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A Jaguar game with Parallax scrolling

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i have a weird idea... works like this... (came from Demo FX and Kefren Bars fx)...


160x480 screen in Antic F+Mode10... platforms will be done by PMs 4x size. the engine draws the parallax patterns at the bottom of the screen just ahead of the scrolling window... after reaching the end it wraps around. Can be there something nice fx done? but I guess Parallax nearly impossible due to different layers but maybe?


I could see that working for a non-parallax screen, but I'm not sure how you'd deal with the parallax. I can possibly see a way to do it on the Amiga (irrelevant I know) by changing the screen pointer of a back playfield mid-line behind a mask of sprites (which would convieniently sort out the jagged overlap issue). Problem is I'm not 100% sure if the playfield address registers are latched at the start of a line or not because the subtleties of the amiga are not my strongpoint.


A nice example of PF address twiddling in Brian the Lion.

Edited by ANTIQ
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2 POKEY version....

It seems you found an interesting Pokey function by accident. Using mono-emulation while playing this stereo tune gives interesting instruments on Ch.2&4 (distortion 12/C). This flanger-sound is caused by double usage of the same pokey-registers (writing both L&R values to just one register). I'd keep this in mind ;)


By the way, I assume you could get a better tuning for this dist12 instrument if you swap them to Ch1&3 instead, and select 1.79mhz clocking for both: then transpose a few octaves down, and you obtain a few bits more precision.


And the choice for 64khz clocking on left-pokey, and 15khz clocking on right-pokey causes another little detuning problem.


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2 POKEY version....

It seems you found an interesting Pokey function by accident. Using mono-emulation while playing this stereo tune gives interesting instruments on Ch.2&4 (distortion 12/C). This flanger-sound is caused by double usage of the same pokey-registers (writing both L&R values to just one register). I'd keep this in mind ;)



It's the same "approximation" of the resulting sound as I have used in some tunes to make the bass sounding more unique. Yes, this should be kept in mind :)




By the way, I assume you could get a better tuning for this dist12 instrument if you swap them to Ch1&3 instead, and select 1.79mhz clocking for both: then transpose a few octaves down, and you obtain a few bits more precision.


And the choice for 64khz clocking on left-pokey, and 15khz clocking on right-pokey causes another little detuning problem.



Some software driven channel for deep sounds would help better ;)

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Too many posts to quote properly so I'm doing it "Twitter style" :)


@Irgendwer - I like the tiles so far, can you send me the images/data and I will link them in so you can see them in motion before spending any more time. Also, MK's idea to use the "ascii art" approach may be possible now (i.e. have the same number of chars per layer but lay them out over a bigger area with repeating chars) as I have had some further thoughts about how to implement the game engine while keeping RAM usage down for 16k machines, so let's establish that first. This would also enable the "pseudo 3d" look analmux suggested - too many possibilities! :)


Would you be interested in also looking at the foreground objects? All players/missiles will be free for foreground objects, but I would rather not use kernel colour changes as I want RMT to run in deferred VBLANK during the game, and I will be using DLIs to change the HPOS of any objects like the fruit etc.. Overlap is fine though. Looking at the game videos I think there will only be the player (with or without jetpack, balloons and so on) and up to one other object on any given line, but I could be wrong. Need to spend some more time playing it!


@emkay - thanks for trying the conversion, as far as the music's concerned, I'm not sure that mod will translate well to RMT - it sounds very "busy" and I can't see how it could be improved on 8-bit without massive editing of the patterns, so perhaps it was the sounds and arrangement that were good about the original rather than the rhythm and melody. Have a listen to the attached mod files by tobbx (you could even run the exe's in the emulator while playing the mods). I think the "boss boss" one suits the speed of the playing screen while the "slow motion" one suits the title screen. IT helps that the samples used sound like Pokey square waves! Let me know what you think, or if you have any mods you think would suit better.


@jose - thanks for trying the GR.9 look - I think I will go with the 160-wide look for my implementation here but I would like to do something else in future with the char screen in GTIA mode approach, specifically taking advantage of the fact that for horizontal motion only two versions of char graphics are required. Anyway, would you be interested in helping map/design the levels for this one? I am working on the game engine at the moment, so let me know and I'll give you the specifications.


@everyone - the score will not be overlayed as far as I'm concerned. All pmgs will be reserved for motion objects which can go right to the top and bottom of the screen - if it was "Rightfall" or "Leftfall" it would be a lot easier, and masking the characters on to a set seems like a lot of raster time for something that only adds a minor visual improvement. I'll just stick an Antic 0 line at the top or bottom, with of course yet another character set. So, the choice is "top" or "bottom". Any preferences?


Anyway, I've enclosed a couple more versions. One is the startup title page so far - I will add some PMG smoothing to the blocky bits on the letters, probably a horizontal scrolling bar with the text information in GR.2 size. Also a kernel that's a bit less lame than:


BUSY                           STA WSYNC
                               LDA VCOUNT
                               ; Cycle with RT clock
                               SBC RTCLOCKJ
                               STA WSYNC
                               STA COLPF3
                               JMP BUSY


:ponder: Anyone have any suggestions? I thought I'd better add something for now as you can't take an Atari 8 program seriously without a raster rainbow :D


The other is a slightly tweaked version of the main loop - innermost background now offsets at 1px/frame the other way when scrolling which I think helps the impression of depth.






looks very good. now with different speeds for each element... :)


I am with Rybags... get away of the "cheesy" color cycling bars... ;) disturbs the "overall qualty"...

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looks very good. now with different speeds for each element... :)


They were before, but if you were running at 60Hz you had to be pretty eagle eyed to see it. Now the outermost goes at 4 scanlines/frame, the next at 3 lines/frame, the next at 2 lines/frame, the next at 1 lines/frame and the middle is static. Add 1 line/frame for scrolling (except for the middle which is still static, as it offsets at 1 line/frame the other way when scrolling).


I am with Rybags... get away of the "cheesy" color cycling bars... ;) disturbs the "overall qualty"...


Luckily for me this isn't a democracy :P Anyway, my girlfriend was very impressed with that part, and as we all know the main reason for doing a8 programming these days is to impress the ladies. It's now a defined sequence of 256 colours, but it's necessary to give the perceived downward motion to increase the parallax effect as the title screen doesn't scroll. I will however make it so you can press the Help button to turn it off and replace it with a nice plain brown colour if it offends you that much ;)


Jose, the chars for the background are:


     -------Column 1-------- ======Column 2===== --- Col 3 ----- == Col 4 == ----- MID ----- == Col 5 == --- Col 6 ----- ======Column 7===== -------Column 8--------
.BYTE $04,$08,$0C,$10,$14,$18,$1C,$1F,$22,$25,$28,$2B,$2D,$2F,$31,$33,$35,$37,$00,$00,$00,$00,$39,$3B,$3D,$3F,$41,$43,$45,$47,$4A,$4D,$50,$53,$56,$5A,$5E,$62,$66,$6A
.BYTE $05,$09,$0D,$11,$15,$19,$1D,$20,$23,$26,$29,$2C,$2E,$30,$32,$34,$36,$38,$00,           ,$3A,$3C,$3E,$40,$42,$44,$46,$48,$4B,$4E,$51,$54,$57,$5B,$5F,$63,$67,$6B
.BYTE $06,$0A,$0E,$12,$16,$1A,$1E,$21,$24,$27,$2A,                                                                        $49,$4C,$4F,$52,$55,$58,$5C,$60,$64,$68,$6C
.BYTE $07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B,                                                                                                                $59,$5D,$61,$65,$69,$6D


Each column repeats as necessary. The platforms are currently 3 chars (left side, middle, right side). There's only 4 chars spare at the moment so use any further ones sparingly! It would be useful to have two sets of platforms available at any given time. You can choose a different PF3 color for each set of platforms (looking in the Jag source, there's red ones, green ones etc., see attachments a couple for anyone who hasn't looked at these) but as before please don't use PF3 outside the platforms. The code will need to rewrite those chars to cycle through the different types and if there's only one set of platforms defined in a charset it would mean the ones on screen already would also change.


If you're making graphics in g2f format can you make an area where each tile is separated by a border and has no platforms in front of it? I can't run g2f (it crashes on startup under WINE) so I will have to grab the graphicsfrom a png screenshot of it. If you could also give me a solid area of each colour indicating which register it should go to that would be a big help.


emkay - As far as a GTIA mode version is concerned, seeing as there seems to be some interest I may do a GR.9 or similar remix of the game when (Deo volente) the regular version is done. Not thinking about it now though as I have enough on my mind with the current version :ponder:







Edited by simonl
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Some software driven channel for deep sounds would help better ;)


Next time maybe I'll come up with some custom player routines, starting to think I actually need to get on and finish this thing in the near future ;)


Can you guys think of any more tweaking to do the Boss Boss one? I think that's sounding more promising so maybe we should just go for that one, but obviously there will need to be a music off option in the game to avoid music induced nervous breakdowns if it's both in the game and on the title screen. Just throw in every RMT trick you can think of :D


btw has anyone tried converting the Arkanoid high score music (attached) to RMT? I keep thinking that would sound good. If only I could get RMT running under WINE...






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Any chance to see how it looks in gr. 9 ? The center overlayed with missiles in blue and 5th player active... some chars act like "floating water" ;)


A 1st simple tryout: (you can do yourself :) )


Do this in the monitor of A800win emulator, and do this to downfall version 6.

c 2501 62
c 2504 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 02
c 026f 50
c d004 a8 b0 b8 c0
c d00c ff
c 022f 22
c d01d 00
c d011 ff
c 02c7 40

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Some software driven channel for deep sounds would help better ;)


Next time maybe I'll come up with some custom player routines, starting to think I actually need to get on and finish this thing in the near future ;)


Can you guys think of any more tweaking to do the Boss Boss one? I think that's sounding more promising so maybe we should just go for that one, but obviously there will need to be a music off option in the game to avoid music induced nervous breakdowns if it's both in the game and on the title screen. Just throw in every RMT trick you can think of :D


btw has anyone tried converting the Arkanoid high score music (attached) to RMT? I keep thinking that would sound good. If only I could get RMT running under WINE...










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Simon, come on... Everything discussed here is democratic and the coder has no right or vote... Only public :D


Damn it, I should have read the forum rules first :D


I will release the commented source when I'm done, so you can make any changes you see fit. There's even an OS X program that does the PNG conversion, character set rotation etc. and assembles the char sets- I call it "Downfall Construction Kit" ;) Now, back to my level decompression algorithm...





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Can you guys think of any more tweaking to do the Boss Boss one? I think that's sounding more promising so maybe we should just go for that one, but obviously there will need to be a music off option in the game to avoid music induced nervous breakdowns if it's both in the game and on the title screen. Just throw in every RMT trick you can think of :D


Could you explain, what you imagine how the tune could be tweaked?


Other pitch longer, different instrument?



What about an extra fitting tune for the title?

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... Anyway, my girlfriend was very impressed with that part, and as we all know the main reason for doing a8 programming these days is to impress the ladies. ...

Wow, it is so true!


When after half a day of coding I made some breakthrough in my interrupt routine and colors started flashing all around a screen, I yelled and got up from chair, and my dear lady was very impressed with my coding skills (although she had no idea what is all the fuss about :) ).


I knew we all are doing this for kisses and a hugs ;)


Back on topic



Great progress Simon, speed of your progress is inspirational :thumbsup:

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..There's even an OS X program that does the PNG conversion, character set rotation etc. and assembles the char sets- I call it "Downfall Construction Kit" ;) Now, back to my level decompression algorithm...

In what language did you write your tool?


We should really stop making each his own tool, and make a library of crossdev tools :ponder:

ps. Of course they should all be written in Python ;)

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Jose, the chars for the background are:


-------Column 1-------- ======Column 2===== --- Col 3 ----- == Col 4 == ----- MID ----- == Col 5 == --- Col 6 ----- ======Column 7===== -------Column 8--------

.BYTE $04,$08,$0C,$10,$14,$18,$1C,$1F,$22,$25,$28,$2B,$2D,$2F,$31,$33,$35,$37,$00,$00,$00,$00,$39,$3B,$3D,$3F,$41,$43,$45,$47,$4A,$4D,$50,$53,$56,$5A,$5E,$62,$66,$6A

.BYTE $05,$09,$0D,$11,$15,$19,$1D,$20,$23,$26,$29,$2C,$2E,$30,$32,$34,$36,$38,$00, ,$3A,$3C,$3E,$40,$42,$44,$46,$48,$4B,$4E,$51,$54,$57,$5B,$5F,$63,$67,$6B

.BYTE $06,$0A,$0E,$12,$16,$1A,$1E,$21,$24,$27,$2A, $49,$4C,$4F,$52,$55,$58,$5C,$60,$64,$68,$6C

.BYTE $07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B, $59,$5D,$61,$65,$69,$6D



THis is saying that for the Layers I can get the Rocks this size:

LAYER1and8: 6x4chars (different Gfxs. that are 6chars wide and 4chars tall?)

and so on...


Just because I was seeing and Ingenwender (can't remember how he speels his Name) and he done all Layers in 2chars Tall.


José Pereira.

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Jose, the chars for the background are:


-------Column 1-------- ======Column 2===== --- Col 3 ----- == Col 4 == ----- MID ----- == Col 5 == --- Col 6 ----- ======Column 7===== -------Column 8--------

.BYTE $04,$08,$0C,$10,$14,$18,$1C,$1F,$22,$25,$28,$2B,$2D,$2F,$31,$33,$35,$37,$00,$00,$00,$00,$39,$3B,$3D,$3F,$41,$43,$45,$47,$4A,$4D,$50,$53,$56,$5A,$5E,$62,$66,$6A

.BYTE $05,$09,$0D,$11,$15,$19,$1D,$20,$23,$26,$29,$2C,$2E,$30,$32,$34,$36,$38,$00, ,$3A,$3C,$3E,$40,$42,$44,$46,$48,$4B,$4E,$51,$54,$57,$5B,$5F,$63,$67,$6B

.BYTE $06,$0A,$0E,$12,$16,$1A,$1E,$21,$24,$27,$2A, $49,$4C,$4F,$52,$55,$58,$5C,$60,$64,$68,$6C

.BYTE $07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B, $59,$5D,$61,$65,$69,$6D



THis is saying that for the Layers I can get the Rocks this size:

- LAYER 1and8: 6x4chars (different Gfxs. that are 6chars wide and 4chars tall?)

and so on...


Just because I was seeing and Ingenwender (can't remember how he speels his Name) and he done all Layers in 2chars Tall.


José Pereira.


Or because of the Parallax scrolling are in the Layers (Platforms run on the Vertical Fine Scrolling...) each layer must have less 1char Tall than you post here because of 'like/kind of' shifting, like:

- LAYER 1and8: 6x3chars for Gfxs.

- LAYER 2and7: 5x2 " " "

- LAYER 3and6: 4x1 " " "

- LAYER 4and5: 3x1 " " "



And Platforms are just 3Chars, cannot be 1or2 chars more?

Edited by José Pereira
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If you're making graphics in g2f format can you make an area where each tile is separated by a border and has no platforms in front of it? I can't run g2f (it crashes on startup under WINE) so I will have to grab the graphicsfrom a png screenshot of it. If you could also give me a solid area of each colour indicating which register it should go to that would be a big help.






Going out andd almost forget to answer this...

I also prefer 'wine' but have you tried to run it under 'beer' or sure it will work under my Portuguese 'Porto'


José Pereira.

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Popmilo, sometimes it is faster to write your own tool instead of adapting existing code.

Yeah I know, that is why I wrote bunch of my own tools ;)


I just ment - how many different character set formats do we need ?

Or bitmap screens, or sprites ? All these things could be categorized and converters made easy with max a change in some ini file or a small script for each platform.


This deserves separate topic, lets not polute this one ;)


What are Simons thoughts about this ?


And how does his converter work ?

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Any chance to see how it looks in gr. 9 ? The center overlayed with missiles in blue and 5th player active... some chars act like "floating water" ;)


A 1st simple tryout: (you can do yourself :) )


Do this in the monitor of A800win emulator, and do this to downfall version 6.

c 2501 62
c 2504 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 02
c 026f 50
c d004 a8 b0 b8 c0
c d00c ff
c 022f 22
c d01d 00
c d011 ff
c 02c7 40




This gives me another idea. ;)


What are the memory ranges of the patterns exactly?

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