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GameCube - Where?

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Dammit!. This is beginning to look very bad for the GameCube.

I want to make it clear, this is NOT a gloat, my most recent console is an N64 i have no axe to grind, i just find this extremely worrying.


1. Argos - Where are the Gamecubes?

I saw Argos had dropped the price of GameCube to £79, time to buy one i think, but there are none (in stores or on the website), and apparently not likely to be any more according to staff in store.


2. Dixons

Lots of GameCube boxes no prices visible. Apparently the current lot will be the last.


3. PCWorld

Lots of GameCube boxes, no prices, no gamecubes on the website, and on the phone they say there will be no more because they simply weren't selling.


4. Currys

GameCube £99, no mention of it on the website.


5. Blockbuster Video

Lots of Gamecube boxes, no mention on the website.


At least Comet, Lewis still have it on the website.

I fear though it will soon only be available at specialist stores.


Can anybody see light at the end of the tunnel?

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Oh dear, that IS worrying. The nice guy does indeed finish last:)

I can't say I'm surprised though. Nintendo does have a pretty poor marketing record in UK, and they release games at the oddest times. trying to carry Christmas sales on the back of Starfox adventures was a ludicrous move. This is why I bought an import machine, if the PAL GC market dries up tomorrow, I won't care a jot:)

Much as I can't stand M$ (hey, I'm a Mac user, what do you expect? :D ), they've done just about everything right this time. If they just change the look of that god damned ugly box, I might buy one.

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I happen to argee with dirty boy. While I can't "site my sources" I don't think it's trolling to say that the GC is definetly falling behind "in my opinion". I think if they devote any effort to the online area of gaming then they can get back into it. I don't want any system to fail but it looks like that may happen.

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I think the GCN is actually starting to make a stronger turn, the sales of Zelda have been gianormous, which I read brought sales up quite a bit, I have also read the new free game, has also brought sells up quite a bit. I don't thik well see the end of a Nintendo console anytime soon with the re-united Square/Nintendo and EA/Nintendo, could bring a lot more diversity to the lineup, and Nintendo has this little magical, very popular, gem.......the Gameboy, which will keep Nintendo alive to support the GCN or any other future consoles....the future is bright in my eyes, because I mainly buy the first party games, crappy PS2 ports? NO thanks! Ive got Pikmin Zelda Metriod, Smash Bros and more a my disposal! Ive changed alot of minds about The GCN locally. My youth group has a little gathering every sunday nite, my youth minister has an Xbox (he tries to outwit me all the time, by making fun of the cube) and they all think is the greatest, but you eventually see them get really bored with the games within a halfhour, and flock to the other room and watch me and my loyal band of friends playing multiplayer games like Smash Bros and Mario Party 4, they joke around, and make fun of the games, but when they put the mos tawesome controller ever built into their hands, and stat playing, before you know it they are entranced in such a magical, fun world, and before you know it, 2 and half hours pass, and everyone is late for their curphews and such! I witness people playing the games, the looks on their faces as they play is great and proves Nintendo is truly about quality, and fun, and that's all the proof I need.

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the doom of a bad gaming system



sounds like a troll to me :|



its a shame, because Nintendo really went all out with this system, the PS2 is not number 1 becuase of its online ability, so lack of online is not the reason it isnt doing that well. I think that a majority of cube owners have more than one system, so third party titles do not do as well for the cube as they will on the PS2 or XBox. But the first party stuff is excellent, and cannot be matched.

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actually, i think zelda is going to be the last system seller for the cube, the same way Zelda OOT was the last system seller for the N64. I dont think there are many people that want a cube that do not own one yet. With the free game deal, essentially the cube is now 100 dollars, and im sure theyll get one final boost with an official drop to 100 bucks, but i dont see Nintendo gaining any ground.

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You know, it's funny because last week I felt like I was at the start of a mini-crash.

Bought a refurbished GC at GameCrazy ($80, $70 for used when they have them).


Rogue Squadron $17 used, fairly normal

Beach Spikers Volleyball $10 new at Best Buy

Metroid Prime $20 new at Blockbuster

A couple yearly football and baseball games, $5 at Fry's


It's normal to find some deals, but it almost seems to be too many great GC buys these days, and that build up expectations to have even more prices cut in the future.

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Wow Invader dag, people aren't trolls because they say something bad about Nintendo. He said what he felt. No biggie.


Nintendo has never sold well in certain markets so this isn't really news to get excited about like CPU said. I will say - MY GC sold fast :D But seriously, yea there is quite a bit going on with certain companies dropping planned GC titles - Capcom and Sega are really the biggest 2. And even though the Capcom games looked sweet, I'd venture to say that they will still be on the GC but on the others as well. But what I do see that's pretty interesting is that on any release list I have looked at for releases on all 3, it seems as though most multi platform games are only coming out for the PS2 and XB - not the GC. Granted, most look lame but this has been the case for about 2 months now and looks as though for the next 3 months.


I ditched my GC basically because it's not worth me keeping. It was just a supplement system to me - I would never consider a GC as my one and only system. I never really care if there isn't too much to buy for a particular system, but after a year and a half now, I was really hoping to see some killer titles on the GC and it just isn't happpening. Online is great, but even on the PS2 and XB, there aren't enough kick ass online games to really make it a big deal. My second problem with the GC is the controller. Maybe if I didn't have the other 2, it may be acceptable. But as it is, it is hands down, the worst controller I have ever used. the button placement is horrendous. I should never take my eyes off the screen to see what button I'm hitting. ugh, when the controller becomes more challenging then the game you are playing, there's a problem. My final problem was the lack of serious, kick ass games. Metroid was one of the most boring games I ever attempted to play. I was way overhyped and in no way is it a perfect 10 as it was claimed to be by most magazines and fans. The control layout for that particular game makes it way less than perfect IMO. The "party" games are ok, but not enough to own it for. As for Mario, Wario, Starfox, etc - all were ok but not spectacular.


Maybe my problem is I want more serious games. I don't wanna collect 100 of something, save a princess, all while playing a cartoon. I have no problem with any of those things, but not game after game after game. For the past 10 years, 80% of all Nintendo 1st party games have been all of those things and it is quite stale by now. I wanna kill, see blood, hack limbs off, see guts fall out, see a brain splatter, see a pancreas drop to the floor, run over people with cars, decapitate, blow stuff up and cause mass destruction. I wanna end the world, I wanna race, I wanna fight, I wanna drive the biggest damn MECH ever!! I want to have the best FPS with serious multiplayer action. I wanna go online and talk shit to someone I don't know - even if I am getting my ass kicked on that particular game. I WANT HOOTERS !!!! Not cartoon ones, big, bouncy, floppy, real fake looking ones :D


Nintendo seems not to agree with me :D And I and millions of other gamers, just don't wanna agree with them anymore either.....

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the doom of a bad gaming system it's not much better anywhere i don't think with companies pulling plans for games on the system if it'll make it too far into next year


Thats not trolling Starscream?? If we were talking about, say the game.com, then we could honestly say a "bad gaming system". And just due to Nintendo not doing well in one section of the world, doesn`t spell doom for them either. Just look at the X-Box, it`s Japanese sales are TERRIBLE, but it`s still in the other markets.


And Chrisbid, Zelda OOT was not the last game to sell N64s. What about Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium(Snap as well), DK64, Mario Golf and Tenis, Smash Bros., and thats just a few. And until you know for sure that Zelda is going to be the last system seller for GC, how can you say for sure?? I know plenty of people, around here on AA mostly, that said they won`t pick one up until it reaches $99

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where do you get off on callign things "trolling" What happened to people having an opnion, and a right to voice it? I dont care for the gamecube, and i think the controller sucks, but is that trolling? no, thats me stating my personal opnion.


Come on man, dont try to be a thought policeman.


this isnt 1984.

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im not saying those games for N64 were bad, but after OOT, people either had made up their mind on the N64, and i think the same is true for Zelda on the cube. You dont see too many people on the fence about the cube, they either love it or hate it.


im in the population that loves it, but i realize that a system with a lack of boobies and gore will never be a huge seller.

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the doom of a bad gaming system it's not much better anywhere i don't think with companies pulling plans for games on the system if it'll make it too far into next year


Thats not trolling Starscream?? If we were talking about, say the game.com, then we could honestly say a "bad gaming system". And just due to Nintendo not doing well in one section of the world, doesn`t spell doom for them either. Just look at the X-Box, it`s Japanese sales are TERRIBLE, but it`s still in the other markets.


And Chrisbid, Zelda OOT was not the last game to sell N64s. What about Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium(Snap as well), DK64, Mario Golf and Tenis, Smash Bros., and thats just a few. And until you know for sure that Zelda is going to be the last system seller for GC, how can you say for sure?? I know plenty of people, around here on AA mostly, that said they won`t pick one up until it reaches $99


Seriously Invader, calm down. I like you, you are very cool and you are fun to mess with :D No need for you to get mad about trivial poop like this. I know you like Nintendo - I am pretty sure most of us do. That doesn't mean we like the GC. I wouldn't exactly say it's a piece of crap like that dude did :) Don't forget, we all are just dumbass' who speculate from our anus', not our brains :P Have fun ! But you can call me names - I don't mind :D

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im not saying those games for N64 were bad, but after OOT, people either had made up their mind on the N64, and i think the same is true for Zelda on the cube.  You dont see too many people on the fence about the cube, they either love it or hate it.  


im in the population that  loves it, but i realize that a system with a lack of boobies and gore will never be a huge seller.


Are you suggesting I'm shallow? Cuz I want boobs and violence in my games? YES!! Cool, thanks man :D

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I thought that trolling was the instigating of flame wars by dissing a certain system, and stating stuff not as opinion, but as simple fact. Isn`t there some rules about that here??


Thanks for thinking i`m alrgith Starscream, i can say the same for you. It just bugs me that the only system that stands for what gaming(overall) gets dissed so much.

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I thought that trolling was the instigating of flame wars by dissing a certain system, and stating stuff not as opinion, but as simple fact. Isn`t there some rules about that here??


Thanks for thinking i`m alrgith Starscream, i can say the same for you. It just bugs me that the only system that stands for what gaming(overall) gets dissed so much.


I don't think he or anyone else on here tries to start wars. And if they do, just take it with a grain of salt. As long as you like what you do, who cares what anyone else says ya know? And to be honest, the face of gaming has changed - like it or not - and thats just how it is. Nintendo may have a rich history and been around the longest but that doesn't mean that they are better or more right in what they do. It just means they have been around longer and have a history :D


I mean really, just because the Xbox and PS2 have dvd players by no means makes them fake systems. The GC is no more real than the other 2. Why do Nintendo fans keep insisting it's the only "real" system :? If it is, then why the hell does it have a damn useless handle??? :D

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