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new directive $EVAL


functions supported: PI, RND, SQRT(x), SQR(x), ARCTAN2(x,y), COS(x), SIN(x), TAN(x), EXP(x), LN(x), ABS(x), INT(x), POWER(x,y), ARCTAN(x)


{$eval par1[,par2],"expression"}


uses crt;

	width = 40;
	height = 30;
	scr = $bc40;

	tab: array of word = [ {$eval HEIGHT, "scr + :1 * WIDTH" }  ];
	v: word;

 for v in tab do writeln(v);



Edited by tebe
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I have received some requests for MP and WUDSN and when trying to answer them, I found that the docs are not entirely complete/correct.
Right now, I'm updating the WUDSN IDE Tools build with the latest MP (1.7.0) and MADS (2.1.5).
I've forked the docs and will send a pull request with my proposal. 

For that, I have a question: The "-define:SYMBOL" can only mark a symbol as defined but cannot currently set its value. Is that correct?

When I try to -define SYMBOL=TEST or -define SYMBOL="TEST", then SYMBOL is defined. In both cases with "SYMBOL=TEST". This makes it impossible to really use the value.
When I try to -define SYMBOL=123, then SYMBOLE is considered not defined in MP.


Is this really the expected behavior? It would surely be valuable to be able to set SYMBOL values (numbers and strings) from the command line.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, JAC! said:

Is this really the expected behavior? It would surely be valuable to be able to set SYMBOL values (numbers and strings) from the command line.

-define:symbol is equivalent {$define name}



{$define name := ......} is macro


Edited by tebe
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