basic-off switch, as well as a loader title which has to be changed sometime (at the moment it shows "loading Jinks", which is not true of course)...


-Andreas Koch.






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while searching for some more raytracing animations I stumbled over the "Amiga World animations video" on youtube and some other youtube videos I liked. So here are 5 new tip-animations:


1) the boings 128k: two funny guys on a spring... (from Amiga World animations)


2) futuristic lamborghini hovercraft 576k: a flying/hovering lamborghini...


3) orbiter 320k: a nice raytracing demo... (from Amiga World animations)


4) rollercoaster 320k: Mathy wanted a rollercoaster demo on the A8 so badly over the last years and this is what I found, a PC animation done with POVray and approx. 3000 frames; alas, due to the always changing background (sky and ground) only 75 frames could be used on the A8 with tip-animator 2xB...


5) warpdrive 128k: another simple raytracing demo with a spaceship flying around a sphere... (from Amiga World animations)


All these tip animations were created with (and should be played/viewed with) OlivierP palette. -Andreas Koch.






Edited by CharlieChaplin
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  • 5 months later...

Hehe, played a bit with http://lolpics.se service and found this:




Note: this emo-girl is very deperated as she decides to use knife.


320k version, original gif attached in zip.





thanks to the GIF source, here are two 128k versions of this ani...


-Andreas Koch.


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lolpics is a funny site. Downloaded and converted two animated GIF`s from it:


- missed: converted into a 128k and 320k tip animation, uses OlivierP palette...


- titcat: want a kitcat ? No. How about a titcat? alright then. works on 64k, OlivierP palette...


Andreas Koch.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance of an Animator for pure GTIA modes? gr. 9 10 and 11, compressed and uncompressed?




there is no pure GTIA animator yet, but there are already dozens of Gr. 9 animations. Just visit Fandal`s page,


- type in e.g. "Tomasz Biela" (TeBe) on the search and click on "in details". You will get 155 results - now take a look at all the Gr.9 screens, they are Gr. 9 animations in fact ! (e.g. Dance, Killer Whales, Comet, Tryby, X-Demo, X-Files, X-Files Intro, Time Video, Acid Video, Video [blitz], Jajko, Metamorphosis, Render, Road, Roura, Tour)


- or type in "David Spilka" (Datri) and click on "in details", you will get 156 results and there are a few Gr. 9 animations (Atari Experiment 1-5, Worms intro)


Maybe TeBe is so nice and creates a Gr.9/Gr.10/Gr.11 (and/or HIP) animator for us (and Epi is so nice also to enhance his TipConv. for Gr.9/10/11), who knows...


Andreas Koch.

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  • 5 months later...



the animation of the tv-series "Es war einmal... der Mensch" (do not know it s english title, maybe "Once upon a time... mankind") also includes the evolution and history of mankind; it requires 576k RAM however:



-Andreas Koch.

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@Sikor: Where did you find "Bambi meets Godzilla" ?!? I am asking because I have a very old Movie-Maker animation of this in my collection (works on 48k and/or 64k Ataris) - see attachment... ;-)


@w1k: Nice animation ! I also started with such flickery animations. Use tip-animator 2xb (double buffering) for less/no flicker; which palette do you use ? Don`t use the "default" palette, since this one is really bad. You can also lower the resolution of the frames (e.g. with Xnview, Irfanview and others) and then use a black border around each frame (so you have 160x100 pixels resolution again)... ;-)


Besides, I never thought this thread would come back to life again... ;-)

-Andreas Koch.


P.S.: Tip-Animator attached here includes version 2.9 and version 2xb; I also attached the Tip Conv. program, various palettes and some batch files I often use...



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