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Sabre Wulf


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My system consists of an AVPC 80-column Card, SNUG HSGPL Card, Horizon RAMdisk, SNUG HRD16 RAMdisk, 1 MEG SAMS Card, TI RS232 Card, a BWG Disk Controller, and, of course, a TI Flex Card. For some reason, Sabrewulf will not run on my system. I get a title screen but do not get any of the opening options and the program doesn't respond to any keypresses. I get the same result whether I us the disk-based or EPROM program. Any ideas? I'm using the files from Vn 1.3.1b.

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Just as an experiment--try it without an HRD in the system. I've had one other individual who had a conflict with theirs when using one of the cartridge boards (not with the Rasmus titles, it was with the 2048K board). It doesn't seem to be a regular thing either, as everyone else with similar configurations had no issues. . .

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Just to make sure first, does this game work on a standard TI-99/4A without memory expansion or any other expansion? Just in case I have missed something from this topic.... :) Is it available only from arcadeshopper? Shipping costs would surely be cheaper if I could buy it from Europe. And one more question, was this game´s programming fully finished now, or will there be some more finished cartridge version in the future? I am sorry, I don´t have time to crawl through the whole topic once again anymore, so I will have to ask. :)

Edited by mäsäxi
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It does require 32K memory exapansion. This is the finished version of the game, based on the data I have from Rasmus. I built the cartridges for Arcadeshopper. If you have a 64K Guidry board or a 128Kx4 Black board, you can burn an EPROM of your own for testing. The final file is V1.3.1, and is available in the thread. Here's the link: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/228831-sabre-wulf/page-9?do=findComment&comment=3121595

Edited by Ksarul
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Thank you!


I thought to ask, as earlier today I checked arcadeshopper site and their Scramble 3-in-1 cartridge page said 3-in-1 cartridge needs 32K, and even that was not mentioned in Sabre Wulf, unless I missed it, I thought it would be wiser to ask here first before buying. Too bad, I don´t have any expansions. Except joystick adaptor and Speech Synthesizer of course. :) I was wondering though, that Sabre Wulf file must have been packed very heavily if it was really fitting in 16K. :)


I haven´t looked for 32K memory expansions, as I thought it is really needed just for disk drive expansion box. How much is 32K memory expansion´s average US ebay price? I just thought that I don´t even know for sure, if it´s external expansion which can be easily inserted to same port as Speech Synthesizer or if it needs a big and very expensive expansion box to be bought first? :?


I will have to suppose, that coming Alex Kidd cartridge won´t work on a standard machine either? :sad: Does Scramble also need 32K? I mean if it´s put on the cartridge without the two other games?

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Indeed, Alex Kidd will not work without the 32k expansion (actually, Alex Kidd will likely be disk based only, although I have been thinking about loading levels from GROM which can be put in carts as well to eliminate the need for a disk system).


I also think all of Rasmus' games need the 32k to be present as well. The tricky thing is that sidecar 32k expansions are not very common I think, so you're probably best off with a (expensive and heavy) PEB system, or a nanoPEB/CF7 (the latter can be bought new for roughly $50 US, and is relatively easily available).

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Too bad again. :sad: Yes, that PEB would be even more expensive as heavy also means heavy shipping costs to pay. What´s that nanoPEB/CF7? Do I have to solder it into my machine or does it just simply plug to existing sideport? I hope it´s a very small gadget which allows cheap shipping. ;)


A nanoPEB is a nice little gadget you plug into the sideport. It contains the 32K expansion + 3 virtual disk drives on a CF memory card + a RS 232 port, so you basically have everything you would have in a standard PEB. If you live in Europe you could try to get one here:


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There were some nanoPEBs up on eBay this past week as well (sold by Schmutzig1952, the builder). They are small, easy to ship, and give the casual user pretty much the complete expansion environment they need. There is also a used one up right now from someone else, closing sometime tomorrow: http://www.ebay.com/itm/321675953253?

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Thank you again! :) I have ordered nanopeb from stargames. :) When it arrives, is this little gadget now enough to run any homebrew game, or was there any which still doesn´t run on my 99/4A unless I buy some even more costing gadget? ;)


I will have to refresh my memory, what were the other sites where I could buy TI-99/4A homebrew games? (not counting web auctions) Are there any unsold ones other than Sabre Wulf and that 3-in-1 which includes Scramble? I think there wasn´t too many Sabre Wulfs left.


Thank you in advance for helping Texas Instruments TI-99/4A lover! :)

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There are several homebrew cartridges available on the Arcadeshopper site (and whenever stock on them gets low, I can make more of them, as I still have enough parts to make a lot of cartridges using that board). In addition to the three Rasmus cartridges (3-in-1, Flappy Bird, and SabreWulf), there are also a number of compilation cartridges available which put a lot of the older cartridge and disk programs into a single cartridge. There are five 512K Games cartidges available (and it is possible to purchase the first four of them as a single 2048K Games cartridge), a 512K Utlities cartridge, and a 512K Educational cartridge. Using the UberGROM board, it is possible to purchase Rich Gilbertson's RXB 2012, Tony Knerr's XB 2.7, Winfried Winkler's XB3, and Triton's SEB, in addition to the base UberGROM load that is set up to allow someone with the appropriate skills to load it with the GROM software of their choice. I can supply most of these relatively easily.


The NanoPEB/CF7+ will give you pretty much everything you'll need to use any of the cartridges out there.

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Thank you again. :) I have now ordered Sabre Wulf too. :) I saw there just Sabre Wulf, 3-in-1 and Flappy Bird. During years, I have probably read about new coming 99/4A homebrews, but I don´t remember much about them :( I don´t even know if they were released or not. As you mentioned about putting older cartridge and disk programs into a single cartridge, did you meant 1980s cartridge/disk games too? I have now several original cartridges, but of course there are lots of cartridges I don´t own yet. And I am not sure how many of them I still want to buy. :) I mean money is not growing in trees. ;) As I soon will have the NanoPEB, with a little practise I should be able to put images of cartridges and disks to NanoPEBs memory, right? I hope it´s not too hard thing to do, I am not a computer guru. ;) Of course that´s not as much fun as actually to see and touch real cartridges and to see my child selecting favourite ones and inserting them into TI-99/4A. But at least it will be cheaper this way. :) And now I should be able to play some disk only games, if I can find them from the web. Few years ago i found out there are educational Disney games for TI-99/4A and they looked wonderful! I have a bunch of TI´s own educational cartridges and my child just loves them.


Also, did you mean, that I can run 512K or 2048K games cartridge using my soon coming NanoPEB?

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As I soon will have the NanoPEB, with a little practise I should be able to put images of cartridges and disks to NanoPEBs memory, right?


Also, did you mean, that I can run 512K or 2048K games cartridge using my soon coming NanoPEB?


First question: no, not really. You will be able to put disk-based games on the nanoPEB (but you need an Extended basic and/or Editor/Assembler cartridge to run most disk based games), you will not be able to put carts on it. Fortunately, I think most cart games are also available on disk. If you consider only buying one more (new) cartridge, you should consider XB2.7, which contains extended basic, editor/assembler and a bunch of games and other utilities. You can buy them at arcadeshopper.


Second question: yes! :)

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Ok, thank you, now I start to know a bit more. :) I have Extended Basic cartridge already. :) I thought so that many cartridges have been put to disk already. Hopefully they are easy to find from the web. :) At the moment I don´t think of buying XB2.7, I saw it at arcadeshopper though. :) I never thought buying NanoPEB either. ;) But, I didn´t know I cannot run a homebrew game without it. :) Maybe I will put my money to original cartridges instead, someday. ;)

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The nice thing about the 2048K Games cartridge is that it has 126 of the 1980's era TI programs on it (originally disk or cartridge). That gives one cartridge with a lot of software on its menus--and my sons love to play with their TI using this as it is easy to navigate. . .

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Does 2048K cartridge´s name reflect on it´s price too? Like being $2048K....! Even without the "K" it starts to be out of reach for me.....! :lol:


But it could be handy to have and play. :) I must say this was the first time I heard about those 512K and 2048K multicarts for TI-99/4A.

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A 2048K cartridge programmed with the complete contents of the 512K Games 1-4 cartridges is $35 to a US address, and five to ten dollars more when shipped outside the US (this varies by country). The 512K cartridges are $30 each, shipped to a US address--with the same added cost for foreign shipment as the 2048K cartridges. One of the 512K cartridges is also full of educational titles, so not all of them are games. Note also that variations on the 2048K cartridge are not available at this time, as we've only constructed two images for it so far--the Games 1-4 combination and a demo cartridge showing 30 seconds of video from the movie, Spaceballs.

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So 2048K cartridge will be $40-$45 and that included shipping to Europe. Not bad price I think. :) I did some search for 2048k on TI department here at atariage, I didn´t see list of included software there. Could you please give me a link where I can see all the stuff what is included into 2048K cartridge? :) And where I can buy one? Of course I will have to play with NanoPEB first and then decide if I want to buy that 2048K cartridge, but of course it would be nice to see 2048K games list. :)


If all the 2048K cartridges will get sold, will there be a next batch or will somebody build them one by one if anyone asks for them?

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  • 2 months later...

Not attempting to bring an old thread back to life, just a little information for those that care.


I have come to notice that the universally hated TI standard controller is actually very good for using in conjunction with SabreWulf.

Surely this must be a first???????

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Not attempting to bring an old thread back to life, just a little information for those that care.


I have come to notice that the universally hated TI standard controller is actually very good for using in conjunction with SabreWulf.

Surely this must be a first???????


Seem to work well with Zero Zap, as well.

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