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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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We have yet to announce, but will have a variety of cartridge adapters that will allow you to play your original games from your collections in RVGS using only the highest quality, read that lots of GOLD, cartridge connectors made here in Southern California. You won't have to worry about sticking in your prized copy of Air Raid into the RVGS cartridge slot. AND RVGS will be a great system to play all the existing newer and upcoming homebrew titles for Atari 2600, Intellivision, Colecovision and NES (possible 16-bit consoles in the future, however, no reliable cores for these have been made yet). This is all a by-product of having an FPGA enabled system.




Edited by PlaysWithWolves
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Carry on . . . . . . .


- Mike


So, don't you think that making it look like a jaguar might just give people the impression that the device is not something to be taken seriously?

Perhaps a terribly poor attempt at humor, or maybe some fan pipedream. Those were my initial two reactions.

Heck, I'd be more able to take it seriously if it were shipped as an uncased board.

Why Jaguar of all things?


I've been on the fpga-console bandwagon before, and it'd be nice. But it didn't work out well before, and sticking it in a jag case might not help.

Edited by Reaperman
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Like that new retro game cuphead.


I want to get that on cart so bad! We interviewed the developers of Cuphead for an early issue of RETRO Magazine. Cuphead is initially a Microsoft exclusive but I believe that runs out in 6-12 months. But we will definitely be going after that one!


I can say that every developer we've talked with is ecstatic about the idea of having their game(s) on a cartridge. It's something none of them ever thought they would have the opportunity to do :) So far, it's been a very easy sell to devs.

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See guys, the truth of it is, this project's hitting a little close to home for me.

I've been preparing to launch my own retro-themed game machine project on indiegogo, and I guess I've just become a bit jealous of how well put together this whole idea is.


I don't mean to take over other people's threads promoting my own projects, but I will mention that my 'Handibox' is a 1.9ghz tegra-based handheld device. It features a 4" 1080p screen, and an 8-way d-pad. It'll run the same indie games that the rest of your devices will--but a little worse. I will need at least $3m to get it off the ground, but if I get $5m, I've got a stretch goal to include a multi-gigawatt flux-capacitor which will literally transport users back to the 80's. We've got just a few technical issues left relating to time travel and its impact on battery life, so we'd need another $2m for that.


The thing is that I wanted to save $0.45 on manufacturing each case, so I may have reused some old designs, but I don't think anybody will notice. It could even bring back some fond memories.








Keep working on that flux capacitor. ;-)

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So, don't you think that making it look like a jaguar might just give people the impression that the device is not something to be taken seriously?

Perhaps a terribly poor attempt at humor, or maybe some fan pipedream. Those were my initial two reactions.

Heck, I'd be more able to take it seriously if it were shipped as an uncased board.

Why Jaguar of all things?


I've been on the fpga-console bandwagon before, and it'd be nice. But it didn't work out well before, and sticking it in a jag case might not help.

This has been covered multiple times. The Jag case and cart molds already existed, so it was cheaper to go this route.

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This has been covered multiple times. The Jag case and cart molds already existed, so it was cheaper to go this route.

Lots of molds already exist. Why jag?

Homebrewers and chinese bootleggers still make a variety of carts/cases.


I know this started in the jag forum so this possibility may not have come up, but I don't think that fondness for that specific system is terribly widespread.

It's a very polarizing system, but one pole has a lot fewer people in it--IMO, of course...

Edited by Reaperman
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"We have yet to announce, but will have a variety of cartridge adapters that will allow you to play your original games from your collections in RVGS using only the highest quality, read that lots of GOLD, cartridge connectors made here in Southern California. You won't have to worry about sticking in your prized copy of Air Raid into the RVGS cartridge slot."


There you go. NOW this system could be worth it, in fact $400-$500 could be an acceptable price point provided there are enough adapters to cover the classics. And provided the adapters are reasonable. I also hope the adapters are compatible with things like the Harmony Cart. If they get this adapter-thing right it will be what makes or breaks the system. At least from the people I've talked to.


I will make my decision based around what systems it supports because I'm not too interested in modernized indie classics, I'm interested in the genuine classics.


Regarding this nonsense about the Jaguar fumes and shells, just give it up. It is what it is. It isn't going to change, it doesn't need to change.

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I think I'd rather plug in a USB stick with a bunch of 8-bit ROMs on it than plug in one of a handful of adapters and whatever carts or multicarts I have on hand.

Hopefully that will work.


A USB stick with a library of roms and the necessary core file for the FPGA, Now that would be something. It would be as good as the emulation console I built for my gaming room. But it doesn't necessarily have to be a USB stick. It could be a Harmony-like cart. In fact I would prefer it as a cart instead of a puny dick-like dongle sticking out. You put your core file on it, and you put your roms on it. And it would come close to hardware me and my pals dreamed up as kids. Menu-selectable cores to pick from, menu-selectable game roms to pick from. One cart to rule them all. That's golden!



A nice thing about emulation is that you can switch systems just about instantly. One moment I'm playing Tac/Scan arcade, the next, Sea Battle on Intellivision.



Can you imagine the nuclear explosion this would make if it supported a M.A.M.E. core? Either officially or un-officially. One console to rule them all!

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Can you imagine the nuclear explosion this would make if it supported a M.A.M.E. core? Either officially or un-officially. One console to rule them all!

There's no such thing as a MAME core, nor will there ever be. Arcade boards use a multitude of different processors.

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LoL, now the cartridge adapters made some or many turn and think "maybe I will" support it, the next debate is the price of the adapters ??? I do know if the price adapters are good people will buy them and its easy for the to make cartridge adapters 16-bit ones


I would even collect them, if this system dose well you NEED to make "limited edition" adapters for less known systems like US sega master system AND Japan sega sg-1000 / mark iii systems and sega card catcher too, again "limited edition" after "if" your system makes it. You could build a market on that too. I don't think I will use them but i will buy them, if your system dose well I would be more into that then system colors unless you make a wood grain color version system.

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I would even collect them, if this system dose well you NEED to make "limited edition" adapters for less known systems like US sega master system AND Japan sega sg-1000 / mark iii systems and sega card catcher too, again "limited edition" after "if" your system makes it. You could build a market on that too. I don't think I will use them but i will buy them, if your system dose well I would be more into that then system colors unless you make a wood grain color version system.


Wait, what? You don't even want to use them but you're ready to collect them if they are limited edition? A) That's ridiculous and B) I thought the whole purpose of the RVGS was to make retro games more accessible?


I'm actually less interested in cartridge adaptors because, as we all know, being the retro gamers we are, we can play our carts already! I don't need to play $150 or $300 for that privilege. The focus should be on NEW material.

Edited by glazball
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The system itself is the development board. Dev boards for the FPGA physical part are obtained from the maker of the chip itself. You don't understand how that works.


I think he just wants something physical shown other than the empty Jag case, carts and Wii U controller that hasn't yet been refitted. Lots of hype out there (esp. with the bombshells Parrothead dropped today), with only two weeks to go.


The recent expo panel w/John Carlsen and Mike Kennedy (Parrothead) gave me some hope. Carlsen sounds like he knows his business, and there was a glimmer in his eye when mentioning wanting cartridge interface patents. Granted, I'm not a hardware guy, so have a grain of salt handy. :thumbsup:

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I didn't quote your whole post, but I agree with it all. I hope my other posts on KS properly expressed similar concerns.

Even books aren't immune to problems: Comic Artist Raises $50k for Books, Then Just Burns Them (apologies if I posted that earlier).

Wow, what a douche. Book burning, eh? Adolf Hitler would have been proud.

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