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Spy Hunter memories:

Many moons ago, I was at an arcade at Har Mar Mall, and they had a Spy Hunter there. I remember this teenage girl standing at the machine, guarding it, but not playing it. I was only to assume she was holding it for her boyfriend named Todd. Go ahead and guard it. It's a game you'll lose in 2 minutes anyway.


Spy Hunter is a great looking game with the cab, sounds, graphics, etc. but the difficulty is brutal. The hi/low gear & analog foot pedal gives you speed controls of "fast" and "way too fast". Cars come at you where you don't have time to dodge or shoot your way out.


Remember being told the wivestale of a 3rd stage: You are in the sky. It would go from land, sea, then sky. Uh, no.


The DOS version of SH was super-strict on how it ran. I didn't have much luck.


The pinball version is strange. Really weird layout.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No mention of the fact we just recently covered Bust-A-Move on the SNES Podcast? I'm hurt! (sniff).


Seriously, it's a great port of the arcade game. Better, I think, cause they expanded the game play to include a HUNDRED levels. There's even a boss fight at the end!


And with the password system you can hop to any stage you want to.


My co-horst George went on and on about how good Bust-A-Move 2 on the PlayStation is. I've never played it. We'll have to cover that on the PSP soon.


As for Jungle Hunt, I totally agree with everything you guys said about it. Better game on the home consoles, and I play it on my Colecovision Flashback a lot.

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My co-horst George went on and on about how good Bust-A-Move 2 on the PlayStation is. I've never played it. We'll have to cover that on the PSP soon.

Your co-horst was right about 2. In fact, I think I've only ever owned the second one on the PS1 and PC.

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Love the most recent podcast fellas. It really hits home since a) you guys live in my neck of the woods, b) I'm a Taito fanatic.


About Jungle Hunt/King:


(Fanboy here) I put up there with the likes of Frogger, Donkey Kong and other classics. You couldn't go to an arcade without one of them being present. I recall coming across a Jungle King first. Pretty sure I didn't come across a Jungle Hunt till years later. Back then (and even today), Jungle Hunt is by far rarer than King. I know many Jungle Hunts were converted to Kings by collectors because, well lets face it, Jungle Hunt's artwork (lack thereof) sucks compared to King's artwork.


I agree with one of guys who said the one negative was the gameplay doesn't offer really anything after repeated loops. I have a buddy who is awesome at both of these games; he mentioned King/Hunt's difficulty caps out on the fourth loop. So if you master the game by that loop... you can play ad-infintum till you get bored.


Pirate Pete: this game is still enigma today. Pete reminds me what Stern Cobra is to Stern Scamble - just a harder version of the predecessor. Although I find Pirate Pete to be a very buggy game.


I'm not entirely sure if Pirate Pete wasn't a prototype. Hear me out on this: I've been arcade collecting since '89; my main area is Taito games of '81 to '84ish. I have never seen one example, marquee, bezel or panel in my collecting years - I've seen some rare stuff. Living in Chicagoland and since Taito was based out of Elk Grove... you would think i would come across at least *something* from this game. This also holds true for my collecting buddies in area - never seen anything PP-related.


A couple of things to mention... Supposedly, there is one Pirate Pete machine in a collector's hands in the northeast. (I'm still in the process of getting a hold of him.) A Pirate Pete *original* boardset (not one with burned eproms) popped up on Ebay in the mid 2000. I believe this is the same one that's in the hands of a UK collector. Other than that nothing...


I've seen some things on the net about Pirate Pete about the history of said game and a certain Youtube video that cited production numbers.


I tend to believe a lot of this is based on conjecture more than anything.


*Not sure if you guys are aware, but we have a Taito developer who did Kram, right here residing in the 'burbs.


Here is a flyer for Pirate Pete:



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"Final question: You're on a 55mph zone. How fast do you go?"


"Correct! here's your Illinois drivers license."




Turn Signals.. Are they vestigial?




Correct! Here's your Illinois Driver's License!

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Heh. I made my trip to Galloping Ghost & Underground Retrocade last weekend. Totally fun. Wow does GG have a ton of obscure games. I wonder if that was the same Wacko cabinet I played at the Amtrak station BITD.


But wow, is driving on the highways in the Chicago area no fun. Everyone is going warp 3, and tailgating is a common occurence. All sorts of "get outta my way!" going on.


Driving from Underground Retrocade to home(twin cities) whilst avoiding tolls was strange. Lots of stoplights & really congested shopping center areas.

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Heh. Try driving in New Jersey some time.


Wow...it seems that every complaint someone has about Illinois can be countered with "Try New Jersey, THEN get back to me about your thoughts on Illinois." :) (Got rear ended no fewer than five times on my way to work in the last two years I lived in New Jersey.)

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Heh. Try driving in New Jersey some time.


Wow...it seems that every complaint someone has about Illinois can be countered with "Try New Jersey, THEN get back to me about your thoughts on Illinois." :) (Got rear ended no fewer than five times on my way to work in the last two years I lived in New Jersey.)


I'm sure the drivers in LA are laughing at all of us right now.

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Actually...I spent a week in Los Angeles last summer, and one thing that shocked me: the freeways were not nearly as bad as their reputation seems to make us all think. Then again, I think that traffic is just true of all of California, and I had already driven in California several times before, so maybe I'm used to it???


(I was also shocked at how much I loved LA; I thought for sure I would hate it.)

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