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Breaking news: Intellivision flashback coming to retail


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The controllers look and feel the same as the originals. The emulation is spot on. There is a nice selection of games. The sports titles (with the exception of the bonus game) are all the INTV 1 and 2 player re-released versions. The Intellivoice games are included (except for TRON Solar Sailor due to licensing).


And it's $40. Really, you aren't out much if you don't like it. It's a no brainier for me.

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i must concur.... $40 isnt gonna be that big of a deterrent for me.... ill probably grab both the intellivision and colecovision flashbacks!


i just hope there isnt a big delay and hype session like the retron 5... :mad:


All of these are on track for October, so there's no issue there.


I forgive the Hyperkin folks for almost everything, because in the end they delivered a good product that they're constantly updating, which is all we can really ask from such an ambitious and cool product. The only thing not really forgivable is the big price hike, but at least the pre-orders had their original prices honored. The only real downside with the product is that you can't use flash carts, but fair is fair as it does play tons of original and reproduction cartridges for a bunch of different systems like they always said it would.

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Have you had a chance to try one out? If so, I'm very happy to hear this!


Yep. I played the prototype version at Intellivision Productions office a few weeks ago (the same one they were showing off at E3). We talk about it quite a bit on the latest episode (#10) of The Intellivisionaries Podcast if you're interested in hearing more.

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All of these are on track for October, so there's no issue there.


I forgive the Hyperkin folks for almost everything, because in the end they delivered a good product that they're constantly updating, which is all we can really ask from such an ambitious and cool product. The only thing not really forgivable is the big price hike, but at least the pre-orders had their original prices honored. The only real downside with the product is that you can't use flash carts, but fair is fair as it does play tons of original and reproduction cartridges for a bunch of different systems like they always said it would.

Don't get me wrong, I am still very happy with my retron 5... but over a year of delays for a company that's no stranger to development? I find it a bit hard to swallow.... and I agree with your other complaints as well... great little system tho...


But thanks for the october reassurance... just in time for my bday.. I know what gifts I'm getting for myself ;)

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I don't think it was delayed over a year though. It wasn't even announced until March of 2013. And a few retailer placeholder dates came and went last Fall, but I think the first official ship date Hyperkin gave was early December. Over 6 months is still a long time, but not all that distasteful to me.


But perhaps if I had preordered, I'd feel differently. Easy enough for me to say when none of my money was on the line. But I still think a few months delay with such a product introduction would be reasonable to me. Now if they build on this with a Retron 6 with this serving as the foundation for their future clones like we all expect, my expectations will be a bit different.


But this was a very different product than what came before it so I fully expected a few bumps in the road. Beyond a few quality control issues, my impressions are that they've surpassed my expectations by a wide margin with a legitimately useful product that they're actually supporting with updates (Much to my surprise for a company whose idea of customer support before was to simply not interact with the customer in the first place).


Edit: My apologies for the detour, after reading the reply above and writing up a response, it didn't dawn on me that this wasn't the Retron 5 thread until I already had posted.

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The controllers look and feel the same as the originals. The emulation is spot on. There is a nice selection of games. The sports titles (with the exception of the bonus game) are all the INTV 1 and 2 player re-released versions. The Intellivoice games are included (except for TRON Solar Sailor due to licensing).


And it's $40. Really, you aren't out much if you don't like it. It's a no brainier for me.

Agreed! Sounds like a bargain to me!

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I wasn't questioning the value, I asked why he bought four and then pointed out that if it's for the controllers themselves, waiting should hopefully pay off since they've made Atari joysticks and paddles available separately in the past at a discounted price.

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I wasn't questioning the value, I asked why he bought four and then pointed out that if it's for the controllers themselves, waiting should hopefully pay off since they've made Atari joysticks and paddles available separately in the past at a discounted price.

I bought one to play one to sell later, two for spare controllers for my sears Intellivision And if they go on sale I might by 4 more I dont know why LOL

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@Bill L.


Do you have any idea when the final game listings will be available (both for the general model and the Dollar General model?)


DG has in hype he past run really good Black Friday deals on these ... So I was thinking of going that route.

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I have a really strong urge to play the two AD&D games the last few days. Both those games would really benefit from having the original controllers and overlays. I just hope they're including, renamed. I tried playing them both on a emu earlier and its terrible without the original controls.

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@Bill L.


Do you have any idea when the final game listings will be available (both for the general model and the Dollar General model?)


DG has in hype he past run really good Black Friday deals on these ... So I was thinking of going that route.


I don't really know what we discussed between this thread and the ColecoVision thread, but it seems like a lot of the same territory is being covered, but it could just be because I only said it in the other thread or vice-versa. I have no problem stating it again, though. AtGames is not comfortable yet with releasing the lists until all of their testing is complete. It's unlikely anything will change from what are considered the final lists now, but until AtGames gives the go-ahead, there's not much we can do except discuss "highlights," which was the guidance I was given. The Dollar General version only has one extra game, and that was already revealed here as the original baseball game to go along with the later single player baseball game that all versions are getting. The ColecoVision Dollar General one is getting a first party game that has no real equivalent on the regular list of 60.


For what it's worth, the Intellivision Flashback is all first party Mattel and INTV releases, with a couple of games that weren't officially released (but are known). The ColecoVision Flashback has a mix of first and third party titles, as well as homebrews.

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I have a really strong urge to play the two AD&D games the last few days. Both those games would really benefit from having the original controllers and overlays. I just hope they're including, renamed. I tried playing them both on a emu earlier and its terrible without the original controls.


There are no obvious omissions I can think of, other than anything licensed that wasn't previously stripped of said license (Tron and the like).

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I don't really know what we discussed between this thread and the ColecoVision thread, but it seems like a lot of the same territory is being covered, but it could just be because I only said it in the other thread or vice-versa. I have no problem stating it again, though. AtGames is not comfortable yet with releasing the lists until all of their testing is complete. It's unlikely anything will change from what are considered the final lists now, but until AtGames gives the go-ahead, there's not much we can do except discuss "highlights," which was the guidance I was given. The Dollar General version only has one extra game, and that was already revealed here as the original baseball game to go along with the later single player baseball game that all versions are getting. The ColecoVision Dollar General one is getting a first party game that has no real equivalent on the regular list of 60.


For what it's worth, the Intellivision Flashback is all first party Mattel and INTV releases, with a couple of games that weren't officially released (but are known). The ColecoVision Flashback has a mix of first and third party titles, as well as homebrews.

I understand all of that. I was just checking to see if you could say anything with regard to a timetable on when the game lists may be officially announced.

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Yeah, it's basically they'll "let us know when." Considering the packaging has been signed off on and I may get production units to "review" by next month, hopefully it's no later than some time in August.

Seconded, thank you for all the help in both the Intelivision and Colecovision Flashback threads. I can't recall if I read something in one thread or the other either. :lol:


Do you know anything about the other two units that AtGames is releasing at the same time in October -- Atari Flashback 5 and the new Sega Genesis unit? Listing of games, upgrades from previous units, sneak peaks vs reviewing when they come out, etc.?

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Seconded, thank you for all the help in both the Intelivision and Colecovision Flashback threads. I can't recall if I read something in one thread or the other either. :lol:


Do you know anything about the other two units that AtGames is releasing at the same time in October -- Atari Flashback 5 and the new Sega Genesis unit? Listing of games, upgrades from previous units, sneak peaks vs reviewing when they come out, etc.?


No problem. No, I have no additional info on the Atari Flashback 5 or Sega Classic Console 2. I was involved in discussions on them early on, then exclusively shifted focus to the Intellivision and ColecoVision units. As far as I know, those units won't change other than the game mixes, which is why I imagine there wasn't much else to discuss. How the game mixes will change, I'm not sure, though I suspect the Atari Flashback 5 is going to have some new homebrews based on some of the developers I was referring.

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The ColecoVision Flashback has a mix of first and third party titles, as well as homebrews.


What? No second party titles?!? RIP OFF!!! RIP OFF!!! BOO! RIP OFF!




Oh, that was fun.




Seriously though, I am pretty excited by both products although slightly more by the INTV Flashback. I'm also hoping for separate controllers. I want to buy some spares.

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