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Yeah, I'm getting bored and running out of hulk pics...


I agree, this thread has had a good run, but it's running out of steam. Let's retire it with the dignity it deserves. Maybe once a year at the beginning of December we can bump it as an early holiday surprise for new members. And those of us who watched it unfold live can reminisce about the good old times.

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WolfAmongWolves in the plot of your film there are errors.

the store exits already really the joint owners of the store exits already really.

the protagonists are two not one.



I enjoy ???

but if you have four days to say that this discussion should be closed !!

mah ........................................



the fragility of human life, the fact that some truths will necessarily remain hidden.



:? :? :? :?



...wherein airgames dies of autocorprophagia asphyxiation.


whether u believe in god or not, or that life has a purpose or not, doesnt really matter. instead of trying to discover or figure out what the purpose of your life is, why dont u create one instead. dont worry about what u see other people doing. what you see as meaningless events in other people's lives, might not be that way to them. why dont u try to find a reason to live . what makes u happy and what do u wanna do with ur life?? who cares about other people, find those things out for urself and do what u want to do

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  • 3 weeks later...

Meanwhile, Harry Potter managed to untie himself from the firehouse wheel and walked home.

"I hope Pac Man is ok. It's probably just a small kitchen fire," he thought as his cloak and
paisely pants dried in the fall sunlight. Upon arriving home there was a mysterious letter
addressed to him in his mailbox.

"Dear Harry Potter,

My name is CatScraps and I was the current author of the popular Pac Man vs The Hippo blog series on
AtariAge.com. By the time you read this letter I will have committed suicide. The blog is
insanely popular and I have all the fame and power in the world, yet my drug abuse has gotten
to the point where I no long feel anything in life. But enough about me.

You have been chosen to continue the story. The author before me committed suicide and I
received a similar letter and continued the story until it was time for my own suicide.
This does NOT mean that you must commit suicide, though you are certainly encouraged to.

Do your best. One stipulation is that YOU MUST begin by telling the AtariAge community that
you are my mom. It is important that no one knows the true author of the story. Have fun
with it, think about your own suicide, and you'll be a big hit.

Here is the login information:

Username: CatScraps
Password: xxxxxxxxxxx

Your Pal,

Harry thought about it for a while and decided that the story was more important to the
AtariAge community than his life was. He then made a secret pact with the authors before him.
The pact was sealed with a drop of blood onto a pentagram that he drew in chalk on his kitchen
floor. This meant that he would commit suicide when he felt it was time.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Harry logged into AtariAge.com and posted 'Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 16'.
Little did he know that the story he agreed to author was the very story of his life!

To be continued...

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Meanwhile, Harry Potter managed to untie himself from the firehouse wheel and walked home.


"I hope Pac Man is ok. It's probably just a small kitchen fire," he thought as his cloak and

paisely pants dried in the fall sunlight. Upon arriving home there was a mysterious letter

addressed to him in his mailbox.


"Dear Harry Potter,


My name is CatScraps and I was the current author of the popular Pac Man vs The Hippo blog series on

AtariAge.com. By the time you read this letter I will have committed suicide. The blog is

insanely popular and I have all the fame and power in the world, yet my drug abuse has gotten

to the point where I no long feel anything in life. But enough about me.


You have been chosen to continue the story. The author before me committed suicide and I

received a similar letter and continued the story until it was time for my own suicide.

This does NOT mean that you must commit suicide, though you are certainly encouraged to.


Do your best. One stipulation is that YOU MUST begin by telling the AtariAge community that

you are my mom. It is important that no one knows the true author of the story. Have fun

with it, think about your own suicide, and you'll be a big hit.


Here is the login information:


Username: CatScraps

Password: xxxxxxxxxxx


Your Pal,



Harry thought about it for a while and decided that the story was more important to the

AtariAge community than his life was. He then made a secret pact with the authors before him.

The pact was sealed with a drop of blood onto a pentagram that he drew in chalk on his kitchen

floor. This meant that he would commit suicide when he felt it was time.


After cleaning up the kitchen, Harry logged into AtariAge.com and posted 'Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 16'.

Little did he know that the story he agreed to author was the very story of his life!



To be continued...



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