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Any interest in a custom cart release of Gate Racer II?

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As of today (3/24/13) all 20 carts have been requested.


I was just curious if anyone would be interested in a custom cart release from me. I've never done a personal release of carts before and I think it would be fun to do. I talked to CPUWIZ and he'd help me make a run of 20 carts for a reasonable price, and offered to make SaveKeys available for them as well as printing professional quality labels for them. It would still cost me a relatively large amount of money to have them made, though. I could number them, sign then, or do something else to make this more unique than a normal AA store release. I was thinking of $20 each plus shipping, which would probably be around $5 in the lower 48 for USPS priority mail.


If Brian O. agrees to it I could use the label he created that he posted in the Gate Racer 2k thread. If not enough people are interested in the bB forum I could post in the 2600 & homebrew forums as well, but everyone who frequents this forum gets top priority. :) I'd need to get pretty close to 20 committed buyers to be able to do it. Patience would be required of me as well. I'm a 'recommended trader' from years ago on the marketplace forum and I would do my best, but trips to the post office would be limited to once a week because of job and family commitments.


If you're interested in a cart post here and let me know. If enough people are interested I'll consider shelling out the money to get it going. No promises right now, just gauging interest, please don't be disappointed if it never actually happens.




EDIT: Carts would be $20 or $32 bundled with a SaveKey, plus shipping cost. $5 for the lower 48, it would have to be calculated for AK, HI or international. There are also only 10 SaveKeys available.

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I can vouch for CPUWIZs quality and responsiveness. Having another SaveKey/Vox compatible game out there is always a plus. I guess the real question is, for YOU is the game awesome enough for a run? Would you buy it if it wasn't your game?

Good question. I've made lots of bB games over the years and honestly I've played this one more than most. I'm not sure what it is (and I'm biased) but I do enjoy this one. Even my kids seem to like it. Ironically, I probably spent less time coding this one than any other, though.


Edit: If there's not much interest in a cart that's completely fine, I'm not going to be offended. That was the point of this post. :)

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If you ship to France, I am interested for a copy ^^

Thanks for your interest, Horeus. I can ship anywhere in the world, I'd just have to adjust the shipping cost of course. It would also be an NTSC cart as I haven't worked on a PAL50 or PAL60 version, but that is a possibility.
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Thanks for your interest, Horeus. I can ship anywhere in the world, I'd just have to adjust the shipping cost of course. It would also be an NTSC cart as I haven't worked on a PAL50 or PAL60 version, but that is a possibility.

PAL50 may be difficult, but PAL60 is at least extremely easy to do.

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I will buy one cart. (I already have an AtariVox.)

Can you add speech?

Maybe just saying "Gate Racer."

Or, "New high score!"

That's a good idea, but I don't have an AtariVox to do that right now and there's no way to test speech in emulation. I am getting a loaner from the.golden.ax sometime soon, but then I have the challenge of figuring out how to develop code for it. :)
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Count me as interested! LOL, I have yet to try out the game (been too busy lately), but I will buy one sight unseen.


I own Adventure Plus and Cave-In is on my wishlist. I have always been impressed with your bB projects and have learned from your code.


So I would be in for 1 cart + SaveKey! 8)

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Sweet. Getting closer, I'd like to have about 15 people. If Godzilla wants one (or two) I'd just about be there.


1. Horeus

2. toymailman

3. bennybingo

4. iesposta

5. kennybrooks (+SaveKey)

6. Necron99 (+SaveKey)

7. TrekMD

8. Gateway (+SaveKey)

9. Defender II (+SaveKey)

10. Smitty (+SaveKey)

11. Wonder007

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