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Intellivision Playcable


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I own a retro video game store in central NJ (YESTERcades) and the cool thing is that not only do we have arcade games & pinball machines but we also have three flatscreens with every type of system available. Of course, one of the systems is the Intellivision.


We recently started buying & trading classic consoles and games and I had the opportunity to pick this gem up. I didn't know all that much about it first but I have learned that there are not too many of these around anymore.


I am probably going to hold on to this for a little bit and put it in our display case for its coolness factor, but I thought you guys would be thrilled to check it out...


- Ken


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Honestly, if you stuck a gun to my head and made me choose between adding a Playcable or a KC to my collection, I'd choose the Playcable in a heartbeat. Kinda like with dinosaurs when I was a kid, I was always an Allosaurus fan, over the T-Rex. Lol! :) Not sure why, I've just always thought this thing was really cool, even though the KC is obviously more functional in 2012.

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Honestly, if you stuck a gun to my head and made me choose between adding a Playcable or a KC to my collection, I'd choose the Playcable in a heartbeat. Kinda like with dinosaurs when I was a kid, I was always an Allosaurus fan, over the T-Rex. Lol! :) Not sure why, I've just always thought this thing was really cool, even though the KC is obviously more functional in 2012.


Only when you find a KC with working tape recorder. ;)

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I don't know which I'm more jealous of ...


That you have a Playcable w/ all the toys along with it ...

Or that you own a retro gaming store (that would be the best job ever, but here I am doing accounting!).


Can I ask how much you picked up the Playcable for (and feel free to respond that it's none my business!)?

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  • 10 months later...

Apologies for the necropost (btw, that does look like an awesome find!), but thought those who are interested may enjoy the latest new page on INTV Funhouse:




There are likely omissions / inaccuracies - it's based on two PlayCable sets that have been gone through thoroughly. (One mine, one belonging to another collector.) If any of you also have one of these sets, please cross-check so I can update the relevant info. Ideally, if you have manuals that are missing from the site, include scans too.

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Many thanks! Very curious to correlate with the two sets I have data on.

I think Cmart also owns a set. So thats four sets to compare. So just looking for confirmation on the number of games, right? or is there anything ls else that you want to see?

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I think Cmart also owns a set. So thats four sets to compare. So just looking for confirmation on the number of games, right? or is there anything ls else that you want to see?



:D OK, now that that's over, I'm looking for a list of the manuals and their part numbers, and scans for any not already on the site. Many of the PlayCable manuals had part numbers on the back starting with PC, and no part number on the front. There are some with no part numbers at all, but i don't think these had the PlayCable-specific instructions. There may also be some manuals that seem to be just pulled from regular games, too. So my working theory here is something like this:


  • It's assumed, but not guaranteed, that all the manuals in these sets were sent to PlayCable subscribers, along with the overlays
  • It's assumed, but not guaranteed, that people didn't generally stuff non-PlayCable manuals in those boxes
  • It's possible that manuals were sent out for games that were never actually delivered by the service

As the sample size grows, we get a more accurate picture of what actual PlayCable customers received. There are so few of these around, it's a challenge to get the true list, but let's do the best we can!


If you've got other docs, etc. to share, feel free to let me know so I can add it to the page as well.



Edited by intvsteve
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My Missile Silo is heavily guarded. Many have attempted to breach the security, and all have failed and all those who have tried to break into the silo have mysteriously disappeared. Remember there are forces at work in the silo that can take away everything you posses, including your freedom. My advice is stay away from the silo, it makes not sense to mess with things you have no control over, it make no sense to worry about things you cant control, because there nothing anyone can do about them. The Intellinati rule the Intelliworld. :)

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Actually I don't have the set of manuals but I do have the "Playcable Playbook" which lists 37 titles and when they were available for playing, the "Game Plan" as they called. Pics below, scans to Steve if needed. I also have the instruction manual and an Instruction Manual addendum. As an aside, I noticed that my Playcable has General Instrument on it, not Jerrold like the one above. Seriously? There's a Playcable variant!!!!





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