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The Intellivision prize thread. Post 1000 wins fabulous gifts!


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By the way: I would pay much more for a RPG then for another arcade game. One or Two screen games are nice, but RPGs are awesome and such a game could be the king of the intellivision easily (if it works). 100$ for a loose cart or 150 CiB were no problem, its worth much more than that.

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Tell me how to develop games without any programming knowledge and I am your man :lol:


You could always learn. How about going to night school? I'm not sure what "night school" is called in German but its education with other adults in the evening (after normal working hours). It takes place at schools or colleges.

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Its called Abendschule, but I am afraid the offered developing classes for 80s system programming are very, very limited ;) If there is something simple like the RPG maker 2000 for the Intellivision I could give it a try, but if real knowledge is required I cant learn it at least for the next 5 - 10 years. I hardly find the time to play all the games, so its impossible to learn how to programm a RPG, but maybe someone who has this awesome ability find enough love for the Intellivision to realize such an ambititious project. I would support it with higher prices, because its much work to do.

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Its called Abendschule, but I am afraid the offered developing classes for 80s system programming are very, very limited ;)


I wasn't an Inty programmer in the 80s either :P. A course in "C" or anything low level would be a good starting point. Maybe even Visual Basic too. It all depends on your background.

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It was years ago when I programmed a bit with Turbo Pascal at school, but I was pretty bad ^^

That just brought back soooo many bad memories! Hated pascal at college & it's probably one of the reasons I'm now a scientist! :D which probably explains why I'm also in constant need of rescue :rolling:

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if this thread reaches 500 by 2:30 eastern time zone.....in about 30 minutes or so, I will give a prize to post 500 and 525.


Post 500 gets to choose 2 prizes from a nice selection of stuff!


Including boxed sears games. :-)

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