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Jaguar - My least favorite Atari Console


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Hey everyone!


You know, I have really fond memories of playing the atari 2600 and then to a lesser extent the 5200 and 7800 (although those were as an adult, i didn't have them as a kid) but I never could get any kind of attachment to the Jaguar. I can't really explain why but I guess maybe the Jag came along too late for me and wasn't around during the years when I was in school and was all into console video games so I didn't really get attached to it. About the only Jag game that I really can say I enjoy and would buy another Jag to play is Tempest 2000. Every other game that I ever played on the Jag just didn't do much for me (although super burn out almost did..pretty fun game).


Anyways, I just wondered what everyone else thought on the subject..do you hold the Jag in the same class as the 2600/5200/7800 with just as fond of memories or is the Jaguar in a different place for you?


Adept Rapier



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About the only Jag game that I really can say I enjoy and would buy another Jag to play is Tempest 2000.

You won't have to buy a Jaguar to play Tempest 2000, it's also available for the Sega Saturn and PC (and you can unlock it in Tempest X3 for the PSX).


Yeah, I have it for the Saturn, but it's best on the Jaguar.



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The Jaguar is my favorite Atari console BY FAR... Atari 2600-7800 = crap graphics, sounds, control & gameplay for the most part... NO THANKS! ;)


I'll take an NES in place of those old Atari consoles ANY DAY. ;) I love my Jag as well. It's very underappreciated and was ahead of its time...

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I like the Songbird stuff, T2K, Battlesphere is cool but NOT worth the pricetag. I am more of a collectore then gamer on the Jag. Not my favorite system but far from the worst atari system.... I mean common, have you used a 5200 controller, bleh!

Here is my line up, favorite system first

Atari 2600

Atari Lynx

Atari Jaguar

Atari 7800

Atari 5200

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Of all the Atari consoles, Jaguar is not my least favorite. That would be the 7800.


I like a lot of the Jag games. Particularly Cybermorph, Battlemorph, Iron Soldier, Baldies, Tempest 2000 and Rayman. I hope to one day be able to afford Protector SE, as I'm sure I'd like that, too.

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I don't like the 5200 at all simply because of the analog controllers - whereas when I was younger I had 8-bit Ataris with huge game collections.


I think my favorite Atari is actually the Lynx: very portable, a great library of arcade conversions, etc.


Next would be the 2600: the library has some really stinkers but also some great classics. And of course, it was the first videogame system I ever had a chance to play, way back in the 70s.


The 7800 is okay, but most of the 7800-only library isn't that great IMHO.


The Jaguar has some great games, but some clunkers as well. I like it because it has a lot of untapped potential that we only see glimpses of with a few games.

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The 7800 is okay, but most of the 7800-only library isn't that great IMHO.


I use to think that way as well until I helped redo the screenshots for the atari database, which involved some massive gametime. Overall I found the games more enjoyable than I originally thought.


It does need a bigger library however and more homebrew projects started and completed. :)

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I find the choice hard to make. I love all my Atari's but I'd have to give the award of least liked to the

5200 for too little too late. Also for trying to advance gaming to analog controllers with the dumbest

design in the history of controllers for a pack in. One simple change would have made me buy the 5200

over the Colecovison...centering joysticks.


Somebody please tell me how many games before this 'brilliant' idea used non-centering joysticks, anolog

or non centering otherwise?


Track Ball games dont count.

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7800 = crap graphics, sounds, control & gameplay for the most part...


Spoken like a true NES fan boy.


For having a differing opinion?


I remember getting a 7800 and being horribly disappointed with Choplifter. It was nowhere near as fun as the Apple 8-bit version. Mind you, I didn't even have a 7800 controller(just a 2600 one) so I couldn't even turn the chopper around.

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It's always amazing to me how the 5200 draws so many people to either love it or hate it. There doesn't seem to ever be much middle ground. I love the 5200, and nostalgic reasons set aside, it's my favorite Atari system, controllers included. The analog controllers are awesome for many games. Just felt I had to defend it, though this is a thread about the Jaguar!


But yeah, including Breakout as the pack-in with the 5200 was a lame idea. I guess they probably just figured they wouldn't sell too many separately, so they may as well throw it in since it was easy to program. It's far inferior to the 2600 game with paddles.

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Somebody please tell me how many games before this 'brilliant' idea used non-centering joysticks, anolog

or non centering otherwise?


Track Ball games dont count.


Many of the joysticks for the Apple ][ had a switch to turn off self-centering. (For those unfamiliar, the Apple ][ had a 2600-style port, but it only accepted input from a pair of paddles -- that is, two pots and two buttons. So the joysticks were analog (two pots) and had two buttons.) It's been too long to recall any games that required or benefited from self-centering being turned off, but if there were any, they were few and far between. Come to think of it, they were probably just paddle games.


Anyway, it would have been nice if a switch had been included for the 5200 controllers to turn on and off self-centering. Because the lack of self centering works great for the trak-ball games and a few others.


Honestly, though, I have no problems with the 5200 controllers as they are. But I'm pretty flexible when it comes to controllers. As long as it's not physically painful to use them, I'm usually OK. Even back in '82, I couldn't understand all the hubub in the press about the controllers. They seemed fine at the time, not "floppo" at all to me.

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Hmmm, I prefer the 2600, but mainly because I like to occasionally play games with less depth but more potential for me to vedge out in 'point gathering wonderland.' I enjoy the Jaguar, it has some really good games, but it's a totally different type of game you're going to find there. Hover Strike is probably my favorite. I don't really have memories of it, however, I got it after it had tanked before there seemed to be a big collecting the Jaguar boom on eBay (my brother and I picked up one boxed complete with two extra games for under $30), but I do certainly remember the commercials and wondering what it was like. Never knew anyone that owned one, however, until much later in college.

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It's always amazing to me how the 5200 draws so many people to either love it or hate it. There doesn't seem to ever be much middle ground. I love the 5200, and nostalgic reasons set aside, it's my favorite Atari system, controllers included. The analog controllers are awesome for many games. Just felt I had to defend it, though this is a thread about the Jaguar!


But yeah, including Breakout as the pack-in with the 5200 was a lame idea. I guess they probably just figured they wouldn't sell too many separately, so they may as well throw it in since it was easy to program. It's far inferior to the 2600 game with paddles.


The 5200 is my favorite too (followed by the Jag).


I find the design of the 5200 to be absolutely amazing. A 5200 with the track ball positioned right next to it is, to this day, the coolest looking system around, and I love the fact that you can control the entire system directly from the joysticks. That is common now, but it was a first back then.

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I got the Jaguar just after it came out, when I was in college. My roommates and I spent hours on Raiden, Tempest 2000, and AVP. I liked Cybermorph too; I thought it was a decent pack-in. I got a bunch of other games but they weren't too memorable. Well, except Club Drive and Checkered Flag, which were major disappointments (not too long after that I got a Saturn and DaytonaUSA--THAT rocked!).

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Hey everyone!


You know, I have really fond memories of playing the atari 2600 and then to a lesser extent the 5200 and 7800 (although those were as an adult, i didn't have them as a kid) but I never could get any kind of attachment to the Jaguar. I can't really explain why but I guess maybe the Jag came along too late for me and wasn't around during the years when I was in school and was all into console video games so I didn't really get attached to it. About the only Jag game that I really can say I enjoy and would buy another Jag to play is Tempest 2000. Every other game that I ever played on the Jag just didn't do much for me (although super burn out almost did..pretty fun game).


Anyways, I just wondered what everyone else thought on the subject..do you hold the Jag in the same class as the 2600/5200/7800 with just as fond of memories or is the Jaguar in a different place for you?


Adept Rapier




everyone is entitled to their own opinion. :cool:

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