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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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I guess I dont have to hit you anymore;)


Good pickup vb_master!!

The question is... what should I do with the old NES frontloader?


Unfortunatly the guy forgot the RF switch, but I have an extra RF switch. If I sell the frontloader, I'd include an sound/video cable.


Just a note, when you switch the toploader, you can hear a faint whirring noise on the TV, and the sound faids out soon after beginning, is there a way I can eliminate that sound?

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Hit First Saturday, got some EPROMs (apparently PC BIOS ROMs), a CD-I Digital Video cartridge and Litil Divil game, a box full of 40 soldertail CR-2032 batteries, and a LONG printer cable so I can run my EPROM programmer from the sofa (with the video player PC on a shelf by the TV.) It was a load of stuff purchase, so I can't say exactly how much some things cost, but the batteries were 5 bucks and the DV cart was 2 bucks. Now I need to see if my player has a DV cart slot.


Also, on the way up to Dallas, for six bucks I got a bunch of crap. It included lots of milk crates (4 real, 2 store-bought); an old Supra modem with a 1 megabit flash, a 1 megabit SRAM, and a 256 byte serial EEPROM; a piece of whiteboard; some Bionicle pieces; and some satellite receiver junk. There was something that appeared to be an antenna rotator control unit, and I'd like to figure out how they got a 3 digit LED display with only two or three 16-pin chips on the board.

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I went back to a store that had a TI Home Computer with joysticks in it's beaten up box for $5. I also bought an Atari 2600 compatible Super Stik joystick for $2.


They had a Memorex VIS machine at that thrift, along with about a dozen games, mainly children's educational stuff. I'm debating picking it up. I don't know if it's really worth the effort. I think I need to start a thread and ask people's opinions about it.

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Whoo Hooo! There's a thrift store that moved from the other side of town to a spot next to the store I work at. They've never had anything videogame related in the past, on the dozen visits i've made there. But today, I got two Atari 2600s, both 4-switchers, one woodgrain and one black. And sitting underneath them........... an Atari Video Music. All bought at $4.98 each. The Video Music isn't in the greatest shape, but it can be nursed back to health. The former owner snipped the electric cord off it(!), about a foot out. And the video cable looks a little frayed too. Still, it's a sweet piece of Atari retro 1970's nostalgia.


They also had a few common 2600 and 5200 carts there, so I picked up Kangaroo and Berzerk for the 5200, and Chopper Command for the 2600, for 79¢ each.

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COngrats, man! The Atari Video Music is wicked cool. I had to get mine from Ebay, but it was worth every penny. Don't forget to have the the audio input and video output in before you power up. There's some grounding issue with the AVM that can really screw things up good if you plug things into the unit while it's powered up.

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Man, every web site that i've seen with AVM info always mentions that it's unbelievably rare. Too bad mine's in lousy shape. It looks pretty scraped up and stuff. It's also got splattered paint on it and the woodgrain 2600. But at least it's still got all it's buttons. I just need to get my brother to take it apart and attach another power cable to it, so I can finally check this thing out! I hope whoever owned it last didn't screw it up or something. One of the RCA sockets on the back panel looks loose, too. He'll have to tighten that up, also.



I'm probably not going to pick up that Memorex VIS player for a while. I want to go to the Oklahoma Game Expo, so i'm attempting to save my money up. Maybe I should just splurge the $10 on the player, and go back later for all the software. I doubt anyone will pick the programs up.

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Well, from Googling info for it and searching for info here at AtariAge, i've discovered that it's kind of like a visual synthesizer, along the lines of the Virtual Light Machine built into the Jag CD and Nuon. It was put out by Atari around 1978, and you hook up your stereo to it. You then plug in the AVM into your TV with a switchbox. There's a whole lot of buttons and knobs on the front of it to make it do all sorts of graphic effects. Check out this thread. There's a couple of Quicktime movies of the AVM running. It's better than I thought.

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I knew that sounded familiar! Damn, I wish I had something like that. I am a big fan of the old style look of electronics. I love buttons and switches and dials that have a feel to them. Much like Tom Paris from Voyager, and the Enterprise from um.. Enterprise.


So what did it do exactly? Sounds by the description it's like a visualizer for your stereo, powered by an Atari that displayed patterns on your TV. I would LOVE that.

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I don't really use any stereo equiptment anymore, since my Pioneer CD Changer died. So i'm going to plug my iPod into it. There's a weird merging of technology!



I used to not like shopping in thrift stores, because i'd never find anything. But since the beginning of this year, i've found more and more good stuff. I've expanded my game collection so much, i've got consoles just piled up on the floor, waiting for me to do something with them! Nowadays, I love thrifting!

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I don't really use any stereo equiptment anymore, since my Pioneer CD Changer died. So i'm going to plug my iPod into it. There's a weird merging of technology!

Something about that seems so damn cool. If I had an iPod and one of those things, I'd do that too.

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