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You can interpret what I write any way you want, and it appears that no matter what I write you will consider it hostile.


Promoting my own thing? I guess we better be technical here, so yes, I suppose my comment qualifies as "promotion". Hardly an "announcement" though, more like a "by the way", and apparently only noticed *months* after I posted it, and only because I wondered if Tursi saw it the first time around.


"Mighty F18A"? Is that what it is? I didn't think I come across as pompous, but if that's how you want to take it... More like the "lowly F18A", with a handful of owners and one public application that uses the device. I don't think your X9918A comparison is valid because I didn't make a font collection with exclusive content or deny sharing anything. I didn't even make the fonts/graphics, they have been online for years.


My point with Google was simply to say that I didn't think you were hurting for fonts to add to the collection, and that my lousy eight or so fonts, compared to the 200+ that you had already collected, would be of interest. Searching for fonts brings up more results than anyone could possibly collect. Trying to make you feel "small and unimportant"? Hardly. Quite the opposite. What is it they say "[Copying | Imitation] is the highest form of flattery"... *Everyone's* collection of widgets is inferior to what exists in the world. I simply liked those tracker graphics and had stumbled on that page a long time ago, and figured I might use one of them some day.


I added your collection because I thought others would find it nice to have them already available. You're right, I should have asked, and I actually thought I did but apparently it was a question that only went to the beta testers. I initially wanted you to be a beta tester, but you don't do real gear (so you have said before). People are busy, and people creating projects hate to get messages like: "hey busy person making this thing for free, will you take some time to add these things that *I* want, oh, and have it done ASAP!" I needed the fonts in a specific format and my thought process went straight to: "don't bother him, he's busy, make your own damn pixel-to-HDL converter..."


Yes, I have "the list and more, in firmware", but don't worry though, no one can use the feature because I have not written the documentation on how to load the font patterns into VRAM. And they will be gone if anyone updates their F18A to fix the sprite collision bug.


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The list was me trying to drive a joint community font collection. And yes, maybe a silly idea.


Anyone can do anything they want with the collection. It’s been so and will be so, if I can help it.


To copy it and add something elsewhere is all fine. To announce it here, in this thread, up my nose, without considering “the collection” is a bit discouraging to me (and my drive of the collection). Why would someone come to the collection and say, look here, I have a copy and something that’s not here.


I thought your #264 to do exactly that. Copying the list and specifically adding that some fonts are not in the collection. Had you done so in the F18A thread, and I would have thought nothing of it. I chose not to make anything out of it.


Your #269 would have done nicely as a PM, but to redirect attention to it again, - well, all I basically said was “Nice gesture”.


Then you return with thanks for guilt-trip and somehow assuming I should be pissed off. I’m not pissed. I just react to what you put forward. I felt your #272 to be both defensive and hostile.


I said “mighty” because you said; never crossed my mind, Google, and you’ll find more fonts than you could ever hope to include. - You’re putting my effort down as if it’s nothing, but, surprise, it is to me, not a big deal, but nevertheless I’ve spend some time on it. Likewise I assume the F18A means something to you. I understand that the collection is nothing compared to the F18A. So I said "mighty F18A".


I’m not worried. You can keep it in, or whatever you choose. I hope you see my point about not considering the collection. But it’s over and out for me with this issue between the two of us. I’ll be cool about it. Hope you will too.



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Hey sometimes99er, wanted to look at some of the fonts today, but apparently the tools has been taken offline? Are you not making them available anymore?

Been sort of cleaning out and working on other approaches, but they apparently came to a standstill. I think most of this font thread should be back on-line as was.



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Been playing around with different ideas on slightly higher levels like autogeneration based on description. Also wanted to add new fonts.

Many 8x8 pixel fonts look alike and perhaps even a bit dull. Yet, they only really come alive, when you try and use them. Small differences can make quite an impact on look and feel. Take for example the Atari 800 and the actually much later Commodore 64 fonts. They have so much in common, yet they each have grown their very own distinct personalities.

I finally got around to making a basic font search tool. For now it's strict (one pixel can make a difference) and loose (shifts shapes around). For now it's for my own use, kept it simple and developed it in tandem in Adobe CS / ActionScript 3, Microsoft Visual Studio / C# and NetBeans / Java. Depending on perspective the languages are so alike and different. I will probably put the search into Pineapple somehow.

Anyway, here's finally one more font added. :)


Edited by sometimes99er
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Very cool collection, thanks!


I made a tool to convert your files to the ST resolution and posted it to atari-forum.com, I guess that's okay if I read you correctly but I didn't want to do that without telling you, just in case.


Again, thanks!



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