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New Pinball Arcade from makers of Williams Collection

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The other day I bought this for my iPod Touch. I don't have an iPad and figured it would not work as well on the iPod Touch. That being said, it works fine. I like the tables. I hope they keep their promise on new tables being added every month. I also hope they come out with some tables that have not been featured in previous collections. Licensed titles would be nice. There is promise with this app.


I downloaded the demo of this for my Galaxy S Android. It runs smooth and everything, and seems nicely put together there as it is on the iPad. But to me, the visuals just don't pop quite as well on the tiny screen because it's harder for me to see all the details. But the iPad, now that's another story entirely. Full details, high resolution, and gorgeous graphics! This game is just fine on phones and smaller-screen devices, but you can tell this thing was practically made with tablet devices in mind! :-D

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i preferred the wii version over the 360 for the controls. the wii mote + nunchuk was as close to real pinball controls (including nudging) one could get out of a standard gaming platform. i was not planning on buying a wiiU unless there were at least a dozen good unique games for the system... pinball arcade titles will be unique title number one for me.


so nintendo only has to deliver 11 titles now

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  • 4 weeks later...

Holy crap, this wasn't out already? I figured Sony was just lagging with the PS3 version. Hopefully they've tweaked the controls & gameplay in the month they've had to work on the console versions. I was really excited for this until I played the Android port and got to see the laggy flippers & "simplified" physics... hope the PS3 port's better.

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It's been a few months since the app on the iPhone/iPad has been out and there have been no new tables added, despite their promise of new tables being added each month. I like the four tables but would love to see more added. I wonder why there has been a delay of new tables?

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I just read that the developer talked about finding a bug with the PS3 version where it would be impossible to ever update that title or add DLC. That's a kind of bug to kill a company.


Hopefully something like that didn't hit the Xbox version. Then again, if such a bug was found, they would have to go through recertification again meaning there's no chance of it coming out next week either.

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It's been a few months since the app on the iPhone/iPad has been out and there have been no new tables added, despite their promise of new tables being added each month. I like the four tables but would love to see more added. I wonder why there has been a delay of new tables?


they're just spread too thin. they're a small company so to release on so many platforms is just crazy. You don't even see EA making a game for every single platform.



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I didn't see the Xbox version on XBLA today at lunch.


Don't expect to see it later either, it's been delayed.


It's been a few months since the app on the iPhone/iPad has been out and there have been no new tables added, despite their promise of new tables being added each month. I like the four tables but would love to see more added. I wonder why there has been a delay of new tables?


My guess is they are probably waiting on getting every version out the door before they begin focusing on adding new tables.

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Today the app got an update but no new tables yet. I actually don't like the new update. The ball looks larger on the Theatre of Magic table than it did on the previous version. The sounds also seem a bit off. It's still a very good app but the update is a disappointment.


I can understand that they are having problems adding new tables every month. That said, they should not promise new tables every month unless they know they will be able to. Maybe in April some new ones will finally arrive.

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Today the app got an update but no new tables yet. I actually don't like the new update. The ball looks larger on the Theatre of Magic table than it did on the previous version. The sounds also seem a bit off. It's still a very good app but the update is a disappointment.


I can understand that they are having problems adding new tables every month. That said, they should not promise new tables every month unless they know they will be able to. Maybe in April some new ones will finally arrive.


What platform? The android version is already wacky. Wish they'd fix the input lag.

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They just officially announced via Facebook that it has passed certification testing by Microsoft and the official launch date is April 4th. :thumbsup:


PS @Eggo: They stated in another update that Medieval Madness and The Bride of Pinbot will be available in the next update.

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I can understand that they are having problems adding new tables every month. That said, they should not promise new tables every month unless they know they will be able to. Maybe in April some new ones will finally arrive.


The likely explanation has already been posted by Austin. They want to get each system version out first so they can release the same update content simultaneously across platforms. I would expect monthly updates adding new tables to start in April or maybe May.


Doesn't strike me as unreasonable.

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waiting another week won't kill me... besides, I'm low on points and will be needing to pick some up...




Yeah,but,it's the waiting and not seeing the games that hurts though. ;):lol:


I just hope they can keep their monthly update promise too.Also,I don't want to be nickeled and dimed to death on each new table they offer for $5 or something!Here's hoping. :)

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I just hope they can keep their monthly update promise too.Also,I don't want to be nickeled and dimed to death on each new table they offer for $5 or something!Here's hoping. :)


They said there will be different price points depending on the table. I am guessing it's partially based around how many licenses they have to acquire per table. For instance, with Monster Bash, they most-likely have to license the table from Williams, as well as the character licenses from Universal (at least I think that's who owns these versions of the classic monster characters).

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The initial slate of achievements are out now. There are three pre table; one for getting a score in the top 5 of the local scoreboard, one for completion of the normal goals, and one for completion of the wizard goals. 50 points available per table for a total of 200 for the initial 4 tables.

Edited by Atariboy
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