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Which game should be ported to ATARI 2600 ?


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so many games A few suggestions


Marble Madness



1942 (possible but very flickery)

Do! Run Run (great game)

Bubble Bobble (Very flickery as well)

Fantasy Zone (again Flickery)


Tron (Arcade game)

Discs of Tron

Castle Wolfinstien

Mr. Driller


Super Pac-Man

Pac n Pal (aka Pac Man and Chomp Chomp)

Final Fantasy (hey It could Happen)

Dig Dug II

Rip Off

Domino Man (might be a bit flickery)

Many More.

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there is NO WAY you can pull ddr off. it would be too slow/too few arrows. not good for me, considering I do 10 foot songs. Anyways, I would like arcade warlords. Sure they made castle crisis, but i aint got a 5200 (but i guess you could say the same about the Qix idea). I'm liking the zoo keeper and marble madness ideas.

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so many games A few suggestions


Marble Madness



1942 (possible but very flickery)

Do! Run Run (great game)

Bubble Bobble (Very flickery as well)

Fantasy Zone (again Flickery)


Tron (Arcade game)

Discs of Tron

Castle Wolfinstien

Mr. Driller


Super Pac-Man

Pac n Pal (aka Pac Man and Chomp Chomp)

Final Fantasy (hey It could Happen)

Dig Dug II

Rip Off

Domino Man (might be a bit flickery)

Many More.


Yes! I've always thought that would be a great 2600 game

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I'm going to third the idea of Zoo Keeper being ported, I would kill to see that game ported to the 2600, I dont care how much flicker there would be (flicker dosent really bother me that much) That game is one of my all-time favorite arcade games! Also, I think it would be cool to see Space Dungeon ported over to the 2600. I always liked that one too.

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There are a bunch of classic-era games that might adapt well to the 2600 but were too obscure or made by the wrong company at the time.  To name a few off the top of my head...


Moon Cresta/Eagle

Scramble (mentioned elsewhere)

Astro Invader (the one I used to call "Slot Car Invaders" as a kid)

Space Panic (CV version is quite good, maybe better than the arcade)

Rally X (lots of scrolling but not too many sprites at a time)

Bosconian (ditto, like sinistar but slower and sparser)

Mappy (a bit more work but a favorite of mine)





bosconian! i definitely agree. ive always wanted that to be for the 2600.

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Really? I bought Arkanoid used - I didn't know it was supposed to have a paddle.  


Now I have a quest.....


The C64 version works great with Atari paddles.


If anyone does decide to give 2600 Archon a shot (and I can't think of any technical reason why it couldn't do it), be sure to swing by the Archon: Evolution site. From their Developer Diary--


Hopefully, this won't just fizzle out like the other Archon remakes I've seen over the years...


I'm really looking forward to Star Fire, speaking of ports. I still like the arcade game! (Bonus points if you can name the movie it was featured in, and the 'future' star who was playing it.)


Michael J. Fox played Starfire in Midnight Madness.


It was not a serious suggestion.  


Perhaps someone would like to see Shadow of the Beast on the 2600 next.  


I was leaning toward Mortal Kombat myself. ;)

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Then you'll be the second to have absolutely no grasp of the 2600's technical capabilities.


I have a fine grasp of the 2600's capabilities, thank-fucking-you, the question was which game would you like to see ported to the 2600, and I'd like to see Sonic.


'Like' being the key word. A very simplified version could happen, and no one has to program all these suggestions. A Sonic game would be amusing.


Don't tell me how much of a grasp I have on the VCS.

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Maybe there was some Sonic keychain LCD game that could be simulated adequately on the 2600 :D


so now you're gonna have an atari game look like a game and watch game... meh


It was not a serious suggestion. :D


I know that it was a joke but, now that I think about it, a 2600 "Game And Watch Gallery" would be pretty nifty! 8)

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