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Was I Scammed on EBay?


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Recently my daughter asked me to sell her Wii games on EBay. She is very careful with them, and saves all boxes, and instructions. We tested each game to make sure they played properly. We sold twelve of them, but for one game, I was almost immediately notified that the buyer opened a case against me for a defective game. The buyer claimed that the game would not load up. He won the auction with a $25 bid, plus about $3.55 for shipping.


I asked the buyer to return the game, and I refunded the money, and I even paid him back for his return shipping.

When I got the game, there was a somewhat large, thick white scratch on the disk, and sure enough the game would not load up. I really do not remember this scratch on the disk.

So, I got to thinking that this buyer had a defective game, switched it with mine, and ended up getting a free replacement game. I was skeptical, but the buyer had 1500 transactions with a 99.7% favorable rate. He buys and sells used games in most of his transactions.


I have read, from people on these forums, that they trade-in defective games to Gamestop all of the time, because Gamestop doesn't check the games on trade-in.


Should I start marking my games to ensure that the returned one is mine? Should I use invisible ink to make a mark, that can only be seen using ultra violet light?

Does this happen often to everyone?

Edited by Bartsfam
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Did you take pictures of the item when you listed it? If you did, and the scratch is clearly not present in your listed pics, then you may have a case with Paypal. Not sure though since you already refunded him. You should have just refunded the return shipping, and made him wait for a full refund until you received the item. Sorry this happened to you!

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something similar happened to me, I sold a silent hill 4 on ebay and the buyer returned it back to me with his pics saying it was not working, it has a huge circular laser burn scratch and light scratches around the disc. The funny thing is that the disc was in near mint condition when I had sent it and I had also tested and looked at it. Most likely the buyer is doing the old switcharoo, where he buys your nice one and switches it for his crappy known working one. If there is a chance you could save your game, you should probably have it resurfaced but go to the professionally machine any modern RTI ECO machines would polish it to almost a new state.

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I would definitely try to take good high res photos of both sides of the discs you're selling, I don't typically buy used optical media on EBay, but it's quite common on forums for sellers to photograph the "business" side of the disc. The problem is EBay seems to immediately side with the buyers in these cases and I think buyers know this. I prefer to sell on forums such as these for the most part. I won't make as much money, but I don't have to pay listing fees, closing fees, fee fees, etc. and most importantly I'm happy to pass along a good deal to a fellow gamer as I've gotten a lot of great deals over the years.

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Did you take pictures of the item when you listed it? If you did, and the scratch is clearly not present in your listed pics, then you may have a case with Paypal. Not sure though since you already refunded him. You should have just refunded the return shipping, and made him wait for a full refund until you received the item. Sorry this happened to you!

No. I only took a picture of the "title" side showing the name of the game. I never even thought to take a picture of the other side.


This could happen with a game cartridge too. How would you know if the buyer swapped their broken one, for your good one?


One more thing...who resurfaces optical discs? I don't know of any place that does that in central Massachusetts.....


There are no video game rental stores left in Central Mass....

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This could happen with a game cartridge too. How would you know if the buyer swapped their broken one, for your good one?


Sad but true. As someone else said, that's why I won't sell stuff on eBay anymore. People pull the same scam on retail stores.


As far as getting a disc resurfaced, look for a place that sells used CDs, movies, etc. They generally have a resurfacer in the store for their own needs, and will often resurface customers' discs for a small fee (couple bucks maybe.)

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I've had good luck bringing back discs by cleaning them with a product that takes out scratches in auto plastic. The one I've used is called back to black, but there are others.


  • First, clean it completely with Windex, use a clean cotton cloth and rub outward away from the center. Make sure it is dry completely and then try it again in your Wii.
  • If that doesn't work, go to work with the Back to Black, rubbing in the same direction as with Windex.
  • Before testing, clean again with Windex after the BtB to make sure it is clean and ready to play.


I've brought back games that were in a very bad state with this method. I think even one that I had "resurfaced" without success.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No. I only took a picture of the "title" side showing the name of the game. I never even thought to take a picture of the other side.


This could happen with a game cartridge too. How would you know if the buyer swapped their broken one, for your good one?


One more thing...who resurfaces optical discs? I don't know of any place that does that in central Massachusetts.....


There are no video game rental stores left in Central Mass....


Bull Moose Music store in Salem NH has a disc resurfacer they supposed to charge to have it done if brought from outside but I only needed this done once so far & they didn't charge. it DID work on an xbox360 game that took "the lens hit" full circumference on disc ... employee there said he used a "deep buff" setting, nether of us expected it to work


I imagine Game Stop has these as well but I don't shop there to much

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I know that there are those who disagree with me, that it's too much of a hassle for buyers to go through, but with sellers being forced to pay for all return shipping in the near future, this kind of thing will increase, especially on items like retro video games that are no longer sold at retail.


Got a dead rare atari cart? Buy another on ebay, file an "item not as described" complaint - return your dead cart and keep the good one. Anyone that thinks this won't happen more often now that free return shipping is offered is dreaming.

Edited by AtariLeaf
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