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Intellivision Ebay Roundup

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Yeah, this guy is one of the absolute worst out there.


What I dont get is that its obvious flase advertisement, and you cant really report it. the descritption say everything included is in the pick, it says complete collection, Well they are not all cib o its uncomplete, the fact that he removed some games smb, lf2 and spiker make it incomplete, but i doubt anyone will pay that mich for and intv imcomplete collecrion. I feel like buy something dofferent from him just to give him a spite low rating jajajaj :)
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This guy is a joker too.


He is advertiseing it as complete collection but he removed spiker. I asked about SMB and LF2 also not included.



But he is actually including SMB and LF2 in his listing... and the fact he "purposefully" removed Spiker for making the lot more affordable (and yet selling it at $5k!) is really kind of funny!

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But he is actually including SMB and LF2 in his listing... and the fact he "purposefully" removed Spiker for making the lot more affordable (and yet selling it at $5k!) is really kind of funny!


I had asked him about that, bc i his initial listing he removed LF2 and advertised it as complete. but based o other reveiws from buyers his counter was you get whats in the picture. So since rare games are not in the pict, i asked for clarification. The guy is a joker. The set is incomplete on many levels, many stuff is loose carts, or missing manuals and or overlays. he drop the price 5 dollars it was iver 5k when he did not include spiker and lf2.

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I've watched a lot of his auctions. His high starting prices are a turn off, but I have seen that many of his items sell at lower best offer prices. You don't make money giving stuff away, I suppose. It's just hard to take it seriously when the starting prices are often a multiple of the highest price ever paid for said item. A decent gatefold Shark Shark recently sold for around $25. The sealed one is rare, but not impossible to find. I could see one selling for anywhere between $40-85, but $250? Yikes.

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