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BREAKING NEWS: Probe 2000 - Power Lords - Atari 2600


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Guys/gals, I have still 2-3 outstanding payments (this does not include a couple of people who I've dealt with for years, their carts were sent without payment) and I have sent 3 replies to people who do not have an address in their PayPal payment. Please check your email. Thanks. :)

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Received! Thanks again so much!


Heh, I guess it helps to live near me. :grin:


As for some other people. :roll:


I have 6 carts left on my desk, 2 are paid for and I don't know where to ship them, 4 I don't even have payment on. I wonder if any of those people will complain, when they don't receive their cart. :lol:

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Got mine. It did some funny things in my 7800 so I wasn't sure if some things were intentional. I could not find a 2600 power supply which surprised me. I did find 4 7800 ones. I most of stashed them in the wrong power supply crate.


Intentional things?


1) No sound at all in spaceship stage

2) Disappearing/Reappearing enemies in the hallway scene. I could still shoot them while they were invisibile.


Other stuff I'm sure wasn't intentional was that I would drop into the crater and the game would freeze. I thought I was missing something at first. Jiggle the handle around and the hallway would flicker on then right back to the crater. Switched controllers, same thing. Cold boot, get to the hall way but either I or the enemies can move. Cold boot, get to the hallway and I can start to move but then it would reset the stage. Cold boot, can move around a little and maybe get an enemy or two before stage reset. Cold boot, finished the hallway stage and got to around round 6 before loosing what I thought was my last life. It gave me one more ship but the lizard thing flickered and vanished along with the other ships and I was left alone on the screen but was able to crash and end the game. Tried starting a new game without a boot and it was all kinds of hokey.

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I have one SUPER CRITICAL question. How in the name of tiny fingers did you put all of those carts in those ziploc bags? It took me 2 minutes to put it back in! Talk about a perfect fit. Either I got the only one like that, and you gave up after it, or you have a) skilz or b) patience or c) a significant other (or children) that you bribed to do it.


I actually thought about using papaer as a shoe horn type of deal.


If there is a easy secret, where can we buy these form fit bags?

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I am shocked, the USPS is actually doing their job? :o


Received mine Wednesday - two days from west coast to east coast. Shocking indeed!


What is NOT unexpected is the quality of the cart and label. The gameplay is fun, but even if it wasn't, this release is yet another major contribution to the community. On behalf of all of us, WIZ, THANK YOU for the expense and effort you put into bringing it to us!


Now, about the box and manual...

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