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Breaking news: Intellivision flashback coming to retail


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That would really suck, If you do not include the overlays. It would not be a mess and not to hard to include the, overlays with it. Just but them in a small plastic bag that zips up. Some these games you do need the overlays for . The later intv games, that doesn't have the original overlays, this would be a good set for it. To pay $40 for the flashback then more money for the 120 overlays, is not a really good deal. You want to impress the newer people to the Intellivision and not to confused Them that you need to make a seperate purchase for overlays. and keep the Original intellivsioners Happy. There should be just 2 releases for this. One with and without the overlays, without the seperate purchase. , I have the Original, and love it. I want to get the new one, if it has unreleased and the rarerer games that i don't have like Spiker, Learning fun 1 and 2 with the overlays. . If thats the case, then it's no use to get it, , When i can play my Original Intv and games. I love the controllers, on both systems 1 and 2 .

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That would really suck, If you do not include the overlays. It would not be a mess and not to hard to include the, overlays with it. Just but them in a small plastic bag that zips up. Some these games you do need the overlays for . The later intv games, that doesn't have the original overlays, this would be a good set for it. To pay $40 for the flashback then more money for the 120 overlays, is not a really good deal. You want to impress the newer people to the Intellivision and not to confused Them that you need to make a seperate purchase for overlays. and keep the Original intellivsioners Happy. There should be just 2 releases for this. One with and without the overlays, without the seperate purchase. , I have the Original, and love it. I want to get the new one, if it has unreleased and the rarerer games that i don't have like Spiker, Learning fun 1 and 2 with the overlays. . If thats the case, then it's no use to get it, , When i can play my Original Intv and games. I love the controllers, on both systems 1 and 2 .


The critical overlays are included, and the rest are shown in the manual. Even though I'm sure all of us on here would love to have overlays for everything, to be fair, most games really don't need them. And to say that $40 is too much to pay for this, even with the reduction in features, seems similarly unfair. It works out to something like .66 a game, right?


You're one of the few people I know who loves the controllers on the II. I think the Master Component controllers are so superior to the ones from the II, it's silly.

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The critical overlays are included, and the rest are shown in the manual. Even though I'm sure all of us on here would love to have overlays for everything, to be fair, most games really don't need them. And to say that $40 is too much to pay for this, even with the reduction in features, seems similarly unfair. It works out to something like .66 a game, right?


You're one of the few people I know who loves the controllers on the II. I think the Master Component controllers are so superior to the ones from the II, it's silly.

HI Bill, Yes that is True. Your right on that part. I just like to have the Later intv overlays, if its included. I do like the both controllers. I got my and still have my first intellivision back in 83, the intv 2, so i guess i am more use to of the controllers. lol, But i also really like the Intv 1 also, They are softer, and depends on what games your playing, it's easier on the thumbs. lol. Anyways, thanks for the updates. Sorry about the upheavel. Just i am looking forward to it , and very glad the Intv flashback is coming to life, and more people will be aware , and remember, the good ole and awesome Intellivision . ;-) Thanks for your help and input, Are they considering that for the Colecovision also?

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At games should sell a complete overlay set seperatly!

I agree with this. I was purchasing a Flashback unit primarily for the custom overlay set, and now that has been greatly reduced. I really wish they would either include the overlays as originally intended or provide overlay sets as a separate purchase.



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I heard Keith talking on an episode of Intellivisionaries about getting around the Tron license by changing the Recognizer to an X shape. Does that mean Deadly Discs will be included?


FWIW, a modified version of "Deadly Discs" to remove any Disney reference was included on the Intellivision 10 2nd Edition.

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No, no Tron stuff, at least not this time. Maybe they have it planned for the future, but I have no info on that. It certainly would be nice if they could "de-license" the remaining games.

Totally agree on that....I guess AtGames just didn't want to take any risks of getting a lawsuit.


Thank you again for all the help on this, Bill, and for all the updates.


I'm going to cancel my ToysRUs preorders and just get the Intelivision and Colecovision Flashbacks at Sams Club when they come out. The DG exclusive games are not ones I care about, but I do want the extra overlays that Sams Club is getting. I get offers all the time in the mail for a one day guest membership, so I'll just use that and stock up on other things when I go in that day. :)


Really looking forward to playing these! Since I'm a gamer and not a collector I don't have the original systems, and have been playing them on emulation, which is alright, but nothing would beat using a real controller with (perhaps) overlays on my 42 inch HDTV widescreen. :)

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It is sad that the controllers are not compatible, however, it is good that ATGames knows about this and hopefully is trying to fix this either as an adaptor or new console. The overlays aren't too bad, however, just like the controllers, if a full set is old separately, I will buy it.


Hopefully, updated controllers (cross compatible) will come out soon and be available on their website.




If and when any of these developments happen, can you please let us know? Thank you very much.

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I heard Keith talking on an episode of Intellivisionaries about getting around the Tron license by changing the Recognizer to an X shape. Does that mean Deadly Discs will be included?


Well Keith would know best, but it's probably not as easy as we think. The Tron IP in many cases IS the game.

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The TRON Deadly Discs variant that was on the "xx-in-1" handhelds was a reprogrammed version (NES on a chip, like all those games). The games were all programmed by TechnoSource, who created the all-in-ones.


The Flashbacks are playing the real ROMs under a proprietary emulation layer. So a redesign / re-programming of the game isn't feasible for either Intellivision Productions or AT Games at present. That said, the possibility of some 'changed' version in a future release of the Flashback is not out of the question.


My intention is to have Keith Robinson on this month's episode of The Intellivisionaries and get as much information on the Flashback units as he is willing / able to discuss.

Edited by nurmix
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If they ever secure a license for Burgertime, they'd be all set with Tron Deadly Discs since it was already modified once with the hotdogs from Burgertime and included as an Easter Egg on Dig Dug.

Edited by Atariboy
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If they ever secure a license for Burgertime, they'd be all set with Tron Deadly Discs since it was already modified once with the hotdogs from Burgertime and included as an Easter Egg on Dig Dug.

You make a great point, Atariboy.

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Easter Egg on Dig Dug? Now I'm intreged.

Yup! Insert a Dig Dug cartridge, power on the Intellivision, hold down "47" on both hand controllers, and press RESET. Instead of Dig Dug, you'll be playing "Deadly Dogs!", a modified version of Tron Deadly Discs with BurgerTime hot dogs in place of the Warriors. The Recognizers are still there, though, so even if they wanted to use "Deadly Dogs!" in one of the Flashbacks, there might still be licensing complications.


(This version of Tron Deadly Discs was reportedly made as a test of the development system that Realtime Associates used to disassemble and reassemble Intellivision game binaries; it was David Warhol's favorite Intellivision game, so he hid it in some extra space in the Dig Dug cartridge ROM.)

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I'm almost certain that INTV Corporation didn't have a Tron license in the late 1980's, so it should be safe.


Frankly in 2014, I suspect that the only thing here that would present a real infringement of Disney's IP would be the Tron name itself. I'm sure they probably recognize that and are just erring on the side of caution by not including it here under an alternate name. So if they license Burgertime someday, if they're even aware of this altered version, I'd be surprised if they weren't fully secure in using it.


I don't even think they'd have to extract it from Dig Dug. I'm almost certain I have a standalone version of it on my Cuttle Cart.

Edited by Atariboy
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