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Hi guys,


Great Q&A article from Sega-Mag.com regarding the upcoming Genesis and port to Neo-Geo Xeno Crisis with Bitmap Bureau. Enjoy. :)




  • Interview: Bitmap Bureau, developers of Xeno Crisis

Interview by Cireza


For English version, please see below.

Mike Tucker (game designer) and Matt Cope (developer) from Bitmap Bureau were kind enough to answer (in great detail!) Our questions for their next game: Xeno Crisis . We thank them (as well as the whole team) and wish them good luck on the final stretch before the game's release.

Xeno Crisis's kickstarter campaign was a huge success. Did you expect the players' response to be so strong?

Mike: When we launched the campaign in December 2017 we did not really know what to expect as it was our first kickstarter, but having seen the successful Matt Phillips campaign for the Tanglewood game , we were optimistic and thought at least meet the funding target we set ourselves. When it was exceeded in just 40 hours we were really surprised, and we realized that Mega Drive players were very eager to play our game.

Regarding the different versions of the game, which has attracted the most interest? (At the beginning there was only Mega Drive, Dreamcast and Steam)

Mike: Without a doubt the Mega Drive version, although there was still interest for other platforms.

How did you gather the team responsible for Xeno Crisis ? Did you already know each other?

Mike: Matt and I have worked together for many years in a previous studio , so we've been friends for a long time. :) We also worked with Catherine Menabde on two previous games, and we knew we could count on her, especially for the big character artworks in the cutscenes. Henk Nieborg is a legend and anyone interested in pixel-art or video games of the 90s has heard of him - when we were convinced of wanting to make a Mega Drive game, he was the first person that we wanted to embark on the adventure, and he accepted!



Artwork by Catherine Menabde


Regarding the music, when we listened to the version of "Trayus" of the Sky Harbor group performed by Savaged Regime , we understood that he was the good composer for our game. He is able to do things with the YM2612 ( note: the sound processor of the console) that we thought impossible, and his job was amazing on both music and sound effects.

Communication can be a real source of trouble when working with people all over the world. How did this happen for Xeno Crisis ? Was it easy to get everybody working together, and to have a common vision for the game?

Mike: I think we were very lucky with Xeno Crisis as we brought together a team of passionate and professional people - we had problems in the past working with people far from each other, but for Xeno Crisis everyone was amazing. Matt and I work in the same agency in the UK, Henk is in Holland, Savage Regime in Sweden, Catherine in Slovakia, but the distance between us has not been a problem at all, and everyone has immediately understood what game we wanted to do, graphics, sounds and gameplay.

What are the inspirations for Xeno Crisis and its environments? We recognized some science fiction classics, can you share your references, and also your favorites?

Mike: I'm sure anyone who has seen the first stages of the game will have recognized inspirations from "Alien" movies, but as you progress through the game you may feel that some areas are inspired by Moon , 2001 , Predator and Blade Runner 2049 . As for video games, Henk and I are big fans of the Toaplan games ( Out Zone and Tatsujin in particular), and it is obvious that Xeno Crisis is inspired by many classics of the 90s like Smash TV , Shock Troopers, Contra, Mercs , Doom, The Chaos Engine ,Alien Syndrome , Alien Breed, Zombies Ate My Neighbors , Crack Down, Granada , Skeleton Krew , Capcom's Alien vs. Predator, Resident Evil , and others.


What was the biggest challenge you encountered while developing on Mega Drive? How did you overcome it?

Matt: I'm not sure that a challenge was bigger than the others, overall we had the impression to be attacked from all sides, as in Xeno Crisis! We had to balance the number of objects on the screen (sprites), the graphics loaded in video memory (VRAM), the global memory space (RAM), the size of the game (ROM), the processor load (CPU ). A change in one domain systematically affects others! We have a mind-blowing amount of paintings to handle all this, with tons of values. Initially it was only estimates, limits and thresholds, then the tables were filled with details as we moved on to creating the content. Finding solutions for the bosses was the most fun, but even the heart of gameplay in the arena required a lot of thought and decision-making. Mike was certainly fed up with hearing me say, "No, you can not have more sprites at this stage of the game, or

Have you considered improvements using the Mega-CD or the 32X?

Matt: We have no plans for the Mega-CD and the 32X, our target is to make a pure Mega Drive game.

Is it difficult to manufacture large quantities of Mega Drive cartridges in 2018?

Matt: Yes and no. Yes because there is a lot of coordination and logistics to recover all the parts and send them in production. No because the scene Mega Drive is active and many people helped us on the supply side as well as the design of the printed circuit board.

How do you manage the process of putting the ROM in the cartridge? Do you do it yourself, where is it done by the manufacturer?

Matt: A key choice during the design was to be able to flash the ROM ourselves in the cartridge at the last moment. This allows us to prepare all the physical aspects of the output in advance of phase. Then, once we are satisfied with the game, we can flash it in the cartridges and send the copies as soon as possible. We were very lucky to have René ( db-elctronics.ca ) who designed a cartridge that can be flashed directly by the normal connector (note: as a general rule, to flash, you have to plug in another way to the circuit board of the cartridge). This allows us to finish assembling the cartridges and putting the sticker on.


Do you have plans for your next project? Would you like to keep the same team? Will it be on retro consoles? If so, you can count on the Sega-fans community to support you! :)

Mike: We do not have time to think yet but we have some ideas. Sometimes alchemy takes over and the team works, that's what happened for Xeno Crisis and from the beginning of the development we all knew that we would like to work together on another project. We will definitely be targeting the retro consoles again - it has been a great experience and we are very grateful for the messages of friendship, sharing of knowledge and support from the retro-fans!

Recently, a Neo Geo version of Xeno Crisis was added to the kickstarter. As at Sega-Mag we love SNK and Neo Geo, here are some bonus questions on this version!

Neo Geo

The Mega Drive and the Neo Geo manage their graphics and their video memory in a very different way. The Mega Drive allows for memory transformations, where the Neo Geo relies more on streaming graphics directly from the ROM. How does this affect the Neo Geo version? Are there any visual effects that have been affected and need to be done differently?

Matt: Indeed the approaches to have for Mega Drive and Neo Geo are very different, but fortunately they have common bases. From the beginning we designed the game with 16x16 pixel objects to target the Dreamcast and the modern consoles, so it was easy enough to reproduce the random generation of levels of the game. We were able to very easily realize some effects on the game. Mega Drive using different plans and scrolling line by line, these effects need to be reworked on Neo Geo but are not impossible to reproduce. Another thing that we had to modify was the preparation in video memory on Mega Drive of some graphic elements and effects, where on Neo Geo everything must be present directly in ROM.


The Neo Geo offers new possibilities, in terms of colors, or zoom capabilities. Will you use them?

Matt: We think that Xeno Crisis's Mega Drive proposal is already strong enough, and that it should be just as impressive on Neo Geo. We also want to make sure that the Mega Drive version is not inferior to other versions of the game - it would be very simple to add particle effects or light effects to modern consoles for example, but Xeno Crisis was designed as a Mega Drive game from the beginning, and we want everyone to play the game as it was originally imagined.

Regarding the soundtrack, will it be exactly the same on Neo Geo?

Matt: Yes it will be the same soundtrack, we are still testing some technical aspects in order to have the best quality compared to the memory space used in the ROM.

I am a big fan of the Neo Geo CD. Do you have a Neo Geo CD version? I think it would be much cheaper to produce.

Matt: Yes it is planned, and it will actually be cheaper than the AES and MVS versions.


Version française

Mike Tucker (game designer) and Matt Cope (developer) from Bitmap Desktop have been kind enough to answer (to a high level of detail!) To their questions for their next game: Xeno Crisis . We thank them, and wish them (and the rest of the team) good luck to the project steadily approaches the finishing line.

Mega Drive

Xeno Crisis had a very successful kickstarter campaign. Were you expecting such a strong response from the players?

Mike: When we launched the campaign in December 2017 we were not too sure what to expect in our first attempt at launching a Kickstarter, but having seen Matt Phillips' successful campaign for Tanglewood we were hopeful that we would at least get close to our funding goal. When we surpassed that in just 40 hours we were genuinely surprised, and knew that we'd come up with a game that Mega Drives in particular were eager to play.

About the various versions of the game, can you tell us which one is most important (initial versions were Mega Drive, Dreamcast and Steam if I am correct)?

Mike: Most certainly the Mega Drive version, but the interest for other platforms has been good too!

How did you manage to build the team behind Xeno Crisis ? Did you know each other already?

Mike: Myself and Matt worked together for many years at a previous studio , so we've been friends for a long time. We have also worked with Catherine Menabde on a couple of previous games, and we knew we could rely on her to help us out, particularly with the larger character of art in the cutscenes. Henk Nieborg is one of the world's greatest gaming stars ever - when we were convinced that it was a Mega Drive we were convinced that it was the first person we had wanted on board, and luckily he accepted!

In terms of music, I have heard of Savage Regime's cover of Sky Harbor's "Trayus" , I knew he was the right musician for the game - he does things with the YM2612 that I did not think were possible, and he's done an amazing job writing the soundtrack and creating the sound effects.

Communication can be a big source of problems when working with people around the world. How did it go with Xeno Crisis ? Was it easy to have everyone work together, and share a common vision for the game?

Mike: I think we've been very lucky with Xeno Crisis we've assembled a talented, professional team who are all passionate about the project - we've had issues in the past with people working remotely, but on Xeno Crisis everyone has been amazing. Myself (Mike) and Matt work in the same office in the UK with Henk in Holland, Savage Regime in Sweden, and Catherine in Slovakia, but the distance between us from outset, and how it would look, sound and play.

What are your inspirations behind Xeno Crisis and its environments? Some of them seem to be inspired by classic sci-fi movies, can you share some references, or personal favorites?

Mike: I'm sure you'll be able to recognize some of the influences of the "Alien" movies, but as the game progresses you might also be inspired by Moon , 2001 , Predator , and Blade Runner 2049 . In terms of video games, Henk and myself are big fans of Toaplan's games (especially Out Zoneand Tatsujin ), but it's pretty obvious that Xeno Crisis was heavily inspired by several '90s classics like Smash TV , Shock Troopers, Contra, Mercs , Doom / a>, The Chaos Engine ,Alien Syndrome , Alien Breed, Zombies Ate My Neighbors , Crack Down , Granada , Skeleton Krew , Capcom's Alien vs. Predator, Resident Evil , and others others to some extent.

What was the biggest challenge when you played the game on Mega Drive? How did you overcome it?

Matt: I'm not sure it's been the biggest one, it's like being attacked, Xeno Crisis ! Trying to balance sprite counts, VRAM tile, RAM space, ROM size, CPU cycles. A saving in one almost always affects others in that mix! We have a crazy amount of spreadsheets to deal with it all, with loads of values. These started with estimates, limits and thresholds. The bosses have probably been one of the most important things in the world, but the gameplay in the arena plays a lot of thought and decision making. Mike's probably gotten fed up of saying, "no" you can not have more of these sprites at this point in the game.

Have you ever considered enhancements for the game using the Sega-CD or 32X?

Matt: We have not gotten any plans for the Sega-CD or 32X our aim is a pure Mega Drive release.

Is it difficult to manufacture a large quantity of Mega Drive cartridges in 2018?

Matt: Yes and no. Yes there is a lot of coordination and logistics needed to source all the parts and ship them for production. No, there is a great Mega Drive scene and lots of amazing people who have helped with the supply chain and designing / sourcing what we need.

How is the process of putting the ROM inside the cartridge handled? Do you have to do this, or is it handled by the cartridge manufacturer?

Matt: A key design choice we made with Xeno Crisis was a product that was able to be flashed by us at the last minute. This means we can prepare all the physical aspects of the release of the game being finished. Then when we're happy the game is finally complete we can flash the cartridges and ship with minimal delay. We're really lucky that the amazing René ( db-electronics.ca ) has designed a cartridge where we can program it via the connector itself, which means we can even put the shell around the PCB and pre-label it.

Do you have plans for your next project? Do you wish to keep the same team, if possible? Will you target retro-consoles again? If that's the case, you can be sure that Sega fans will be there to show their support! :)

Mike: We have not quite found the time to decide on exactly what we have. Sometimes a team just "clicks" and that's very much what it's felt like with Xeno Crisis and even early in development we said we'd love to work on another project. We certainly will look for target retro-consoles again - it's been a great experience and we've been grateful for all the comments, knowledge and support of all retro fans!

A Neo Geo version of Xeno Crisis has been added to the kickstarter campaign recently. At Sega-Mag we love SNK and the Neo Geo, so here are some bonus questions for this version!

Neo Geo

Mega Drive and Neo Geo have very different ways of managing graphics, and video RAM, with Mega Drive allowing transformations of the graphics in memory, while Neo Geo rather relies on streaming the graphics directly from the ROM. How will this affect the Neo Geo version? Do you have some visual effects that are impacted and must be implemented differently?

Matt: Yes, the technical approaches of Mega Drive and Neo Geo are quite different. From the start we had designed the game with 16x16 based tiles in mind for the Dreamcast and modern console releases, so we've been able to bring it up to speed. There are a few effects that could not be achieved with the Mega Drive version, which may not be possible to achieve Neo Geo require some reworking. Other areas where we were putting together when we were driving together when we were in the world. with some gold workarounds pre-rendered solutions.

The Neo Geo also offers more capabilities, in terms of colors, being able to zoom-out graphics. Will you be taking advantage of these features?

Matt: We actually feel that the Mega Drive version of Xeno Crisis is a strong enough game in its own right, and should be impressive on the Neo Geo. We're also keen to ensure that the Mega Drive version is not significantly different from the game - it would be very easy to add particle or shader effects, Xeno Crisis was always For the Mega Drive from day one, and we want everyone to experience the game as it was originally designed.

Concerning the soundtrack, will it be exactly the same on Neo Geo?

Matt: Yes it will be the same soundtrack, we're still testing various technical capabilities.

I am a very big fan of the Neo Geo CD. Are you planning a Neo Geo CD version? This would be a cheaper to manufacture I believe.

Matt: Yes we are, and it will be cheaper than the AES and MVS versions.

Shenron, November 7, 2018 at 10:02




Edited by fdurso224
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Hi guys,


  1. 「スラッシュラリー」がアケアカNEOGEOでPS4/Nintendo Switch/Xbox Oneに登場 変化に富んだコースを走り、栄光のチャンピオンへ https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1152097.html #アケアカNEOGEOpic.twitter.com/IlAmmhLw3p

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    "Slash rally" appeared on the PS4/Nintendo Switch/Xbox One at the Akeaka NeoGeo to the glorious champion https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1152097.html #アケアカNEOGEO




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Hi guys,


  1. 『アケアカNEOGEO スラッシュラリー』配信日が11月8日に決定! “世界ラリー選手権モード”&“ラリーモード”ふたつのゲームモードを搭載したレースゲーム https://www.famitsu.com/news/201811/07167175.html pic.twitter.com/eebn5Vb7RT

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    [Akeaka neogeo Slash rally] delivery date determined on November 8! "World Rally Championship Mode" & "Rally Mode" racing game https://www. famitsu.com/news/201811/07167175.html with two game modes




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  1. 色んな店で目的の品を探してみたけど見付からなかった場合の例えでよく「全滅だった」とは言うけど、妻に「今日、書店を幾つか巡ったけどレバガチャアーカイブは全滅だったよ」と言われて表現が実に心臓に悪い。とりあえずこの数日で田舎の地元では売れ行き好調のようです。pic.twitter.com/px1ewpZz1j

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    I tried to find the product of the purpose in various stores, but it was "wiped out" often in the case where it was not found, it is said, "The Lebagacha Archive was annihilated though it went around several bookstores today" and the expression is really bad for the heart to the wife. For the time being, local sales in the countryside seemed to be booming in the past few days.




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  1. [ニコニコ静画] SNK×あずま京太郎のタッグで贈る新生「KOF」ガチコミカライズ! ROUND5-1 チーム日本vsチーム八神2nd 公開! http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/mg347048 ニコニコ静画では次回11/22更新! #KOF #KOF_ANB #水曜日のシリウスpic.twitter.com/OE5mEIjfcX

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    [Grin] snk× Azuma Kyotaro The new Born "KOF" Gaticomicalise! Round5-1 team Japan vs Team Yagami 2nd published! http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/mg347048 the next 11/22 update in the Smiling stills! #KOF #KOF_ANB #水曜日のシリウス




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  1. 【SNKヒロインズ】 11月中旬に配信するVer.1.30のパッチにて、全体的なバトルバランスの調整をおこないます。なお調整の詳細については後日ご案内いたします。今後ともSNKヒロインズをお楽しみください。 #SNK #SNKヒロインズpic.twitter.com/PCeor27S5o

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    [sNK heroines] The overall battle balance is adjusted by the ver.1.30 patch to be delivered in mid-November. Details of the adjustment will be announced at a later date. Please enjoy SNK heroines in the future. #SNK #SNKヒロインズ




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Hi guys,


  1. PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch「アケアカNEOGEO スラッシュラリー」の配信がスタートしました!本作は1991年にSNKから発売された本格レースゲームです。市街地や大自然を舞台とする変化に富んだコースを走破して栄光をつかみましょう。ぜひお楽しみください! #アケアカNEOGEO http://www.hamster.co.jp/arcadearchives/thrash_rally.htm pic.twitter.com/phPS80G3OL

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    The delivery of the PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch "Akeaka neogeo Slash rally" has started! This is a full-fledged racing game released from SNK in 1991. Take a course that is rich in urban areas and nature, and you will be glorified. Please enjoy! #アケアカNEOGEO http://www. hamster.co.jp/arcadearchives/thrash_rally.htm




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Hi guys,


  1. #SNK need to release the 40th anniversary collection on others platform (#Steam, #PS4, #XboxXbox_Platform_2018.png ). Everyone should have the chance to experience those classics. If the #NES licence cause issue with Nintendo, just get rid of those games. Most of the NES port suck anyway.pic.twitter.com/at3xML9hSM



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Hi guys,


  1. PS4「アケアカNEOGEO STRIKERS 1945 PLUS」のアップデートパッチの配布を開始いたしました。より実機に近い挙動となるように調整をしております。Nintendo Switch、Xbox Oneにつきましてはもう少しお待ちください。この度はご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございませんでした。 http://hamster.co.jp/arcadearchives/s1945p.htm pic.twitter.com/wbCrKZtKbt

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    We have started distributing update patches for PS4 "Akeaka neogeo STRIKERS 1945 PLUS". It is adjusted to become the behavior that is closer to the actual machine. Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, please wait a little more. Sorry for the inconvenience this time. http://hamster.co.jp/arcadearchives/s1945p.htm




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Hi guys,


  1. 1f38a.pngSNK ASIA加入成為「巴哈姆特22週年站聚 ~ 2018 Gamer Party」的參展廠商之一,為各位機迷帶來全新的『SNK亞洲官方網店』,源源不絕的官方精美商品,讓大家盡情挑選心頭好!!1f6cd.png1f495.png1f3ae.png12月15及16日 - 圓山花博爭豔館 免費入場 歡迎到場參觀:https://prj.gamer.com.tw/22y/firm.php pic.twitter.com/DwxCZoky1a

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    SNK Asia joined as "Bahamt 22 Anniversary Station Gathering ~ 2018 Gamer party" One of the exhibitors, for the fans to bring a new "SNK Asian official online shop", endless official exquisite goods, let everyone indulge in the heart of the good!! ️ December 15 & amp; 16th-free admission to round Shanhua Bo compete Hall Welcome to visit: https://prj.gamer.com.tw/22y/firm.php




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  1. 『THE KING OF FIGHTERS Limited SHOP in Hakata MARUI』 〈イベント情報〉 先行販売商品やフォトスポットもご用意しております! さらに会場では大好評のNEOGEO mini体験コーナーもご用意しておりますので、皆さまのご来店お待ちしております♪ イベント詳細→ http://bit.ly/2qstR7V #KOFpic.twitter.com/uY0PE0Z9tK

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    "The KING OF fighters Limited SHOP in Hakata MARUI" (event information) We also offer pre-sale products and photo spots! In addition, so we also provide a NeoGeo mini experience corner of the popular venue, we look forward to your visit ♪ event details → http://bit.ly/2qstR7V #KOF




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  1. 【イベントのお知らせ】 現在下記の会場にてSNK関連商品の販売イベントを行っております。 詳細は各店舗にお問い合わせくださいませ。 ■SNK×博多マルイ →開催中~2018年11月12日(月) ■SNK×東急ハンズ名古屋店 →開催中~2018年11月16日(金) #SNK #KOF #NEOGEO https://buff.ly/2zvcck0 pic.twitter.com/9EQ3Ijt4Ou

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    【 Event Announcement 】 We are currently conducting sales events for SNK related products at the following venues. For details, please contact each store. ■ snk× Hakata Marui → held-November 12, 2018 (Mon ■) snk× Tokyu Hands Nagoya Store →~ November 16, 2018 (Fri) #SNK #KOF #NEOGEO https://buff.ly/2zvcck0




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  1. We now have a store on "ZenMarketplace!" Search our items in English or in whatever other languages you speak, ZenMarketplace supports Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish and Ukrainian. https://buff.ly/2Qk7BZl pic.twitter.com/yz2MgG9RZ6



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  1. PVwcfwuR_bigger.jpgSNK JAPAN @SNKPofficial_jp 17h17 hours ago
    1. 【お知らせ】 THE KING OF FESTIVAL 2018(KOFes 2018)にて『SNK Sound Team』のライブ開催決定!開催は2018年11月24日(土)。乞うご期待! KOFes 2018 http://buttonmashers-game.com/kofes2018/ #SNK #KOFespic.twitter.com/SW5XU8HPwk

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      Notice The KING of FESTIVAL 2018 (Kofes 2018) will be held at the SNK Sound Team Live! The event was held on Saturday, November 24, 2018. Stay tuned! Kofes 2018 http://buttonmashers-game.com/kofes2018/ #SNK #KOFes






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Hi guys,


  1. タイトーステーション 溝の口店にて開催された「GAME MUSIC BATTLE STAGE!」での『SNK Sound Team』のライブステージ映像を公開! https://youtu.be/RUQZEy5T-nE 2018年11月24日(土)、KOFes 2018でのライブ開催も決定! KOFes 2018 http://buttonmashers-game.com/kofes2018/ #SNK #KOFes

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    "GAME MUSIC BATTLE STAGE" held at the mouth of the ditch at Taito station! Live stage video of "SNK Sound Team" in the public! https://youtu.be/RUQZEy5T-nE November 24, 2018, Kofes to be held live in 2018! Kofes 2018 http://buttonmashers-game.com/kofes2018/ #SNK #KOFes




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