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HSC9 Round 5: Polish Selection

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Dr. Mario 31100 (monotony game, so I stopped a game and waited for game over)

I played in Getris too, but I still trying to found the photo :P

Don't worry about the photo, I need to know what level you got to on [bank Bang &] Dr.M.? (the game is much more fun on Hi Speed ;) )


bank bang: 37600, evening of the day 7,

Was that the same as Level 7 in my screen shot or does it go to night/something else?



My final batch of scores - I wanted to complete Fred2 but died on level 2 killing about 8 cavemen :mad:

Guard 5,372 - after level 5 the graphics go back to the 1st level but there are loads of enemies and it's hard to complete the waves in the time!

Finally getting the hang of the mini games! Octopus 249 & Parachute 310

Bank Bang! Level 7 - this game would be so much better if there was a shot sound effect (like in Joe Blade perhaps)


Have fun folks - this round finishes at 10am BST tomorrow (Monday) so don't forget to post and to V*O*T*E :D






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bank bang: 37600, evening of the day 7,

Was that the same as Level 7 in my screen shot or does it go to night/something else?



It was exactly the same "day 7" as in your screenshot, but only one door left to complete the level :_(

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Final Game Scoreboards


Bank Bang! (Highest level)

1st Sikor 10 5pts

2nd paw 7 4pts

3rd trbb 7 4pts

4th Scalak 6 3pts

5th DieMON 5 3pts

6th Caco 4 2pts

7th roadrunner 2 2pts

8th bluecat 2 2pts

9th innuendo 2? 2pts



1st trbb 8407 5pts

2nd Scalak 3996 4pts

3rd DieMON 1680 3pts

4th Sikor 1464 3pts

5th Caco 1458 3pts

6th paw 1458 2pts

7th roadrunner 1153 2pts

8th innuendo 330 2pts


Fred 2

1st Scalak 34370 5pts

2nd Caco 31150 4pts

3rd DieMON 25630 3pts

4th trbb 16570 3pts

5th Sikor 7160 3pts

6th paw 6920 2pts

7th innuendo 3010 2pts

8th roadrunner 2880 2pts

9th devwebcl 2710 2pts

10th jblenkle 720 2pts



1st trbb 5372 5pts

2nd Scalak 5019 4pts

3rd Caco 3212 3pts

4th McKong 1947 3pts

5th Sikor 1771 3pts

6th DieMON 1767 2pts

7th Gwobby 1696 2pts

8th Fallout_002 1509 2pts

9th roadrunner 1444 2pts

10th bluecat 1392 2pts

11th paw 1296 1pt

12th innuendo 1240 1pt



1st Sikor 3784 5pts

2nd trbb 3710 4pts

3rd Scalak 3335 3pts

4th paw 3098 3pts

5th bluecat 3090 3pts

6th McKong 2541 2pts

7th innuendo 2069 2pts

8th DieMON 1856 2pts

9th Caco 1324 2pts

10th Fallout_002 661 2pts

11th roadrunner 550 1pt


Dr.Mario - Medium Complete Lv5=1pt, Lv10=2pts

trbb Sikor paw Scalak bluecat Caco innuendo? 2pts

a8isa1 roadrunner DieMON 1pt

Dr.Mario - Medium - Highest Level Reached

1st paw Lv30 1pt

2nd Sikor Lv22

3rd Scalak Lv21

4th bluecat Lv18

Dr.Mario - Hi Speed - Highest Level Reached

1st paw Lv20 3pts

2nd trbb Lv17 2pts

3rd Scalak Lv7 1pt

4th bluecat Lv3



1st Scalak 523 3pts

2nd Caco 428 2pts

3rd McKong 291 1pt

4th trbb 249 1pt

5th Scalak 197 1pt

5th DieMON 164 1pt

6th paw 133 1pt

7th roadrunner 62 1pt

8th Sikor 54 1pt

9th Fallout_002 44 1pt

10th bluecat 32 1pt


Parachute 2011

1st DieMON 537 3pts

2nd Caco 534 2pts

3rd Scalak 512 1pt

4th McKong 440 1pt

5th paw 351 1pt

6th trbb 310 1pt

7th Sikor 147 1pt

8th Gwobby 144 1pt

9th innuendo 93 1pt

10th bluecat 87 1pt

11th Fallout_002 82 1pt

12th roadrunner 54 1pt


Getris (Bonus Game - Just for fun 1pt)

1st Scalak 1000920 1pt

2nd horsie 375540 1pt

3rd Caco 108490 1pt

4th trbb 54070 1pt

5th McKong 43060 1pt

6th bluecat 41920 1pt

7th Sikor 40920 1pt

8th paw 20880 1pt

9th roadrunner 820 1pt

10th DieMON 150 1pt

11th innuendo 100 1pt

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And the winner is.....

1st therealbountybob 28 12pts

2nd Scalak 27 11pts

3rd Sikor 24 10pts

4th Caco 21 9pts

4th paw 21 9pts

6th DieMON 19 7pts

7th roadrunner 13 6pts

7th innuendo 13 6pts

9th bluecat 12 4pts

10th McKong 8 3pts

11th Fallout_002 6 2pts

12th Gwobby 3 2pts

13th devwebcl 2 1pt

13th jblenkle 2 1pt

15th horsie 1 1pt

16th a8isa1 1 1pt


Congratulations to me(!) just beating Scalak after a re-count, and to Sikor for holding off Caco and paw to take 3rd place. Thanks for playing everyone :thumbsup: hope you found at least one new favourite game. For me a lot of them were slow burners - once you worked out what to do they were more fun to play, there was more to the games that you first thought. I enjoyed playing Guard the most, beautiful graphics and a decent game :)


I enjoyed all the games, but here's how the games could be improved:

Bank Bang!

1. Add shot sound effect

2. Have grey box at start of game so you can adjust TV to see Night levels before the game starts.

3. Scoring flawed - you can stay on screen 1 (without even scrolling) and make a giant score - a completed Level bonus or long time limit per level would fix this!

4. Pause Key!

Fatum (this could be a great game...)

1. Improved control - perhaps this was one of the power-ups?

2. Make better use of playfields to make player move across screen more.

3. Make the game get harder - Level 2 was harder than level 3 as there were tight gaps

4. Manual firing / no holding down button (make this a power up perhaps)

5. Stop Bullets going through playfield?

6. Better shooting sound effects

7. Faster scrolling perhaps on later levels (I only got to 3)

8. Stop tune coming back on after each shop

9. Stop accidental buying in shops if fire held down.


1. Slightly faster movement

2. 2nd level seems harder than 3 or 4?

2. More level completion bonus - scoring rewards bad play

3. Too many extra men - limit this.


1. Slightly better control - play Aquatron, Dropzone or Defender - there is some resistance to the movement.

2. Add a sound when you are being hit

3. More level completion bonus - scoring rewards bad play

4. Is there a bug where you fly left and can finish off a wave already started and it still counts


1. Show the score at the end of the go

2. Make the scoreboard easier to get onto (and saveable!)


1. Stop the game skipping the options screen when you press fire for more than a nano second :mad: (though you can press Start)

2. Increase the speed gradually (on Medium and Hi at least)

3. Fix the bug where the music stops for a level

4. Have both tunes alternate - add some more ;)

5. Saveable high-score table!

Octopus & Parachute

They're both good - perhaps add some instruction text to the title screen - the key is to stay under in Octopus and to move as soon as chute is over boat in Parachute - if you just play you wouldn't do this and would not apprectiate the games fully.


Don't clear the screen after every level / have a harder difficulty setting


Tomorrow I'll update the Season 9 Current Standings and some new names will be added to the 'All Time Games Ratings and Records' ;)


Don't forget to VOTE for the next game...

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trbb winner is YOU!!! I have 27...

CONGRATULATE! (You were lucky - I had no time :P)

Thanks Scalak, I had you down twice for Octopus (one Scalak is enough ;) )

So I catch up 1 pt for the season and have my first win!!!


After investigion of Dr Mario case I raise objection ;). I've just reached lvl 5 (didnt make past lvl 5 = 0 point) but it doesn't change my situation.

you can stop playing now!


Didn't get any time to play last week :(

I thought you were a bit quiet - so you were just letting me catch up ;-) now we need Scalak to go on holiday (to the arctic circle :evil: ) :grin: :grin: [edit] Luckily I decided to keep the scoring tight so you didn't get too far behind - I will try and do this all season to keep things fair to everyone


Poll Closed! New tables will be done in a few minutes and the game posted... GET READY :D

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Hi There!


Here are the scores of the HSC Munich from last Atariada weekend in Czech:



Bank Bang!


TWH : 11200 (Level 2)

EinQuadrat: 8300 (Level 2)





TWH: 1363

EinQuadrat: 601




EinQuadrat: 81

TWH: 51





TWH: 157

EinQuadrat: 153


Sorry for being not in-time. we only have one meeting per month and last month we had to cancel for various reasons..


Scores also posted here:


See pictures of our session:


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Hi There!

Here are the scores of the HSC Munich from last Atariada weekend in Czech:


Scores also posted here: https://sites.google...n-4---resultate

See pictures of our session:



You guys are always welcome :thumbsup: Which games did you like the most? Looks like a fun event and a nice looking place - checkout the slideshow on the 2nd link everyone :) I'll add you to the current standings next time I update them.

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