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tip animator v1.9 (all in one), create XEX file


new example:

tip_magician (all tip files, *.bat with syntax to fit in 64KB memory etc.)







Edited by tebe
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Here's "Magician" animation that can be loaded on real machine (at least using QMEG's loader).


It was made by changing the batch file the following way:


tipanm.exe 1 12 onedic prg$0d80 dic$3e00



Edited by miker
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Here's "Magician" animation that can be loaded on real machine (at least using QMEG's loader).


It was made by changing the batch file the following way:


tipanm.exe 1 12 onedic prg$0d80 dic$3e00




Thanks Miker !

To make programs work on a real Atari (with standard OS) one MUST NOT use e.g. $0700-$09FF otherwise the program will not work with any DOS or Gamedos. That was the case with tip_magician...


Alas, there are some other tip animations posted here on AA that have the same problen and will not run on real machines: juggler.xex (one segment uses $0400-$3xxx), manga.xex (one segment uses $0400-$3xxx) and puppy.xex (one segment uses $0700-$3xxx). Thus I cannot run them on my real Atari. Can someone fix these three animations for me here... and then upload the fixed versions again ?!? (But since the source TIP pictures have not been posted, maybe only TeBe can do this?)


-Andreas Koch.


P.S.: Maybe TeBe could change Tip Animator in such a way, that memory locations which do not work on a real Atari XL/XE (e.g. $0700-$09FF and $D000-$D7FF) cannot be used/created in the XEX file or show at least a warning message ("Warning ! Output *.XEX file will not work on real Atari" or something like that)... just a thought...

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P.S.: Maybe TeBe could change Tip Animator in such a way, that memory locations which do not work on a real Atari XL/XE (e.g. $0700-$09FF and $D000-$D7FF) cannot be used/created in the XEX file or show at least a warning message ("Warning ! Output *.XEX file will not work on real Atari" or something like that)... just a thought...


solution: exomizer :)


\example\juggler_64k_exomizer.xex ($2000-$BFFF)


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when I try to animate first 52 jpg tip animator wrote me "tipanm.asx (127) error: $124A" what wrong ? this is in bat file "tipanm.exe 64 115 max" I have working version only to the frame 64 - 108. frame 109 doesnt work:( I want to upload my "anim in progress" I dont know why, but forum wrote me "upload failed, you are not permitted to upload this type of file" Whats wrong? its xex file with 183kb.

Edited by Poison
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when I try to animate first 52 jpg tip animator wrote me "tipanm.asx (127) error: $124A" what wrong ? this is in bat file "tipanm.exe 64 115 max" I have working version only to the frame 64 - 108. frame 109 doesnt work:( I want to upload my "anim in progress" I dont know why, but forum wrote me "upload failed, you are not permitted to upload this type of file" Whats wrong? its xex file with 183kb.


file ANM.DAT is too long, try "TIPANM FIRST LAST h64"



TIP ANIMATOR 2.1 with more detailed info


Edited by tebe
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tipanm.asx (157) ERROR: file anm.dat is too long $11AF $CE4F


is tip animator limited by max file size? Its great util. but it would be nice when it can work on real atari with 512kb or 1MB ram . make 1mb long anim. isnt any problem:)


anim update, is possible to change anim speed? I reduce original movie speed from 19 fps on 5 fps in virtual dub and than export to jpgs, but tip_anim play more speed than 5fps. anim is too fast.


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tipanm.asx (157) ERROR: file anm.dat is too long $11AF $CE4F


is tip animator limited by max file size? Its great util. but it would be nice when it can work on real atari with 512kb or 1MB ram . make 1mb long anim. isnt any problem:)


ANM.DAT is limited by max file size, is loaded in to standard RAM (PRG$0400 is the lowest value, works with emul but not on real machine)


anim update, is possible to change anim speed? I reduce original movie speed from 19 fps on 5 fps in virtual dub and than export to jpgs, but tip_anim play more speed than 5fps. anim is too fast.


add parameter DELAY5



JPG is not good choice, convert MPG, AVI is not good choice


TIP ANIMATOR need frames with small differences (slow motion), not with full motion frames

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JPG is not good choice, convert MPG, AVI is not good choice


TIP ANIMATOR need frames with small differences (slow motion), not with full motion frames




this behaviour reminds me of Motion JPEG (if I remember correctly), which is another (in)famous movie compression format besides MPEG. But in Motion JPEG the frames must not have too many (or too big) differences, otherwise the movie-framerate will slow down and flicker will occcur. Its nice to see, that Atari 8Bit has the same possibilities and the same problems as nowadays technology...


Well, having big animations for the A8 is nice, but only in the emu they will load very fast. Afaik, TIP animator does not support harddisks yet (not that I use A8 harddisks, but...) and loading 320k-1024k animations from an A8 floppy drive takes quite a long time, much longer than the animation sequence you see. Besides, some animations (e.g. Transcendental) will not fit on a 360k 5,25" floppy drive, since they are unpacked. I tried packing with DJ-Packer but after four or five hours the packing still was not finished... argghh...


Is there a special packing program for the PC that lets you pack A8 files more quickly - and that automatically adds a depacking routine for the A8 (like e.g. DJ-Packer does)... ?!? It would be nice to have something like a inflate/deflate routine (e.g. by FoX/Taquart) as part of Tip animator to pack big animations (but with a fixed auto-depack routine, which will depack after the whole animation has been loaded into XRAM)...


-Andreas Koch.


P.S.: With the help of DJ-Packer I could downsize the length of Bombjack-Beta-Version from more than 1400 DD-sectors to just 337 DD-sectors... (the program still requires 320k RAM, but now loading from a floppy drive is much faster/shorter)...

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Andreas, does not exomizer on pc doing this for you?




thanks for the tip, I just downloaded this program and will test it... (but it will take a while)... while reading the homepage of Exomizer, I noticed that I did not understand very well how the program works, hopefully this gets more clear, when I use the program... -Andreas Koch.

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