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Donkey Kong XM Pre-order and demo


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I just tried RC7 on pro emulator and I couldn't select the US/Japan screen order, number of players or the difficulty any more.


Works fine when tried here. Use whatever is mapped to left/right/up/down controller movement allows modification of options under ProSystem 1.3e.


Perhaps you are using an earlier version of the ProSystem emulator, or/and double check your key mappings.

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Not wanting to cause any grief here.. but if the XM is still in 'casual limbo' what are the odds of adding the Jumpman II/DK II screens and order as an option?


Adding an additional 4 brand new levels to this port...Wow. That goes way beyond the code/graphic tweaks being performed.


There are brand new animations (Points earned scrolls upwards, pies flip and fall from belts), logic and difficulty adjustments (Belt level requires you to climb to Pauline), etc.


Not to forget if it was going to be done, it calls for a series of intermissions to be added as well (New ones and completely reworked "high" screens with rolling height value indicators).

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Works fine when tried here. Use whatever is mapped to left/right/up/down controller movement allows modification of options under ProSystem 1.3e.


Perhaps you are using an earlier version of the ProSystem emulator, or/and double check your key mappings.


I was using F3, F5 and F6 to change the options. They worked in RC6, but not RC7. Was that intentionally removed from RC7? Anyway thanks for the info on using the joystick keys those do work.

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Yes, RC7 was changed to only use joystick input for adjusting menu options. I removed the console key and A/B switch support because I didn't see a need for it. Why reach over to the console when you have a joystick handy. :) Sorry for the confusion.


I have found the menu to occationally not respond to the joystick commands. I think I figured out the problem though and will post an update tonight.

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Not wanting to cause any grief here.. but if the XM is still in 'casual limbo' what are the odds of adding the Jumpman II/DK II screens and order as an option?


That's a great idea, but it would have to be a whole new project. It's definitely not something I could just tack onto this game. But thanks for the suggestion.

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Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but often on the first screen when I'm standing still and jump over a barrel, I get no points for the jump. It's not consistent, but I think the earlier you jump, the better chance you have of scoring no points. I can duplicate this pretty easily every time I play.



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Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but often on the first screen when I'm standing still and jump over a barrel, I get no points for the jump. It's not consistent, but I think the earlier you jump, the better chance you have of scoring no points. I can duplicate this pretty easily every time I play.




Just like the Arcade ;)


When Mario reaches the peak of his jump, there is a narrow area under him that the object(s) must be in in order for points to be awarded. It is possible with the timing of your jump to not have the object(s) be within this narrow area when the peak is reached. That narrow area is wider when moving either left or right.

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I guess that kind of evens thing out with the ability to jump next to barrels/fireballs and getting points. Looks like the original Donkey Kong arcade could have used a bit more quality testing before release. Nice to see you so true to the original.




Just like the Arcade ;)


When Mario reaches the peak of his jump, there is a narrow area under him that the object(s) must be in in order for points to be awarded. It is possible with the timing of your jump to not have the object(s) be within this narrow area when the peak is reached. That narrow area is wider when moving either left or right.

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I guess that kind of evens thing out with the ability to jump next to barrels/fireballs and getting points. Looks like the original Donkey Kong arcade could have used a bit more quality testing before release. Nice to see you so true to the original.




The window widens when you joystick is right or left, even if you are jumping strait up. So you can jump up next to a ladder, while a barrel is going down it and grab a few extra points. Just press right or left before you hit the peak of your jump.


It's best to keep the joystick pressed right or left during a running jump to make sure you get the points. With the old 7800 version I got in the habit of releasing the stick mid jump, but learned that it's not a good practice with the arcade version.

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That's a great idea, but it would have to be a whole new project. It's definitely not something I could just tack onto this game. But thanks for the suggestion.


Ah, I wasn't sure how tightly packed the ROM was already. I had thought that if the XM was still a few months out, the 'special' levels may have been a good option - but if there just isn't room in the code, no worries. I would much rather games get completed than suffer the death of 'feature-itis'.

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I noticed (at least using prosystem) that when I try entering a high score and press the arrow keys to change the letters. It sometimes does not register the key presses and the letter doesn't change. I can pretty consistently get it to not register the key presses by timing the key press to when the blinking letter is just changing from blue to white.



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Ah, I didn't realize the high score entry code wasn't your own code. I do have a few of other observations though. First, the latest release candidate's title screen defaults to screen order US, but if you play, you see the screen order is actually Japan. Second, is there any reason you confined the text of the difficulty setting to 3 letters Arc and Beg? I'm not sure everyone will instantly know what those stand for. Lastly I noticed that on the screen you added where Donkey Kong climbs the Ladders with the girl and then bounces across the girder, that the sound of his bouncing is a bit out of sync with when he is actually landing on the girder at each bounce.


EDIT: I was just playing with the RC8 some more and now the game is correctly defaulting to the US screen order, so I don't know what was happening before, but you may still want to peek at your code to see if there might be some condition where the screen order is not looked at when the game starts. Also I noticed that the bounce sound being out of sync is not all the time.



Edited by bfollett
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Ah, I didn't realize the high score entry code wasn't your own code. I do have a few of other observations though. First, the latest release candidate's title screen defaults to screen order US, but if you play, you see the screen order is actually Japan. Second, is there any reason you confined the text of the difficulty setting to 3 letters Arc and Beg? I'm not sure everyone will instantly know what those stand for. Lastly I noticed that on the screen you added where Donkey Kong climbs the Ladders with the girl and then bounces across the girder, that the sound of his bouncing is a bit out of sync with when he is actually landing on the girder at each bounce.




Screen order "US" plays as US here under both ProSystem 1.3e and MESS 0.149u1


I did not notice sound being out of sync a bit under ProSystem with my home desktop - very slightly off on work laptop under ProSystem...MESS is fine under both systems.


Slight sound de-sync, scramble, or/and lag happens under the latest public release of ProSystem. What sometimes helps is pressing ESC to make the file menu appear, and then press it again it makes it disappear. The issue though seems to be emulator and not game related.


People not understanding what 'ARC' or 'BEG' stand for would have a harder time interrupting Nintendo's labels of "GAME A" & "GAME B". ;) Seriously though, I believe Perry is out of character room in this instance.

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EDIT: I was just playing with the RC8 some more and now the game is correctly defaulting to the US screen order, so I don't know what was happening before, but you may still want to peek at your code to see if there might be some condition where the screen order is not looked at when the game starts. Also I noticed that the bounce sound being out of sync is not all the time.




Looks like our posts crossed, Bob. Thanks for the updates.

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OK, I think I figured out the condition where the screen order plays wrong. Start the game but wait until it goes into attract mode and gets to where the game starts demo playing by itself. Then press the joystick key, the game will start, but the screen order will not be US. I think the starting level may be wrong as well, because I'm seeing some diagonal barrel throws that I don't think occur in the first level.



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OK, I think I figured out the condition where the screen order plays wrong. Start the game but wait until it goes into attract mode and gets to where the game starts demo playing by itself. Then press the joystick key, the game will start, but the screen order will not be US. I think the starting level may be wrong as well, because I'm seeing some diagonal barrel throws that I don't think occur in the first level.




Confirmed under ProSystem and MESS. Good catch, Bob!

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I was hoping I wasn't crazy but after reporting the problem, I was unable to reproduce it again. I tried a dozen times starting from the menu screen and never got the wrong screen order. It was only after I sat with the program running while trying to think what I could have done differently before which gave the program enough time to get to the demo screen before I hit start. Well, I'm glad I figured it out. I was beginning to think my PC was cursed.



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I was hoping I wasn't crazy but after reporting the problem, I was unable to reproduce it again. I tried a dozen times starting from the menu screen and never got the wrong screen order. It was only after I sat with the program running while trying to think what I could have done differently before which gave the program enough time to get to the demo screen before I hit start. Well, I'm glad I figured it out. I was beginning to think my PC was cursed.




I tried the same thing (Reproduced the reported bug) and was certain it was just something either set wrong or missed from an emulator/controller perspective as it never happened for me in either ProSystem or MESS.


Glad you came across how to trip the issue exactly and that Perry has these rc# demos posted to the public to have a wider pool of final checks and bug reports.


Can't emphasize enough how gracious and cool Perry has been in taken his time in making this port so awesome, and the great community effort to support and test...Really fantastic stuff. Thanks to all. :thumbsup:

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One thing opcode found while disassembling the DK ROMset, was that there was a digitized roar (noise really) for the beastie, as well as, I think, I could be remembering it wrong, a "Help!" for Pauline, encoded within the set. Somehow, some bits were set wrong, accidently or intentionally, so the roar can't be heard loud enough, or isn't played or the banks aren't adressed correctly and only a portion of the roar is heard at low volume, but is drowned out by the other noise. One of those. He writes about it on his opcode blog site. It's unlikely at this point, given space and whatnot, but it would be a fun option, maybe at some other time. Maybe if those 256K boards are ever made. ;)

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I know you're already looking into the program starting in Japan mode if you press start while the demo play is running in the attract mode, but I also noticed today that if you hit the start while the high score screen is demoing, The game doesn't start, instead you advance to the demo play screen and you need to hit start a second time to begin the game.



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