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Flashback Overlays: Intellivision Productions & Psycho Stormtrooper


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Just an update to my filing a claim with my credit card company:


They sent me a letter via postal mail today, which states that they have temporarily credited me the amount of my purchase. They are attempting to contact Intellivision Productions, and are giving them two weeks to respond. If they don't, then my credited amount will become permanent.


Thus far, Keith has refused to answer me. It will be interesting to see if he also refuses to answer my credit card company. If he does refuse, then, as far as I am concerned, he does not even deserve to be a businessman.

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Thus far, Keith has refused to answer me. It will be interesting to see if he also refuses to answer my credit card company. If he does refuse, then, as far as I am concerned, he does not even deserve to be a businessman.


Not trying to defend him here, but I suspect you'd be surprised at how many businesses really don't care about a credit reversal for $15. It probably happens millions of times every week across America. It doesn't exactly push panic buttons for most companies. It's just the nature of business, whether we as consumers like it or not.


(And realize that you may have ordered several items, but I doubt we're talking a $5000 order here - I was just using $15 as an example of what is basically peanuts to anything but the smallest start-up business)

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Not trying to defend him here, but I suspect you'd be surprised at how many businesses really don't care about a credit reversal for $15. It probably happens millions of times every week across America. It doesn't exactly push panic buttons for most companies. It's just the nature of business, whether we as consumers like it or not.


(And realize that you may have ordered several items, but I doubt we're talking a $5000 order here - I was just using $15 as an example of what is basically peanuts to anything but the smallest start-up business)


I don't mind defending him, for he is a nice and respectable man. When you order THOUSANDS of overlays from a printer, you get something like this:



So comes the opening day of sales and instead of the dozens of orders he was expecting, suppose he gets hundreds. Mr. Robinson does not have access to a sweatshop in Taiwan that will put those together. It will be him, the other person in his staff, and maybe a friend or two picking those overlays--one at a time--building a full packet, verifying that they are complete, and preparing it for shipping.




I'm glad I'm not involved in that hellish nightmare.


Not only that, you have to make sure they go to the right person, the right address. Someone ordered three--make sure you put those aside. Oh, this guy placed two orders, but they are both to different addresses--better not screw that up. We have someone requesting a BSR autograph--darn!--let's make sure we get those straight for the fans.




So on top of the daunting manual labour involved in handling and packaging the orders, there's the order management side: someone has to pick up the orders from the fulfillment system, someone has to organize them, sort them, print the labels, coordinate with the other staff, etc.




It quickly became apparent that this was going to be a full time job for a few weeks and that the orders would not make it on time. They apologize to customers with their tail between their legs, humbly announce the delay and asked for understanding, and quickly set up to work.


And then the inquiries started coming in. "Where's my order?" "Will it make it for Christmas?" "I ordered three, but only got one!" "Please don't forget to autograph my pack." "I didn't get a confirmation, did you get my order?"




And, of course, the complaints. "If I don't get my order, I'll cancel!" "These are not the overlays I'm looking for, I want my money back!" "Where's my f*cking order?!" "I ordered on the very first day, why don't I get a response???" "ANSWER ME!!!"





In the end, these are just people. A very small set of people. It's a small business, used to dealing in very low traffic, and not accustomed to this amount of attention. The irony is that Intellivision Productions, Inc. finally won the jackpot: they hit on a product so attractive to the fans and the masses that they quite literally could not fulfill all the orders or provide the level service they wished to offer. I'm sure a few ulcers come in that package as well. Death by success, I guess.


Most of us understand all this intuitively. It's unfathomable to me how people in this forum are so quick to judge and attribute malice to what is absolutely clear the accidental and unintended failures of a small operation gone mainstream. And not even complete failure: people are getting their orders fulfilled, just not as fast as they wished, but there you go.


You know what I hate the most about this situation? That this entire thread turned into a bitch-fest for a mere $15.00 pack of overlays.


"It's the principle of the thing," some may retort, to which I will answer: Is it the principle of being entitled to have the world cater to your every whim? Is it the principle of demanding personal and immediate attention from an overwhelmed, mostly-one-man operation? The principle of denying your patience and understanding to others when things do not go precisely as you wished? Or perhaps it's the principle of getting a sense of satisfaction from complaining and bitching about trivial things to complete and utter strangers?


I say, get some f*cking perspective--how's that principle for you? :roll:

Edited by DZ-Jay
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None of what you said excuses the fact that Keith is not sending orders out in the order that they were received.


Jesus, man, give it up. Where is it written that he has to? Is it because it's more fair that way? Well guess what, it's more fair if you had patience and understanding and didn't bitch about every single hour that transpires without getting your precious overlays. It's more fair if you just let Intellivision Productions, Inc. handle the orders as they seem fit. It's more fair if you give them the benefit of the doubt that your order would be fulfilled.



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I ordered my overlays in early December. I told my friend about them and he ordered the Flashback and the overlays. A week or so later and his package arrived. Mine that I ordered a week or two earlier????? Just arrived this past Tuesday! LOL I can see where someone might get pissed with such a delay, but I knew they would come and in the past I've emailed IP and Keith himself has responded to me, so I was more patient with my overlays. I did email them at the end of December because I just wanted to make sure my order wasn't forgotten or accidentally fell through the cracks. I got an email a few days later that my order had gone out.


I also received this email in response to my contact asking if there were any delays or issues with my order. I was glad to get such a response as I just wanted to make sure the order wasn't lost somehow either on their end, or through the shipping process.


Dear Intellivision Customer,


We appreciate your patience with your order. First and foremost, your order IS in our database (if it wasn't, you would not be receiving this email). We know you've waited a while to receive your Overlays Pack. Please know that we have been shipping them fast and furiously since December 29 and we continue to ship out approximately 100 orders a day.


At the current pace, all overlay pack orders will be shipped by this Saturday, January 17.

When your package is labeled for shipping, you will receive a shipping confirmation email which will include a USPS tracking number.

Edited by Draugr
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Where is it written that he has to? Is it because it's more fair that way?


I sometimes wonder if people have ever ordered anything in their lives. Anyone who thinks that every single business always fulfills all orders in the order received is... well I'm trying to stay on good terms with folks, so let's just say cute.


I dunno man. I see a lot of people who are interpreting sub-optimal service, something that happens literally every day in America, as a personal attack on their character that must not be allowed to stand. And they've embarked on a personal vendetta to let the world know just how awful Keith is, because they never got their $15 overlay pack (or it came later than the Jones's, which apparently is an even greater crime against humanity). I can't imagine how a person makes it through life without serious anger management issues when some plastic sheets for a video game end up with dozens upon dozens of postings about how unfair it all is. It's the taking it personally that really perplexes me. And the need to share with *everyone*. My god, I deal with this sort of stuff practically every day. LIFE isn't fair. Shit doesn't work out the way I want it too all the time.


I re-iterate my initial observation/question in this thread: what, exactly, is accomplished by complaining here? This isn't the Intellivision Productions website. It's like there's a certain personality that just has to let everyone know that KEITH IS A BAD MAN.


I just don't get people.

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Dear Intellivision Customer,


We appreciate your patience with your order. First and foremost, your order IS in our database (if it wasn't, you would not be receiving this email). We know you've waited a while to receive your Overlays Pack. Please know that we have been shipping them fast and furiously since December 29 and we continue to ship out approximately 100 orders a day.


At the current pace, all overlay pack orders will be shipped by this Saturday, January 17.

When your package is labeled for shipping, you will receive a shipping confirmation email which will include a USPS tracking number.


1. Since I didn't receive this email, does that mean (by default) that my order is NOT in their database?


2, It's been almost 10 days since January 17th, so if my overlays were shipped, I should have received them by now.


3. If EVERY labeled-for-shipping package will receive a shipping confirmation email, then why didn't I receive that email? Better yet, why was my package never labeled for shipping?

Edited by Eric7100
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DZ-Jay, I understand what you're saying and I agree with a lot of it. I know Keith and company are doing the best they can, I'm sure that things are being done in the best way possible on their end, I have no problem being patient, and it's not a huge amount of money. That said, the problems I had were EXACTLY the same ones that Eric said. I've never gotten any e-mails from anyone at Intelivision Productions when others said they had, I sent a few e-mails and never got a response to my polite inquiry for a update on my shipping status, and yes, it IS fair that those of us who ordered on Dec 1st should have our orders done first. Especily once they got slammed with orders and knew what a backlog was going to be. Take them in the order that they came in, apologize to everyone who ordered after a certain date that there are going to be delays, and handle it the best you can. This is how MOST companies do things.


I'm still convienced, despite the fact Keith has claimed otherwise, that there was a store problem with those of us who ordered on Dec 1st. It's the only explanation that makes sense based on what little that we know at this point.


And I agree, it does seem like this should be taken to a new thread. This poor thing has been cluttered up already. :P


A little communication goes a long way. I will order from Keith and others again in the future, but I'll wait for any rushes or problems to get done first before I do so.

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The one thing that's slightly different for me is that Keith responded to an email that I sent him on Dec. 1st, asking for my order to be confirmed after hearing about all of the Website problems. He assured me that he had my order. Then, after Dec. 1st, everything (including Keith, my order, and any potential emails) disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Edited by Eric7100
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For anybody not willing to wait, you can get them right now.......2 at a time. :P






Wow. Way to make us look bad, fellow Canadian.


I don't mind someone making a bit of profit to fund their hobby (hell, I do it all the time), but that's well over 1000% markup. I guess the free shipping takes a bit of the sting out of it, but still. That's just plain gouging. I also love how this person has made the rarer games even more expensive. $10 for a pair eh? Nice profit given that the entire set is only $15.

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Wow. Way to make us look bad, fellow Canadian.


I don't mind someone making a bit of profit to fund their hobby (hell, I do it all the time), but that's well over 1000% markup. I guess the free shipping takes a bit of the sting out of it, but still. That's just plain gouging. I also love how this person has made the rarer games even more expensive. $10 for a pair eh? Nice profit given that the entire set is only $15.


I think gouging is selling essentials at an excessive price due to a lack of supply. I don't think anyone needs Intellivision overlays. :P

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I think gouging is selling essentials at an excessive price due to a lack of supply. I don't think anyone needs Intellivision overlays. :P


Touche :)


It's still a bit douchey though. Making a profit is one thing, preying on people's ignorance is just rude. But hey, free market and all that. Fortunately Keith will likely keep these available for a long time (presuming people get their orders!).

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Touche :)


It's still a bit douchey though. Making a profit is one thing, preying on people's ignorance is just rude. But hey, free market and all that. Fortunately Keith will likely keep these available for a long time (presuming people get their orders!).


I'd be surprised if they sell, but who knows.

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The usual suspects will likely sell (Spiker, Diner, Tower of Doom, INTV titles). A lot of people would love to have overlays for their INTV games, but didn't know that Keith sold these. $10 for a set of overlays to "complete" a $60+ game isn't crazy, much less for a $250+ game. It's only crazy when you know they only cost 30 cents per pair :)

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I am going to start buying them for $5. a pair if my order doesn't show up in a week or so! Heck, I live up the street from Intellivision Productions, Keith could have walked them over.


I would have invited him in for some games and a couple of brews and a BBQ, it would be well worth it for everyone!!! ;-)

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I am going to start buying them for $5. a pair if my order doesn't show up in a week or so! Heck, I live up the street from Intellivision Productions, Keith could have walked them over.


I would have invited him in for some games and a couple of brews and a BBQ, it would be well worth it for everyone!!! ;-)


Go ask him where mine are.

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