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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Hi guys,


More from Atariage member richard31337 Richard Evans. :)


Finally got time to enjoy the fantastic #NeoGeo book by @bitmap_books & @NeoGeoCollector 1f60d.pngThey don't call this the Mega Edition for nothing!pic.twitter.com/BzynrDVlsl



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Hi guys,


This evening, were with Check This Out!!. Here we see him discussing his personal review regarding the Neo Geo X controller. Enjoy. :)


From the description,

"Today I finally review the Neo Geo X arcade stick! I will be running the arcade stick on my ouya console, using a neo geo emulator! Is this neo geo x arcade stick any good? "




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Oh wow. I was looking at this about a week ago Darrin.. I didn't know you can read minds bro. :-D


I wouldn't mind putting this on my wall. But the Neo-Geo sign is already the center of attention since I bought it. But thatMetal Slug 2 shadowbox is really cool for sure. :)


Thank you for posting this up for us Darrin. :thumbsup:



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Hi guys,


【MSA お知らせ】 11/4(土)までイベントクランクが開放!イベントクランクからは「正規軍」ユニットが出現します! #MSA http://game.snk-corp.co.jp/official/metalslug_attack/news/20171102_01jxhnm.html pic.twitter.com/U3ciM077ev

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[MSA News: 11 / 4 release event crank up to (Saturday)! Regular army units will emerge from the event crank! http://game.snk-corp.co.jp/official/metalslug_attack/news/20171102_01jxhnm.html #ttps://t.co/HTVb8MxFKw




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Hi guys,


KOFコラボ記念、特別キャンペーン実施中! 抽選 1名様: #iPhone7Plus 抽選50名様:不知火舞のお城(7日間)+50万コイン相当のアイテム 応募方法: #キングス の領主IDと帝国番号を本ツイートのコメント欄に記載 応募期間: 10/31-11/20pic.twitter.com/dY6FG2oA6G

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KOF collaboration Memorial, special campaign underway! Lottery per: #iPhone7Plus Lottery 50: how to apply items of Mai Shiranui Castle (7 days) +500000 Ko Inn: #キングス of Lords ID and number Empire listed this tweet comments deadline: 10 / 31 - 11 / 20




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Hi guys,


“アケアカNEOGEO”で『ART OF FIGHTING 龍虎の拳 外伝』と『ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’97』が配信 https://www.famitsu.com/news/201711/02145295.html pic.twitter.com/dlac5Sis4k

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"ACEA CA NEOGEO" in "ART OF FIGHTING Dragon Tiger fist Gaiden" and "the King of fighters ' 97 ' delivery https://www. famitsu.com/news/201711/02145295.html




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Hi guys,



Delivery of original #SNK #NeoGeo shipping boxes! Want to know more? Check out my short video here: https://youtu.be/A-jRUhMKnQ8 pic.twitter.com/MraTstd8ew




Is it me or does it feel like Frazer is trolling when he does youtube videos on this subject, especially since he has such a large collection

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Is it me or does it feel like Frazer is trolling when he does youtube videos on this subject, especially since he has such a large collection

I really wasn't expecting boxes to be mention. Maybe a bit out of the ordinary for me. I wouldn't even know what to do with them despite it was from SNK. :ponder: Usually for me once boxes come to my home, it goes into the recycle bin or save 1 or 2 to be used for shipping something.


Even then, I just leave them outside .



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I have to admit. BOTH you fellas are making me Jealous with all this Atari Jaguar talk. :-D


I like the Jag and it's a nice system. But I think others are certainly more dedicated to it than me. But I should take it out to play it once in awhile. :)





Still jealous Matty. = ) Mostly of getting Battlesphere for a good price, that's the gem of most people's Jag collections. Still aiming to get one myself. = )


I am super chuffed with my Jaguar buy Ant to find an old closed down store once owned by a friend of a friend of a friend docent happen everyday and the stuff he's got... all brand spanking new, boxed and original I was blown away. The guys so bloody miserable though, Im not sure why either, he's absolutely loaded, doesn't have to work has three bloody house, a wife that must be 25 years his JR and the tosser can't crack a smile and takes ages to txt back!

As I said suer buzzing with my buy but my Neos are still king! Going to see him Monday pick up some more Neo stuff, bough close to 40 CD games off him last week! Saw MarkOfTheWolves there last week! Brand new! :P


And sorry Stage_1 I stop talking about it now! lol









I need to sit down and watch these episodes! Looks Awesome..


Darrin9999 - You really do, its so good! Ants been keeping me posted as to when the new episodes come live, Im a massive anime fan but seen some CGI anime before and really wasn't a fan so was apprehensive to watch this at first but after seeing the first one I was hooked, its really good! Just hope SNK decide to release this as a film on a whole continues BluRay!






I reckon SNK really nailed the ads in the West for the Pocket, It was kinda edgy and mean the complete opposite to what Nintendo was doing with the GameBoyColor! I really believe if SNK Japan hadn't pulled the plug on SNK Europe and USA (I know money was a huge issue) and closed all offices but domestic the Pocket would of done summit! It defiantly couldn't of toppled the GBC what with the Pokemon craze in full swing but support from teens and young adults I believe would have supported it, it had some awesome software!


Hi guys,


More from Atariage member richard31337 Richard Evans. :)




Speaking with Rich last night, was blown away with all his Guinness stuff! Showed me some of the BBC clips/interviews he's done absolutely awesome!

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Hi guys,


This evening, were with Check This Out!!. Here we see him discussing his personal review regarding the Neo Geo X controller. Enjoy. :)


From the description,

"Today I finally review the Neo Geo X arcade stick! I will be running the arcade stick on my ouya console, using a neo geo emulator! Is this neo geo x arcade stick any good? "




Fun little review, it definitely is not as good as the original but is probably the only redeeming quality of the Neo Geo X bundle overall. The stick and buttons are quite responsive, and darn good for the OUYA!



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Hi guys,


Book Review: Neo Geo: A Visual History http://bit.ly/2h51bkk #Retro #Features #BookReview #SNK #NeoGeo #BitmapBooks



Book Review: Neo Geo: A Visual History

The future is now


We'll spare you the traditional spiel about how the Neo Geo was the pinnacle of gaming back in the '90s – if you own a Switch then chances are you're already intimately familiar with the amazing library of this beast, thanks to the fact that Japanese firm Hamster has been pumping out a stream of Neo Geo titles on the Switch eShop practically since launch. Over the past months Nintendo fans have been exposed to the delights of Metal Slug, King of Fighters, Samurai Shodown, Super Sidekicks and many other fantastic 2D masterpieces, and if you're keen to learn a bit more about this legendary system then the timing of Bitmap Books' Neo Geo: A Visual History couldn't really be any better.

Click the following thumbnails to enlarge the image. Go on, you know you want to.


UK publisher Bitmap has gained a enviable reputation for creating premium, image-led tomes which focus on all facets of retro gaming. Its popular "Visual Compendium" series has already touched upon the NES (and soon, SNES) and we've had the gorgeous Super Famicom: The Box Art Collection to gawp at, too. However, Neo Geo: A Visual History is something a bit different; not only is it a much larger book (not just in terms of thickness but in footprint, as well) than many of Bitmap's previous offerings, it comes with the official blessing of SNK itself.


As a result, Bitmap has been granted privileged access to all kinds of exclusive material, including official artwork, patent designs, concept drawings and even interviews with key personnel, such as artist Tatsuhiko Kanaoka, better known as "Falcoon", and Yasuyuki Oda, who worked on key SNK titles such as Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, Mark of the Wolves and (more recently) King of Fighters XIV. These interviews are incredibly insightful and will be fascinating for hardcore SNK fans, but it's the visual side of the book which really impresses.


This 400-page book is packed with artwork, bespoke photography of hardware and software, high-quality promotional images lifted from SNK's vault and much more besides. Carefully-captured screenshots show off the sheer beauty of the 2D artwork which populated so many Neo Geo games, while off-shoot projects – such as the ill-fated Neo Geo Hyper 64 arcade system and the plucky Game Boy rival the Neo Geo Pocket – are also included. There's even a chapter which focuses on where SNK is at this moment in time, which serves as an interesting look at a company which, against all possible odds, is actually enjoying something of a resurgence thanks to a recent buy-out.


Neo Geo: A Visual History comes in two flavours – the Collector's Edition (shown here and sadly now sold out) comes in a heavy-duty slipcase and includes some limited edition art prints, as well as a rather fetching metal pin badge, while a "Mega" edition packs in even more stuff, but is also sadly sold out. The readily-available standard edition lacks these bonuses but remains an imposing book. If you plan to make a purchase you'll need to clear some space on your bookshelf – not that it will remain on it for very long, as there's so much information and visual goodness to consume that we'd recommend you open it up every morning to put yourself in a good mood for the rest of the day; Neo Geo is life, some of the company's more overzealous fans would say, but there's some truth in that. In an age when gaming is becoming more and more preoccupied with window-dressing, loot-boxes and exploring social and political issues, this book reminds us of a simpler age where gameplay – combined with admittedly sublime 2D visuals – was all that truly mattered.


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Hi guys,


眠くて寝れないから深夜に僕のネオジオコレクションを床に広げてみましたww Couldn't sleep so I arranged my AES games on the floor lol #neogeo #RETROGAMING #ネオジオ #レトロゲーム #ビデオゲームpic.twitter.com/hzsJ7dRhzE

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From the sleepy, sleep late at night my Neo Geo collection spread on the floor I tried ww Couldn't sleep so I arranged my AES games on the floor lol #neogeo #RETROGAMING #ネオジオ #レトロゲーム #ビデオゲーム




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Fun little review, it definitely is not as good as the original but is probably the only redeeming quality of the Neo Geo X bundle overall. The stick and buttons are quite responsive, and darn good for the OUYA!



Hey Aaron,


I agree bro. You can't beat the originals. But I do have to say that if you having a blast enjoying it. Good for it bro. :)


Thank you for stopping by as always my good man.



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I reckon SNK really nailed the ads in the West for the Pocket, It was kinda edgy and mean the complete opposite to what Nintendo was doing with the GameBoyColor! I really believe if SNK Japan hadn't pulled the plug on SNK Europe and USA (I know money was a huge issue) and closed all offices but domestic the Pocket would of done summit! It defiantly couldn't of toppled the GBC what with the Pokemon craze in full swing but support from teens and young adults I believe would have supported it, it had some awesome software!




Speaking with Rich last night, was blown away with all his Guinness stuff! Showed me some of the BBC clips/interviews he's done absolutely awesome!



Yeah Matty, those NGPC ad were amazing for its time. Its was like the AE when they had them being gutsy to prove a point on why you play on those other weak units. :)


Glad you saw Richard's works Matty. Really something else they are. His son is just as good as well. Richard holds records on Twin Galaxies website too. Those BBC clips are nice to see as well. :)



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Hi guys,


SNK shares pictures of drafts and concept art for the Metal Slug and The King of Fighters series: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/166849532300/snk-shares-pictures-of-drafts-and-concept-art-for pic.twitter.com/Be5YD9nkiI



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