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Who's a definite on philly classic?


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Hey all!


I'll be bringing my friend Casey (pretty much a non-gamer, although I have gotten him to aquire a 2600, 7800, and PS1! Not bad eh!) and my neighbor Mark, who will be hooking us up with a conversion van ride to Valley Forge! Woo Hoo! I can relax and game for the whole 6 hours of the trip!


I hope to see some of you I met last year, such as Joel Parks, Carl Forhan, Cassidy Nolan. (I didn't spend a lot of time at the AA table, altough I did have my AA nametag on.) Anyhow I plan on spending time (and money) at the AA table this year!


I also hope to make good friends with my fellow Virginian Beer Gnome! :D


Where will most of you be staying at overnight? I need to find a cheap place to stay, with the three of us and all, and that isn't Crack Town if you know what I mean. Worse comes to worse, the three of us can


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well.. I havn't finalised any plans for accomodations as of yet, and Yes, I know.. time is a tick'n.

but yer post is starting to give me a carpooling idea, on account that I dont trust my 200k+ mile Automobile for that drive, the Ten miles a day I put on her for the daily commute is just fine thank you. nothing wrong with her mind ya.. but I just like to baby her.

But if yer all runn'n up in a conversion van, I'm sure theres plenty of space for my tail and four five gallons, one each of our biggest brands, they'll all fit in the same ice bucket, and will all equal out to 8 cases worth!

and if you were intending to connect to 95 for the trip north, you'll be connecting in richmond anyway!


waddya think? drop me a PM


As for the legend barly Pop.. theres a Bar in virginia beach that carries some of our stuff.. its called something like ta-ta's or some such, and with our new bottling line up and running, we'll probably be infiltrating vabe-yatch more and more in the comeing months...


Ahh..automated bottling :) up untill about three weeks ago we were pumping out 1000 cases a month by hand.. now I can do that in three shifts on demand :D can we say norfolk, arlington and charlotsville?


take a day trip into town one weekend man!

64 west to 95 south, about a mile up, take the franklin street exit, turn right, then left on 14th, cross the river, then turn right on 7th street, legend is on the right, just before you get to the Manchester bridge

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For anyone that is cost consciencous about the accomodations, there is a Hampton Inn Suites about 4 miles from the convention that the rates are usually a bit less than the convention center's rates. On top of that, there is also a Motel 6 that will leave the light on for ya' about 5 or so miles away in King Of Prussia. Both hotels are within a 5 minute easy drive from the convention.


Just a suggestion...

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I will be going if i can go. i cant drive and so i cant go on my own and my uncle gary wont take me because he say its nonsense but if justin and jon go then i will go with them too in his car since he will be driving. but he didnt go last year cause of school and exams and i dont know if he will go this year either but if he does then ill be there! if i go i will bring lots of t-shirts and giveaways and then i can meet everybody in person. - joe

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I'll be a definite no show again this year :sad:


I've got another exciting event to attend...the birth of my baby girl :D

I don't know how many kids you have, but can I make a parenting suggestion?


Purchase a steel cup. You''ll thank me later. Not a day goes by when my kids aren't hurting 'my friends'

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I'll be a definite no show again this year :sad:


I've got another exciting event to attend...the birth of my baby girl :D

I don't know how many kids you have, but can I make a parenting suggestion?


Purchase a steel cup. You''ll thank me later. Not a day goes by when my kids aren't hurting 'my friends'

steel is very out dated.. go kevlar.. stronger by linier foot.. bullet proof.. and ten times lighter than steel

and damnit inky.. you gotta train the kids to not go for the nuts.. particularly if we ever have the pleasure to meet.. Kids look at me and equate me with " jungle gym".

I have no kids my self.. but Im the human playground for the regulars kids whenever they show up.. I can just see it now..

I'd have two of yer kids hanging off each arm and the third crawling up my back

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Learn to stand sideways as they approach you, and to sleep with your back to them when they infiltrate your bed.  


Concerning Philly, things are looking good -- I think I'll be there at least on Friday and Saturday.


HUTTAH! Good news to hear, can't wait to meet you in person. :D

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I'll be a definite no show again this year :sad:


I've got another exciting event to attend...the birth of my baby girl :D


Wow, congrats! My kid just turned two years old......you're in for a fun time! :D


BTW, I'll be there this year again......last year was alot of fun, except the auction.....maybe, that was funny....

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It's now official. Up until today we only had hotel reservations and weekend passes, but as of 4 this afternoon we also have round trip airfare. With surcharges and taxes, about $203 per person. There were cheaper flights but they required staying an extra day or coming an extra day early - and when you factor in paying another night's hotel stay they turn out to be not such a bargain after all. *heh* I think I got about as good as could be hoped for. Can't wait to visit the City of Brotherly Love!

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203 aint a bad price..but it sure as shit aint the best price man..

I personally wouldve gone for the day later charge, and used that extra time to do some official sight seeing around town, but its yer bill.. you do with it what you want.

but for every one else.. if yer on a looses schedule.. this heres what ya do...

work the courior route.. tell the company where you want to go.. and you got to do a little task for them to do it. BUT.. they pay YOU to do the gig.. you just work on thier schedule, but.. you work it right.. you can ferry your self around the world in a months time and get paid to do it


Just so y'all know..this is my vacation plan for two years from now.. I get three weeks paid vacation at that time. and at that time... I'm gonna courior my ass around the globe.. they'll pay my way to do it. and I'll get the vacation pay in the meen time!

the only problem with that gig, is that you have to be prepared to go where they want you to go..when they want you to go there.

but right now in my life.. I just want to say I have circumnavigated the globe... I 'll save the regular, siting there sight seeing crap for the rest of my life

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Just so y'all know..this is my vacation plan for two years from now.. I get three weeks paid vacation at that time. and at that time... I'm gonna courior my ass around the globe.. they'll pay my way to do it. and I'll get the vacation pay in the meen time!


Interesting, how does one go about getting a gig like that??



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For any one going to the show this year, if you want to save a few bucks on your room, there is a Best Western hotel just about half a mile away that I stayed at last year and it was about $60 bucks a night, I got a king sized bed and the rooms have internet if you want. I stayed at the Western last year and so far I'm about 80 percent sure I'll be going this year, so if I go that's were I'll be staying.


:) :) :)

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Hey all...

After checking airfair over lunch, I think I'm going to drive. Just did a mapquest search, and it looks like it's going to be an 11 1/2 hour trip. Ugh...

So, I think I'll break it down into two days of driving. I'll leave afterschool on Thursday - stop somewhere along the way - then play hooky from school on Friday - and finish the trip. I'd like to get into Philly by 6 p.m. friday nite, so as to catch the early bird sales.

So, my question... Anyone of ya'll live along this route? And might be willing to either ride along with me, or let me hitch a ride from where you're at to save a little gas $?

Just a thought... lmk...


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