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Another Adventure? Yep...

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Just tested it...do this just before loading the Bat's state in the first part:


;existing line...
      bne    MoveDragon_6        ;2 Branch if not roaming

      asl                        ;2 Roll back 1 bit left (and get rid of bit0)
      sta    $04,x               ;5 ...And update

;continue with new lines (lda BatR+4, etc)...



That will give you nice, clean animation @ 2 frames when the dragon is marching around :)

Just tested it...do this just before loading the Bat's state in the first part:


That will give you nice, clean animation @ 2 frames when the dragon is marching around :)


Hmmm, the body disappears in quite a few frames, including when the dragon swallows (similar to how the bat only uses the top 5 bytes or so in the first half of the animation).

Edited by keithbk


Double-check the edits...it works fine here.


Also, make sure that your GFX for any object is not using the delimiter bit pattern defined up top. That pattern has to be unused to signal the end of a bitmap instead of using zeros. Try picking something else.


Double-check the edits...it works fine here.


Also, make sure that your GFX for any object is not using the delimiter bit pattern defined up top. That pattern has to be unused to signal the end of a bitmap instead of using zeros. Try picking something else.


I'm going through it, but so far I've not found the error.


Here's the file, just in case I missed something...


Oh, wait...I found a "BD" in the graphics which corresponds to the delimiter bit pattern.

Okay, I have created an animated dragon. I would like some input to see if people think this dragon is better than the non-animated version I had previously, or do you prefer the first dragon and want it animated?


Currently, the attacking dragon graphic has not changed.


Edited by keithbk
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I don't care for this one because it doesn't look like a dragon until it bites.


Agreed, looks more like a salamander.


Okay, I have updated the original dragon I did to animate it between the two frames (kinda gives it a "flapping wings" effect). See original post to download the updated file.

I'm calling this project completed. I've uploaded the latest bin file for download (see first post) and it SHOULD be the last (assuming I don't find any real error(s) in the game).


I'll have it put on cart for those who are really interested; just give me some time :)

What were the tweaks?


Corrected a screen jitter in the game selection screen, some other errors in the code (including one affecting the bat's flight), and a couple of color changes.


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