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New GUI for the Atari 8-bit


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OK having an issue flashing GOS. If I put the switch down on the side2 and disable sdx and side in u1mb, then I can load the flasher from sio2sd and it recognizes the side2 hardware. However, if I select the external cartridge and try to update or dump the slot, it freezes. Tried with 2 separate side2 cartridges. Same thing on both.


If I put the switch up and enable sdx and side2 from u1mb, then I can load the flasher and manually open and select the device. I can then dump the external cartridge slot, but when I try to update it, it says unknown device.

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I probably forgot to put the ATRs in the ZIP. So much for hurrying. As for the flasher issue: I'll test again tomorrow but it worked for me on an Ultimate equipped machine with SIDE2. The old flasher won't work because it forces the ROM for the external cart to be 16KB, assuming it to be the XEX loader.

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Also SDX must be enabled on the SIDE to allow the flash to be unlocked. Hence "unknown device" when it's off.


Here's the archive with the ATRs:


GOS ROMs.zip


Just flashed a SIDE2 for the third time on real hardware using the supplied version of UFlash. I'm still running SDX 4.46, however.


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Urgh... Forgot mention you need to run SDX in OSRAM to flash the 1MB cart. There's only 1MB of RAM on your Atari and you're trying to read a 1MB ROM into it while SDX is keeping drivers in one of the banks. Use a config.sys file with USE OSRAM and no RAMdisk.


I might implement compression of some kind in the future but for now it's down to the laws of physics. ;)

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I successfully flashed the Side2 cartridge slot. The problem was that I never updated either of my Side2's SDX slots from when I purchased them.


After suspecting that could be the problem, I downloaded the SDX446S2.ROM from FJC's website and flashed it into the Side2 SDX slot. After rebooting with the new SDX, I was able to flash GOS to the cartridge slot.


Thanks for the images FJC! Nice to have this running on hardware! :thumbsup:

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Urgh... Forgot mention you need to run SDX in OSRAM to flash the 1MB cart. There's only 1MB of RAM on your Atari and you're trying to read a 1MB ROM into it while SDX is keeping drivers in one of the banks. Use a config.sys file with USE OSRAM and no RAMdisk.


I might implement compression of some kind in the future but for now it's down to the laws of physics. ;)


Yea so I used the Maxflash Studio to put the GOS rom onto the Maxflash8mb cart and it works as well as any of the others do.. GOS is fun to play with --- eager to get some more functions plugged into it..

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A) Don't boot the flasher. Load it from SDX as per instructions. It needs DOS.

B) Only 512KB supported at the moment. The W29C020C chip (256KB) is the wrong size for the provided GOS ROM, which is called GOSSC512.ROM. The clue is in the name. ;)


The Sic! Cart in the video is neither 1MByte nor 1Mbit. It's a 2Mbit (256KB) chip, and the GOS occupies alternate banks of a 4Mbit chip, which is the maximum allowed by the Sic! cart.

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Would it be possible to increase screen vertical size to raise available space?

Possible, by splitting the frame buffer so that some of it is below the banking window and some is above it (already, the display list and screen RAM have 16KB separating them), but we have 200 lines already and I'm mindful of not ruining the NTSC display.

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