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Wanted: 7800 Screenshots


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The shots I presently have of Sirius (taken by Tempest for his website) show several of the bosses. Do you think you can snap some of them?




It's interesting that for the shots I already have, the blue of the ship on the title screen looks better than the purplish color for the shot you took. The blue looks better, but I'm assuming the purple is more accurate..





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I probably should not do this but what the hey...


One that is in the works.....but no one will ever get to play

However, I now folks have asked about what a version would

look like on the 7800 so here it is....

Are those mockups or actual screen captures from the 7800? They look good, regardless..



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Just finished a massive update--screenshots from 29 games were posted since my last update! I updated the first post with all these additions, and then I went through the entire thread to make sure I did not miss any, so that list should be accurate. Looks like I will need to add a few games to the database: Super Pac-Man and Froggie at minimum, possibly a few others..


There cannot be many games left at this point. It took me several hours to get these shots into the database (I uploaded nearly 600 images), so I am going to take a break from this now. I'll leave that as an exercise for someone else!!


Thanks for everyone's excellent work on this endeavor. :)



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I probably should not do this but what the hey...


One that is in the works.....but no one will ever get to play

However, I now folks have asked about what a version would

look like on the 7800 so here it is....

Are those mockups or actual screen captures from the 7800? They look good, regardless..





Nope those are actually running code. Both games.

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Is this an original homebrew or a hack of Ms. Pac-Man?


It's a hack. My rule of thumb for what I captured is anything that was released on a cart then or now, or if it is a confirmed ROM from back in the day.


Pac-Polux had a limited cart release.



Edited by Trebor
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The shots I presently have of Sirius (taken by Tempest for his website) show several of the bosses. Do you think you can snap some of them?


It's interesting that for the shots I already have, the blue of the ship on the title screen looks better than the purplish color for the shot you took. The blue looks better, but I'm assuming the purple is more accurate


I'm going to have to become better at the game. The captures I took are mostly the result of allowing the various demos to take place.


I would assume the purple is more accurate as it is the result of the latest palette which appears to have all the other colors with all the other games better as well.


The ideal solution is to have the NTSC filter in ProSystem or any other 7800 emulator. Thankfully, Brian has gone the route with kat.


Nestopia uses it. ZSNES uses it. I'm hoping at least one (If not all) emulator(s) for all pre-Playstation consoles apply it. It really is the best video solution as well as closest accuracy you can come to at this present time.



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